Winner and BIG Giveaway
December 9, 2009 18 Comments
The WINNER of Snack Girl's reusable bag is Jacqui (via random selection). I asked people to share their green tips - and here is Jacqui's:

I love using my reusable shopping bags not only at the grocery store but to share stuff to work, to friends houses all over the place. Great way to not use plastic bags and the ones I have hope are cute as well!
One high-quality reusable bag can eliminate as many as 1500 plastic bags from landfills in its lifetime. Way to go, Jacqui! So easy, and so effective.
New SodaStream Giveaway
True confession, I LOVE Soda. I would drink it until the teeth fell out of my head if I didn't know better. During my first pregnancy, I couldn't drink my other favorite drink (beer) so I started drinking bubbly water and I have never stopped.
I have already wrote about replacing Soda with Sparkling Water. I think it is a great way to have bubbles without the calories.
You can get a case of seltzer, club soda, mineral water, whatever you call it at Costco for about $10 depending on the brand. But, the plastic bottles are really not good for the environment (which my husband was fond of pointing out).
So, what to do?
My pal, Carl, showed me his solution. This photo is of my SodaStream that I purchased after seeing Carl's. It is so great - and it costs about 30 cents a liter, doesn't use plastic bottles.
The SodaStream uses tap water that I filter and it tastes great. I can adjust how bubbly I want my water, and I use only what I need. No more leftover half bottles of flat water!
It is a really great product for us bubbly water lovers.
SodaStream gave me one to giveaway to my readers (worth $99.95).
There is one catch. If you continue to use it, you will have to buy refills for the CO2 tank - they cost $30 and will fill 110 liters of water. I use mine for about 3-4 months (but I drink ALOT of the stuff). Exchanging the tanks is super easy and the customer service has been great so far.
Please comment with your favorite way of avoiding soda.
What will I win?
A Fountain Jet Soda Starter kit see here: SodaStream Kit worth $99.95
How do I enter?
There are 3 ways to enter (and you can enter three times!):
- Comment in the box below about avoiding soda AND
- Tweet this post. Please use the Tweet Button in the Share Box above or go on your profile on Twitter. Make sure that you use @Snack_Girl_ so that I know you tweeted and can count your entry. AND
- Become a friend of Snack-Girl on Facebook. Here is our link: Snack-Girl on Facebook Anyone who becomes a friend as of December 9th is entered. (If you are already a friend on FB just comment again and I will enter you again).
Am I eligible to enter?
Anyone with a valid e-mail and a U.S. mailing address is eligible.
When do I find out if I am the winner?
The winner will be announced on December 16th. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize.
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