The Opposite of a Healthy Breakfast: Belvita
February 16, 2016 29 Comments
Would anyone suggest that eating a pack of Oreos is a healthy breakfast?

No? Would you trust the company that makes Oreos – Nabisco – to make a breakfast biscuit that is nutritious?
I ask this question because Belvita is in the supermarket in the same aisle as the Oreos and, frankly, the chocolate version tastes a lot like the chocolate cookie on the outside of an Oreo.
The problem is that (even though I slammed this product line in 2012) Belvita is prospering. Do I wish a cookie was a healthy choice for breakfast? Sure! But it isn’t.
This is exactly the kind of food – high in processed carbohydrates and sugar, low in fat and protein - that leads to obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
But, wait, the package says that the biscuits deliver 4 hour of nutritious steady energy:

I went ahead and called Nabisco (they put their number on the box) and asked them how they could substantiate the claim of four hours of energy. They told me that it takes 4 hours to digest the biscuits because of the whole grains – which is probably true – but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t deleterious effects from the 11 grams of sugar or WHITE FLOUR (the second ingredient in the list).
Here are the nutrition facts for 4 biscuits or as Nabisco would want you to believe – breakfast:
230 calories, 8 g fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 35.0 g carbohydrates, 11 g sugar, 4.0 g protein, 4.0 g fiber, 180 mg sodium, 8 SmartPts
There has to be an energy surge right after eating these that would lead to an energy bonk at some point before lunch.
Instead of this cookie for breakfast – try two slices of Alvarado bread:
180 calories, 1.0 g fat, 0.0 g saturated fat, 30.0 g carbohydrates, 4 g sugar, 10 g protein, 4 g fiber, 340 mg sodium, 4 SmartPts
You can add some more fat by adding 50 calories of peanut butter to the top and have a real, satiating and delicious breakfast.
Sadly, it won’t look like this:

But, it will look like breakfast.
What do you think of Belvita biscuits?
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