Declare Your Independence from a Weight-Obsessed World
May 5, 2021 32 Comments
As we come to the end of the pandemic, some of you will have put on some pounds. I certainly have.
But, I don’t think it is time to diet. I think it is time to reflect on how the isolation, grief, and deep level of uncertainty made it hard (some would say impossible) to continue a healthy lifestyle.
Some of you gained a healthy lifestyle! Because of the pandemic, you may have been given the opportunity to stop and reevaluate your habits. You guys are amazing.
Those of us who had trouble keeping our healthy habits now have a choice. The truth is that diets don’t work - lifestyle change does work. My definition of diet? Diet means food restrictions.
How many of us have tried to cut out our favorite food because it has too many calories only to find ourselves completely obsessed with it?
Right now, it is time to forget about the jeans we fit in last year and start to rethink things. Not by name calling the food in our lives but by starting to accept and love ourselves - as we are right now.
Declare your independence from our culture of weigh-obsession.
What a radical idea!
I read about this declaration in a nutrition book and I went and found it to repost here because I believe it is powerful.
I was recently in a dressing room waiting for my daughter to try on clothes. It was large and there was a couch for friends or family to sit and wait. I watched young woman after young woman step out, with a new outfit on, and scrutinize herself in large mirrors.
I found myself (despite COVID) wanting to hug them all and tell them how beautiful they are - wondering who or what they were dressing for…..
Maybe every dressing room in the nation should have this posted next to the mirror.
From National Eating Disorder Association:
I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that from this day forward I will choose to live my life by the following tenets. In so doing, I declare myself free and independent from the pressures and constraints of a weight-obsessed world:
- I will accept my body in its natural shape and size.
- I will celebrate all that my body can do for me each day.
- I will treat my body with respect, giving it enough rest, fueling it with a variety of foods, exercising it moderately, and listening to what it needs.
- I will defy our society’s pressures to judge myself and other people on physical characteristics like body weight, shape, or size. I will respect people based on the qualities of their character and the impact of their accomplishments.
- I will refuse to deny my body valuable nutrients by dieting or using weight loss products.
- I will avoid categorizing foods as either “good” or “bad.” I will not guilt or shame myself for eating certain foods. Instead, I will nourish my body with a balanced variety of foods, listening and responding to what it needs.
- I will not use food to mask my emotional needs.
- I will not avoid participating in activities that I enjoy (e.g., swimming, dancing, enjoying a meal with friends) simply because I am self-conscious about the way my body looks. I will recognize that I have the right to enjoy any activities regardless of my body shape or size.
- I will base my self-esteem and identity on that which comes from within!
What do you think of the declaration of independence from a weight-obsessed world? Are you ready to sign?
Cheryl Rose
Cruzita Lenhart
Penny Foy
bridget Marshall
Helen Taylor
Sharon Sherrill