Breyers Delights Review
June 21, 2018 19 Comments
This Breyers Delights review may stop you from getting a stomachache. I believe Breyers is trying to get you to eat an entire pint of ice cream.

Breyers Delights is a new low calorie ice cream that boasts large amounts of protein. I decided to look into it because I like finding alternatives to heavy food. Recently, I wrote Miracle Noodle reviews and Caulipower Pizza Review to determine if they were good substitutes for pasta and pizza respectively.
Take a look at this marketing!

I believe they are suggesting that you get out a spoon and eat all 300 calories or so of the pint. Why is this a good idea? Well, I think they know that most of us are aware that an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch has 1,200 calories.
(and many of us have attempted to eat it in one go)
How do they do it? This is one of those highly engineered “Franken Foods” that tries to replace regular ingredients with substitutes.
Here are the Breyer Delight’s ingredients for their Vanilla flavor:

As you can see, they use skim milk (no problem there) and sugar alcohol to make this product. They are using soluble corn fiber to make it creamy and a little bit of stevia to add more sweetness.
What does this do? Check out Breyers Delight Vanilla nutrition facts:

90 calories for 2/3 of a cup! Wowza. That is 3 Weight Watchers Freestyle points for you WW members out there.
But of course, if it doesn’t taste like ice cream then it won’t be worth it.
I did a taste test with a number of the flavors including vanilla, cookies-n-cream, chocolate and this one – known as vanilla cupcake.

I also asked my family to taste all of the flavors (including my children) in the hopes of getting a variety of opinions.
The vanilla cupcake (photographed above) was the worst of the lot. It tasted like chemicals and bore little resemblance to delicious cupcakes or ice cream. My family agreed but my husband still said he would eat it. Why? I don’t know.

The best of the bunch BY FAR with the chocolate flavor. It did taste very chocolatey and everyone liked it. It wasn’t too sweet and I appreciated that.
I went ahead and ate my 2/3 of a cup and then later my stomach started to hurt. I checked in with my family and my husband also had a stomachache. I am so glad that I didn’t eat the whole pint.
I knew the culprit!! Sugar alcohols!! Sugar alcohols, which are a form of carbohydrate that are not very well digested, are a common cause of upset stomach, particularly when consumed in high amounts. The names of some of the most common sugar alcohols that you’ll probably recognize from packages are xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, maltitol, and erythritol.
It was not pleasant and so I would say that if you are sensitive to sugar alcohols – stay away from this product.
I think it would be better to avoid ice cream than to eat this. Or, you could stick to a small serving of very delicious ice cream and slowly enjoy every bite.
Have you tried Breyers Delights? What did you think?
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