The Mystery of Celebrity Diets and Cleanses
October 14, 2015 9 Comments
Let’s say you have decided to lose some weight and instead of talking to your doctor, you choose to research the magazines next to the supermarket check-out counter.

I know you have stood there and wondered how Kim lost the baby weight so quickly and how Beyonce looks so radiant after doing a cleanse.
I have!
There are also stories of celebrities gaining weight, like Lady Gaga who seemed to go from skeleton like to curvy in a matter of minutes. She got criticized for her weight gain (as all celebrity weight changes are fodder for the press) and told everyone to stick it.
If you had a job where EVERYWHERE you went there were cameras and you had to do things like photo shoots for Vogue or movie shoots where a camera was trained on your tush – then that image was projected on a massive screen – do you think you would be sane about your appearance?
I ask this question because celebrities seem to be trying to sell us the latest weight loss strategies and cleanses and I wonder, “What is up with that?”. Is this just another strategy to make money or do they actually believe that drinking lemon-pepper water for 10 days is a good idea?
There is no evidence that doing a cleanse helps you clear out toxins. Gwyneth might be surprised to find out that our liver and kidneys do an excellent job of cleansing our bodies on a daily basis. When you pee – you get rid of toxins. I would choose water if I am obsessive about urinating – since it is the best cleansing method our bodies have going.
What cleanses do help you do is lose weight. Surprise! Not eating for a few days will lead to quick weight loss. If you are going to be in a bikini shooting a commercial for a perfume – and you have been chowing down on bacon cheeseburgers – then a cleanse would be perfect to ensure you look okay. Of course, I am sure the Photoshop guy will help you out in post-production.
I do think the celebrities that endorse extreme weight loss measures believe in them and do them. I am simply not sure their tactics are relevant to the rest of us.
The best way to lose weight isn’t an extreme diet. A progressive lifestyle change is the best strategy and will include (hopefully) eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and some dairy in a moderate fashion. That’s it!
Put down the Cheetos pick up the apple and forget about spending bank on the latest juice fad.
Have you tried a cleanse? Why did you try it and did it help?
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