
Sweet + Afternoon Snack + After Exercise + Morning Snack + Recipes

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A Cherry Tomato Salad For Summer

My farm share just gave us the go ahead to pick AS MANY cherry tomatoes as we want! Is that crazy?....

August 18, 2010  10 Comments


Want Fewer Dirty Dishes? Try This Healthy Trick

I want to know which creative thinker came up with a "bread" bowl. That person was ON to something. Of course, most of us need to avoid bread bowls (especially if they are filled with a clam chowder)....

August 3, 2010  7 Comments


An Amazing Apple Pie Makeover In Two Minutes

Is it possible to cut the calories of apple pie in half and have it still taste good? Well, when you are working with food as great as Apples anything is possible....

June 17, 2010  19 Comments


When It Heats Up Try This Simple Zero Calorie Drink

There is usually just one small step from ordinary to elegant. I know that sounds optimistic, but sometimes just a little change makes ALL the difference.

May 20, 2010  16 Comments


Try Rhubarb - In Season Now and Super Yummy

The best place to find healthy eating inspiration is your local produce source. And if you pay attention, you will see that there are vegetables and fruits that arrive at different times of year....

May 10, 2010  6 Comments


DIY Microwave Popcorn: Healthy, Yummy, and CHEAP

Popcorn is a whole grain snack that is really low in calories and has that great crunch we crave. But, the packaged stuff in the supermarket is expensive and can be high in sodium....

April 22, 2010  27 Comments


Banana Quesadilla: A Delicious After-Exercise Snack

Whether you do yoga, walk, spin, bike, run, or swim, you usually get hungry after activity. Many people reach for energy bars such as PowerBar, but with a little creativity, you can do a WHOLE lot better....

April 21, 2010  21 Comments


Healthy Lavash Chips from Danica's Daily

Snack-Girl is always on the hunt for other blogs that inform her readers. Danica of Danica's Daily posts her healthy food consumption every day for people to follow.

March 25, 2010  3 Comments


Better and Faster than A Bowl of Cold Cereal

Life hasn't been easy since Snack-Girl set a new cereal standard in our house. I've tested many of our cereals and I've come up with very few that pass the Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal test....

March 22, 2010  17 Comments


Replace French Fries with This Easy and Healthy Snack

The most eaten vegetable in the United States is the potato. Found in fast food venues from coast to coast the delicious French Fries are hard to avoid....

March 15, 2010  28 Comments


DIY Cereal For A Healthy Snack

National Cereal Day is this Sunday. How should we celebrate? How about making your own cereal? I'm sure the people at General Mills will LOVE this idea....

March 5, 2010  12 Comments


Streamline Your Morning in One Step

Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning? Are you overwhelmed by the enormity of the tasks ahead? Take one job off your list right now!...

February 25, 2010  7 Comments


No-Bake, Nut Butter, Oatmeal Cookie

Let's be honest. Nobody has time to bake. Okay, if you have time to bake, you are in the minority. My favorite snacks are one that are just assembled from readily available ingredients and served with no mess....

January 19, 2010  20 Comments


Imagine Being On Vacation

Are there certain foods that remind you of vacation spots? It seems that most tropical destinations have a form of fruit salad to start your day....

September 24, 2009  1 Comment


Healthy Homemade Granola

You can buy all sorts of different brands of granola. Granola comes in bags, boxes or bulk. It is found in the cereal aisle, the health food store, and the corner market....

August 3, 2009  2 Comments

Homemade energy bar

Energy Bar Recipe

At $2 per bar, products like PowerBar can really take a bite out of your wallet. Of course they are incredibly convenient to buy and eat. Can you really make these at home?...

July 6, 2009  20 Comments

Ants on a Log

Fun for kids to make and eat (adults too!)

Ants on a log is a combination of celery, cream cheese (or peanut butter), and raisins...

June 18, 2009  2 Comments


Homemade Banana Bread

Is this really a healthy snack? Eating too much of any baked good is damaging to your waistline, but made with real bananas and eggs, this snack includes protein and vitamins your body needs...

April 24, 2009  5 Comments

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