
2021 - You Are Here

January 2, 2021   18 Comments

Every year since I started this blog I have written a New Year: New You piece. I find myself looking at ways I want to improve and I use Snack Girl to encourage everyone to set goals.

2021 - You Are Here

This year is different. First of all, as you might have noticed - it is already January 2nd and I haven’t sent out a post. I am already a day late and the year just started!!

Why am I late?

I couldn’t come up with that motivational post. With all that has occurred in 2020, I am still focussed on accepting (not approving) of the changes in my life, in society, in the world….and living it day by day.

I can’t project what is possible in the future because I am right here - doing my best to support myself, my family, and my community.

Some days I fail.

Some days I succeed.

My strategies for day to day success involve a few things:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Getting enough exercise
  • Eating something healthy

If I can do those three things most of the time - my cup is full enough to provide support where it is needed.

I have also added meditation for about 8-10 minutes per day but that is a bonus activity which has helped but is not necessary to my routine.

I send all of you light and love. Please receive it and know that whatever you are doing to get though this time is enough.

If you are adding a new habit or goal for 2021 - please share it. Or please feel free to reflect since that seems to be all I am capable of at this moment in time.

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This has certainly been a year for reflection, endurance, acceptance, resilience, etc. Very hard not to become overwhelmed. I think a goal for me this year is to think less about improving myself and more about what I can do to improve the world in any small way. We truly are all in this together. Much love to all who are struggling and to our heroic health care workers. ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for being honest and letting all of us know we are not alone in our feelings. This year I am taking some time away from life and trying to help everyone around me to recharge to assess where I am at this moment and I need to do to help myself get through these times. I hope to return with some new ideas to better care for myself and those around me.

Wishing you all the best Lisa!

I'm 79, will be 80 in March and one of my goals for this year is to NOT get more forgetful. I do this by working puzzles [especially crosswords!] My second goal is to continue downsizing my house. We've been here over 50 years and I would like to give away whatever we don't need anymore. I managed to give all of our Christmas stuff away last month. I keep finding stuff that I have totally forgotten!

This year I’m going to try to be more grateful for what I’ve got, for the people around me who have supported me over this last 10 months during my cancer treatment.

And hope and pray that the new year will be a time of peace, healing and kindness to all

I think this is one of your best posts yet! To remember that we are enough is something we all need to remember. So this year my goal is to remember that if I really give something my full effort, it will be enough!

I’m 72 and healthy and I don’t cook anymore. I eat raw. But I read your every post because you always encourage, through food choices, deep, daily self care and care for others. Your family, your readers. This is a huge gift to me. I love your regularity. But I also love when you depart from it. Like today and when you spoke about Black Lives Matter. You’re candid, restrained, loving and compassionate. Your energy moves toward me and all of us and out into the world in a million ways none of us can see or document or prove. I am so grateful for all you do. In all weathers. You bring joy nearer! Thank you!

I turned 70 this year and realized that I really need to stop buying things that I see just because I can afford them. I have a large home and NO more places to store these items. I need to downsize, but my kids don't want my treasures. I will be donating things throughout the year to people who really need them.

Thank you for today’s post. It’s crucial to be free enough and acknowledge that it’s perfectly okay to “just be” and not feel pressured to pretend to be else. 2020 brought so many unexpected curve balls. 2021 will bring some, too. My goal is to continue to look for the blessings.

I agree with the buying because you can and downsizing. This is a constant struggle with me and I really hope to get it under control this year! We have been here 18 years, the longest I have ever been in one place, and the amount of "stuff" is overwhelming. I have asked my kids to please take what they want and we will get rid of the rest but with their busy lives, one a college student and one in the work force, they have not been much help!

I didn't stop during the quarrantine either! Online shopping is so easy!

I have VVA scheduled to come in a few weeks so a bunch of boxes will be leaving by the end of the month!

Good luck to everyone!!

I have something my mother said to me years ago. I wrote it down and set it in my closet so everyday as I get dressed I can read her very wise words.

"You cannot save the world on your own, but you can improve the part of it you touch each day."

Thank you for doing that, Lisa.

Thank you for this post today...somebody else said they thought it might be your best one ever...I agree. I love the honesty and the comfort in knowing we are not alone in these unfamiliar times and even more unfamiliar feelings. I, too, shelved my traditional New Year goal setting. Instead I am focusing on loving my spouse and others with a more unconditional intent. (sort of my own personal "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" plan!) Hugs and Happy New Year!

I like the simplicity of todays post. We just need to pause and be good with still being here and pushing on ward each and every day.

I love what Diane's Mom said - You cannot save the world on your own but you can improve the part of it you touch each day. I am going to put that on my bedroom mirror. All the best everyone, stay safe.

Thank you so much for your honesty! I also really like what Diane's mom said. Downsizing, simplifying, what everyone else seems to be saying - yes! If 2020 has shown anything to me, it is that I was never, ever in control of anything. This really just came to the fore because I was never tested like this. With more time for introspection, I realize I have many areas that need attention. I am entering into recovery for an eating disorder and seriously need to declutter my living space, too. Clutter signifies (for me) things I think I "should" be doing or ways I think I "should" be - all symptoms of deeper issues. I need to sit with uncomfortable feelings instead of distracting or medicating myself. I wish everyone all the best and many blessings in 2021, no matter what the "wrapping paper" they come in. Peace and all good!

Less fuss. This year I want to accept my efforts, be proud of myself and know that people don't love me for what I do but who I AM.

Hi Lisa, Happy New Year! Keep doing what you do ;-)

This year will be the start of a new journey for my husband (who will be 88 in April) and for me (I am 78). We will be moving to our home in Ft. Myers permanently. We have always been New Yorkers until two years ago when we sold our home and moved to New Jersey to be closer to our grandson who is 7 and our daughter and son-in-law. It was a hard decision to make as I love my grandson so much and have an incredible close relationship with him. I also love my daughter and we have always been close.

What made me come to the realization that my husband and I need to start this new journey is what has transpired in 2020. I have used the pandemic to use the time we all have now to reflect on our lives. My husband is the best husband, father, grandfather and all around wonderful man. He is a man that never thinks of himself...always putting his family first. 2020 certainly was an eye opener to embrace each day as if it might be your last. If not now when is is what I asked myself regarding our move. It became crystal clear to me that my husband deserves for us to move to Florida. With Zoom we will be able to keep in visual contact with our grandson. We will make trips back to New Jersey and they will come to us in Florida. It will take the pressure off of carrying two residences. We all need to look at how to simplify our lives and to always find something to be grateful for.

Well, well, Snack Girl & all you ladies above. you have said it all. I can't add anything more. If you come up with some "Inspiration" for for loosing weight please share. I am downsizing too after 52 yrs. in this house. Gave to the kids & now to St. Vincent de Paul. It would be easier to give to the needy & give some of the Beautiful items but the virus 19 has put a plug in so much. "Inspiration" go forward, come on ladies, let go for it. blessings to all, be healthy, safe, & inspired & give it a good old fashioned try,[like we are really much younger & we can do it] happy new year the 4th is better than the 5th day Snack Girl. Annette

Thank you Snack Girl, and thank you everyone posting here. I sometimes worry what my life will be like when I'm older. I always tell myself 'You've got to get there first!' but what I need is to believe that there is a 'there' worth having once you do! It may sound silly but seeing older people speak up positively really helps me out. So, thank you; you all sound kind, practical and wise and today you made a difference to me simply by showing me your exaple.

Snack Girl you sound tired, but let me tell you, you are a trooper and I know you will get through this! And by showing us that yes there are struggles and we manage, that the best we can do IS good enough, you help me and many others. Thank you.

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