Aldi Review
February 20, 2018 74 Comments
My Aldi review is for those who have driven by it and wondered if they should go in.

It arrived in my town next to the Home Depot and it didn’t really look like a grocery store. Aldi is a discount supermarket and it reminds me of a miniature Costco. It has its own brands of food and random other stuff that is heavily discounted.
The business model is fewer employees (paid a living wage) and a small footprint make a lower cost market.

The first thing you notice is that the carts are not hanging out in the parking lot. You must insert a quarter to get a cart and then you get the quarter back when you bring the cart back to the stack of them. This is easy and since the store and parking lot are pretty small – no big deal.
You must also remember to bring your own bags or you have to buy some.

Aldi has regular prices on nuts and dried fruit. Stay away from the cookies, crackers, sugary cereal, and potato chips!

The produce area doesn’t have everything that a regular grocery store has in stock. But, there are some DEALS on fresh produce. Aldi, like Costco has excellent prices on produce. Unlike Costco, you don’t have to buy enough to feed a small town when you shop there. I saw my local food bank buying bags and bags of navel oranges for their kitchen. At Aldi, the produce is $1 or $2 less per item than a regular grocery store – it can really add up.

Aldi even has organic produce! Again, these greens cost significantly less than my regular store. Whenever I shop there, I save $10-$20 on my groceries but what they have is limited and I end up shopping at another store (which is a pain).
They have meats (fresh, boneless, skinless chicken breast was $1.69 per pound), cheeses, milk, eggs, and bread.
There is also a bunch of random stuff. For example this:

An adult coloring book! Just what I needed! Or this:

I don’t know what a spin mop is but I may need this as well.
Overall, I have found the quality of the food to be good and the prices at Aldi significantly less than other stores. But, if you are like me, and looking for specific items, Aldi is limited.
I recommend it for those of you trying to eat healthy on a budget. There is some good stuff at Aldi!
Do you like Aldi? What have you found there?
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