
Snack Girl To The Rescue! Is Here

April 15, 2014   39 Comments

Snack Girl became a published author today and a new dog owner last year.

Book Released

Yes, I am using my dog to sell my book. It has occurred to me that the dog might sell dogs as well. He is a “rescue” so check out your local pet shelter for another adorable specimen.

Which am I more proud of? The dog or the book? Milo is pretty great but he is not the culmination of 5 years of hard work so I am going to choose my book.

It has been a dream to become an author. I loved writing the book, my agent, my editor, my publisher, but most of all – I dream that many will read it and get something useful or potentially life-changing out of it.

I want to inspire, encourage, and support those of you who are trying to get healthy. I want to make you laugh so it doesn’t feel so heavy.

Today begins my new life as an author and I hope it goes so well that I get the honor of writing another book. I believe that this is what happens to writers after their first book. They get HOOKED on writing books.

I will not be doing a traditional book tour (more to come on that) but I will be hosting an event April 27th in my hometown of Amherst, Massachusetts. I know many of you live way too far away to attend – but I thought I would invite you anyway. The event is between 3-4:30 PM at the Munson Memorial Library at 1046 South East St. and is a benefit for Amherst libraries – here is the Facebook invite. Please let us know if you can make it.

If you have any questions or comments about the book, please comment below. Today will be a little crazy but I will do my best to answer them. The book is now on sale at bookstores and online in the United States and Canada.

Thank you dear readers for your support of Snack Girl. I promise to continue to come up with as many ideas, tips, recipes, and stories to help you with your healthy eating challenges.

If you are interested in hearing an interview with me about Snack Girl's success - you can listen here: Make Your Someday Today or on iTunes.

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First 20 Comments: ( See all 39 )

Today will be a day to remember! Congrats on such an awesome accomplishment.

Congrats! I can not wait to read it on my kindle. Have a great day and keep up the great work! :)

Good luck, Lisa! The book is great, and I know you will find success!

Congratulations on your well-deserved success! Looking forward tot getting my copy :)

Congratulations on your book! What a great accomplishment. I appreciate your emails and feel like I know you! You have helped me a lot. Some days I just don't know what to make and the your email shows up and....problem solved. I'm sorry I can't join you in your event but I will be sending good vibes to you!

And I remember when you were simply a blog writer! Congratulations!

I just got the email from Amazon that my copy has shipped!!! It will be here today and I can't wait to get my hands on it!!!! Congratulations and enjoy this awesome day!

So happy for you! You are such a source of support and inspiration for all, and I can't wait to get my book in the mail and start reading.

Congratulations to you!!!

So happy for this day! And happy that even more people will get to enjoy Snack Girl!

Sent my son and his girlfriend off on their vacation with a batch of fruit and nut bars- they loved them!! Better than airplane snacks. Girlfriend said, "These are better than Snickers!"

Congrats from Ontario Canada! You are the talk of the office and I can't wait to get my book:)

My daughter and I are excited to dive into our copy of your book. Thank you and congrats!

p.s. Rescue is the way to go!

I love, love, love reading your post each day!! And, if fact, have forwarded your emails many times to many friends!! Thanks for the sense of humor too! It definately comes across and I can't wait to get my book! Congrats and Best of Luck! PS ( My boys got it for me for V-Day!)

Congrats on the book-and the adorable pooch! I received mine yesterday and can't wait to read it. Thank you so much for sharing with us all! I love your website! Have fun and enjoy your book release adventure!

Congratulations, Lisa!!!

Lisa, very cool. Congrats to you.


Congratulations!!! Got my book today!

Congrats!! What a great feeling!! Best wishes on book sales and your event on the 27th. Wished we lived closer to be able to come out to support!!

Very exciting! Congratulations on this major achievement!!!

See all 39 Comments

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