Introducing the Banana Bite
September 10, 2015 8 Comments
I am always looking for a way to have a little fun with my snack.

My inspiration for starting Snack Girl was to guide people away from Fritos and Hawaiian Punch to the delicious land of healthy snacks.
Sometimes I fail, and sometimes I succeed. I do it by taking things you (hopefully) already have in the house and I innovate.
This is a whole-wheat tortilla, a banana, and a teaspoon of peanut butter and now you have a “Banana Bite”. Woohoo!
Perhaps this is the most obvious thing in the world to do with these three ingredients or maybe (for some of you) it may inspire you to put the Fritos down. I don’t know what will work but I do know that my kids think these are cool.
My husband doesn’t like them (but you can’t please everyone as anyone who runs a blog for 6 years can tell you).
What is your favorite obvious snack?

Banana Bite Recipe
Makes 2
1 medium sized banana
1 whole-wheat tortilla
2 teaspoons peanut butter (or whatever nut butter you prefer)
Spread peanut butter on tortilla. Roll up banana and cut in half. Enjoy!
Nutrition Facts
For one half of banana (one serving) = 139 calories, 7.7 g fat, 0.6 g saturated fat, 25.5 g carbohydrates, 7.7 g sugar, 4.0 g protein, 3.4 g fiber, 90 mg sodium, 3 Points+
Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes
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Andy D
Snack Girl