Full of salt and lacking in nutrients
February 20, 2009 2 Comments
Is this a snack or a meal? Well, I think many people would still feel hungry if you had just a cup of noodles for lunch, so I think it is a snack. If you add something like an orange or an apple to go with it then I think you might have a meal.

Having a warm snack can be very comforting, and these noodles are cheap and easy to make. Nutritionally, there is fat, protein, and some iron. For 300 calories, you get about 8 ounces of soup, which is pretty good compared to something like a bag of Doritos (which is just 2 ounces for 310 calories).
The comparison to Doritos is a good one, because even though these noodles are more nutritious than Doritos, they also have MSG (mono sodium glutamate), and lots of artificial flavors and colors. I would avoid giving these to children because of the addition of MSG.
Also, if you are concerned about heart disease, I would avoid these noodles because they contain 46% of your daily allowance of sodium. That's why they taste so good!