
This Food Fake Is Shocking

June 19, 2012   54 Comments

Snapple is the reason that Snack Girl got into the blogging business. Three years ago, I found myself reading a label on one of their drinks and I felt misled by their marketing.

Snapple Sorbet Fake

Yesterday, as I was cruising through the supermarket, I noticed Snapple's Sorbet Bars in a bin, and thought, "How can you put fresh fruit into a tube and not freeze it?".

Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water flavored with fruit. I happen to love it as a lower calorie alternative to ice cream - see: A Healthy Snack Friend In The Ice Cream Aisle.

There are wonderful "sorbet bars" in the frozen section of the store that are made with fruit, but THESE seemed suspicious. The front of the box claimed, "Made from the best stuff on Earth".

Here are the ingredients:

Best stuff on Earth? I can't disagree with water, but sugar? Ummmm, I thought you meant mango, or strawberries not SUGAR. Argh.

Snapple won a case that was brought against them about labeling their juices as "All Natural" when they included high fructose corn syrup. I can't understand how they could label something "sorbet" that doesn't have any actual fruit.

There is a photograph on the box of fruit and the words "mango", and "strawberry" grace the front of the box - but THERE IS ZERO mango or strawberry in the bars.

You see, Snapple tricked me once with their marketing and I got SO angry that I started to think about how to inform others about scams like this. The front of the juice that my daughter wanted was filled with a photo of fruit. After I bought it, I reviewed the label (because I was bored) and found that the second ingredient was high fructose corn syrup.

I shoulda just bought my kid that can of Coke that she REALLY wanted. I thought I was buying juice (and we can argue another time on whether this was a good choice) and I ended up buying sugar water.

My point is that you cannot trust Snapple. These guys are out to trick us into thinking we are buying something healthy - and giving us cheap ingredients instead of the real stuff.

I feel bad for flaming Edy's Fruit Bars for including fruit as the third ingredient after water and sugar. Hey, maybe they deserve an award for actually putting fruit in their popsicles!

So, maybe I should be grateful to Snapple for making me so angry that I write about healthy eating every day. They tricked me and I decided to do SOMETHING about it - other than not buy Snapple.

What do you think of Snapple's marketing and beverages?

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First 20 Comments: ( See all 54 )

Wow! That's unbelievable. Thanks for sharing and for taking the time to read labels. I don't do it enough. And BOOO to Snapple.

It's not entirely shocking to me, seems like par for the course these days. Unethical, yes, entirely! I'm wondering why they even need preservatives for water, sugar & flavoring!?

That is why it is so important for people to read labels - whats on the front pic is not always what's in the ingredient list. I agree that is extremely misleading. Thanks for sharing this.

Very frustrating isn't? Just like Nutella except they were sued and they lost -advertising that Nutella is healthy, great breakfast(very sugary). The governments need to step up and enforce that false advertisement will not be tolerated. All the companies now mislead the consumers.

It amazes me that they can make the claim "Naturally Flavored" on the front of the box and then back that by saying "less than 2% of the following: Natural Flavor, blah, blah, blah. Um...what exactly is "natural flavor?" -- do you buy that in a test tube?

I guess if your goal is to sell more stuff, you do whatever you can to get people to buy it, even if it means tricking them with names and pictures. Horrible, but not surprising. Thanks for pointing this out, Lisa.

For what it's worth, "maltodextrin" caught my eye.

I don't know how reputable this site is (most of the "oh, it's horrible" sites seem to cite only a handful of sources), but one of the reasons I stay away from "foods" like this is because it seems like the use of maltodextrin (and any of another few dozen additives) permits manufacturers of same to insert free glutamates into their foods.

If you Google "MSG induced mice", you'll see that a standard protocol for creating obese mice for scientific studies is to include MSG in their diets.

Me, I know that my "addiction switch" has often gotten flipped when I've eaten food that contains some of the additives on the "Hidden Sources" list above, so I find it best to stay away from them and eat only real, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains. This is a good reminder to stick with my program! :)

@Michelle- is a really good video about creating flavors that keep us coming back for more. (IIRC, it's the second segment in the episode.)

I think it is unfortunate that they can't seem to get their advertising straight. That's a problem. It is also unfortunate for those who struggle with eating healthy, in part because they don't read about what they are eating. You take the time, I take the time - but other folks don't and this kind of food undoes any good eating they do. It's really sad.

One word.....dumb, is what I think of how most companies label their sub-par products as something spectacular. I have a habit of reading anything with a label before buying now. Great post, I hope it sheds some light for many consumers!

You go snack girl!

It reminds me of those that package bread as "Wheat bread" when it is not whole wheat as you might assumed. It is merely white bread with caramel coloring. Deceitful!

The bottom line here is....don't buy Snapple products, any of them. They are deceitful in their advertising, make a sub-standard and unhealthy product and don't deserve to be rewarded with our dollars. Money talks....always!

I hope there comes a day when we can actually buy items based on the front of the box and trust that it is what they say it is without having to read labels. It's just a shame that we constantly have to do our own research and weed through all the bad stuff. It seems like until that day comes (and if it ever comes) we just have to try to stick with making our own juices, snacks, etc...At least then we know what we're eating.

This is just one of the many reasons I am starting a new plan to eliminate most processed foods from my diet. I know that sounds like a tall undertaking but I am convinced the food mfgrs have only their profits at heart and I need to drop an extra 15 lbs anyway that I am sure will fall off easily if I just stop purchasing even things like crackers. Did our ancestors eat crackers and boxed breakfast cereals? Their cookies are best described as little sugar bombs. I am sick of being addicted to their greed I just hope I can do it even if I have to eat things like butternut squash as a dessert.

Let's not just get mad, let's get even. We can make a stink on Twitter, Facebook and OUT these clowns. How dare they! I just posted on their FB page my complaint and here's my Twitter: @Snapple, your "fruity" Sorbet bars have no FRUIT? a pic of fruit and the words "mango", and "strawberry" but NO FRUIT? Not cool dudes

I just tweeted something like that - try

@Snapple - Sorbet bars with NO FRUIT? Shame on you.

or you if you want to promote the source :)

@Snapple -Sorbet bars with NO FRUIT? Shame on you says @Snack_Girl_

It's amazing what companies call healthy! I honestly don't buy processed foods anymore, well most processed foods. I carefull read the label and if I see sugar in the first 3 ingredients, I don't buy it! I don't know how Snapple can call this healthy! What the heck are the other ingredients? Great post!

I stopped buying Snapple and all the sugary drinks so long back. Now that my preteen is at an age where he can decide what he likes, I have started getting him V8.

I love the tweet idea. I'm in!

I read labels and generally don't buy processed food but I know a lot of people who love Snapple. Their trickery makes me angry and I will post this on my FB page. I'd much rather blend together watermelon and strawberries to make my own popsicles. It's easy, generally cheap and way healthier!


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