
Top 10 Lunch Box Snacks 2012

August 8, 2012   11 Comments

Summer is coming to a screaming halt for families all over the country. Did you notice the advertisements for school supplies everywhere?

Top 10 Lunch Box Snacks 2012

I covered Uncrustables as a start to the LUNCHBOX discussion.

My children are exhausting. They are always demanding that the food in their lunchbox keeps changing. Would I love to pack carrot sticks every day? Yes! But, will they eat them every day? No!

So, I tax my brain about what types of healthy foods to include - and most importantly - I involve them in my decisions. If they "buy in" to a healthy snack, they are much more likely to actually eat it.

I am hoping that as my children get bigger - they will pack their own lunches. This would make my life SO much easier and be good training for when they no longer live here.

The list below is meant to augment the obvious stuff for lunch boxes (apples, grapes, bananas, veggie sticks, whole grain crackers, etc.).

Hopefully, this list will inspire you to keep adding variety so your kids don’t start demanding the hamburgers and fries from the school cafeteria.

1. oatpancakeb Heat Up Your Pan And Make Some Healthy Pancakes

2. No Bake Lemon Balls Recipe No Bake Lemon Balls: Healthy, Fast, & Yummy

3. granolamuffinsb Try This Trick For Some Healthy Blueberry Muffins

4. yogurtpbdipb Spread It On or Dip It: The Best Yogurt Fruit Dip

5. newantslogb Return To An Old Favorite Snack (With A Twist)

6. diygogurtb Make Your Own Gogurt For A Healthy (and Green) Snack

7. brownieballxmasb Give the Gift of A Healthy Snack (Your Friends Won't Even Know Its Healthy!)

8. lunchableredob Simple and Fun: DIY Pizza Lunchable

9. chocolatecoveredfigb Love Salted Chocolate Caramels? Try This Healthy Candy Alternative

10. Low Calorie Trail Mix Lighter, Fluffier Trail Mix

Below is my favorite lunch box (because it has compartments to put yummy food in) and my friend, Kelly, came up with them.

What do you put in your kid's lunch box?

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Great snacks and I am loving the lunch box, totally groovy!!

My youngest starts kindergarten this fall, my oldest begins high school. I still make all their lunches. As much as I wish the older kids would make their own lunches, I shudder to think what they'll put in them or if they'll remember at all. This fall I'll be making 4 lunches instead of 3, and I don't mind. My kids haven't always been enamored of what is served daily at school, and I find I can make lunches for them at a fraction of what the school charges per meal. I give them guidelines each week and then let them decide what I'm making them for lunch. I.e. they know cheetos are not an option, but they can decide what type of deli meat I might buy or that they can bring mac 'n cheese that week (our school has a microwave for the kids to use). Since they tend to spy on each other I hear back if someone doesn't eat what I've packed and that helps me to tweak the menu. I am always looking to add variety to their lunches & snacks though!

I have a preschooler and I asked her just this morning if she wanted Berry Kix in her lunch. She said no, she wanted the goldfish I would normally pack - no surprise there though. She gets the same basic lunch every day - PB&J sandwich, raisins, goldfish and fruit. (She gets very small amounts of raisins and goldfish.) I only vary which fruit she gets and she still will ask for the usual apple slices. I guess I should be happy she wants the same thing every day since it makes it much easier for me in the morning. I know that will change soon enough.

I am so totally wanting that lunch box. The snack ideas are great also.

Our 4 year old was just diagnosed with Celiac disease and we are going to have both older boys tested as well. The school year will be easier for her because we can just send her own snacks to preschool. Lunch for both boys will be a little more difficult. Do you have suggestions for gluten free lunch ideas for the boys. Their ages are 8 and 9. They don't go to a public school so each classroom has a microwave in it. One of them will try new foods the older one is more picky about what he eats. Thanks!!

that is the coolest lunchbox ever!!

To keep my kids' lunches interesting for both of us, I use the Laptop Lunches Bento Lunch Boxes. Their different containers and configurations encourage me to pack a variety of foods and not digging for tupperware and baggies makes it easier on me. Their site also has some great menu ideas. You should check them out:

Great lunchbox, fun and colorful! Where can we find it? How about ants on a log, apple slices with pb, cheese or sandwiches cut into fun cookie cutter shapes, turkey snack sticks, veggies and ranch dressing, homemade granola bars,trail mix, mini bagels spread with cream cheese, a thin apple slice and piece of cheese.

As usual Lisa, a wonderful collection of healthy snacks that are simple to prepare. Thanks for the swell list and the shout out for my EasyLunchboxes! Sharing now with our fellow lunch-packin' parents :)

This list looks great - especially the no bake lemon balls. Yum.

Hard to believe that it is almost back to school time. Always good to mix it up in the lunchbox. My daughter loves having a voice in her lunchbox - she plans a week's worth of lunches in advance using my app, LaLa Lunchbox (which she helped design). It takes a lot of the hassle out of the morning rush for us.

One quick healthy snack is a dried fig cut in half with either a bit of cream cheese or a bit of soy nut butter inside. Also works well with dates. My daughter loves these.

Best of luck with the upcoming school year!

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