Weight Watchers PointsPlus and Snack Girl - Success?
May 6, 2011 64 Comments
Snack Girl has had a free subscription to Weight Watchers for a couple of months now, and she is ready to tell her story.

But, before I share, I receive many e-mails like this one:
I am contemplating rejoining Weight Watchers but hesitate because of many reasons. I am 74 years old and weigh 132 pounds.
I would like to lose about 10 pounds. How many points would I be allowed if I joined this new program and do you think it would be helpful for such a small amount of weight? Thanks for any help.
He/she didn't give me a name so let's call her Sadie. Sadie, I wish I knew what to tell you. My thinking is that if you think it will help (and it won't ruin you financially) you should just give it a try. It certainly can't hurt. Losing a small amount of weight does seem to be tricker than losing a large amount.
There are MANY things to like about PointsPlus. As I did the program, it taught me a lot about my own eating habits and where I could improve. Here is a few things that I really like:
- The emphasis on fruits and vegetables - most are FREE so you don't have to count them.
- The meetings where you commiserate with your fellow dieters.
- The recipes on the website are healthy, easy, and delicious.
Every week, people who lost weight share their success in the meeting. My favorite quote from a meeting - "I lost weight because I am eating more fruits and vegetables." Hallelujah! This is seriously a win/win. You get healthier and lose weight at the same time.
My other favorite quote - "It drives me crazy how my son keeps stealing my grapes and blueberries that I have purchased for my snacks." (said with a smile)
Ummm, hurray! So, now, your son is starting to get on the healthy snack bandwagon (and he doesn't even know it).
Now, I have to talk about what I didn't like about the program. I think that the level of support for a struggling individual isn't very high. The meetings are full of positive energy and ideas - but they lack weekly reflection on the negative.
Perhaps, I am expecting too much from a program that costs $10 per week. For your money, you get A LOT of information and resources, but there is no personal touch.
I guess I would have liked to have a "sponsor" like in Alcoholics Anonymous. Someone, you could relate to - and help you when you fall off track. This idea is more of a "non-profit" idea then something that WW could implement.
There is a "program leader", but she has many people that want to talk to her. I found her answers to my questions rather, well, short.
I think this program works the best for people who have a good friend who is following it with them.
Also, I believe WW blames the individual too much when it doesn't work for them. Maybe that person did everything right, and still didn't lose weight? No program is going to work for 100% of the people who try it.
Okay, enough complaining!!
I DID lose weight on WW, and I found that the insight I gained from doing it invaluable. I learned that I need to snack less often, and drink less beer if I want to be thinner.
I quit the program because I absolutely hate food journalling - which is my problem not WW's.
Overall, I think it is a fantastic program to try and see what you can learn from it. I am eating more fruits and vegetables as a result - and about 4 pounds lighter.
Please share your thoughts on Weight Watchers PointsPlus.
This program was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.
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