Egg McMuffin: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
June 21, 2017 17 Comments
The Egg McMuffin can be ordered 24 hours a day at McDonald’s. For fans of this famous sandwich, this is good news.

I have been on the hunt for healthy choices lately. I took a look at the Subway Veggie Delight and I asked the meaningful question: Is The Grilled Chicken at McDonald’s Healthy? (go read it to find out)
The Egg McMuffin has always been one of my favorites so I was excited when McD’s debuted the all day breakfast.
I was surprised by one addition – the McGriddle (which I had never heard of).

McDonald’s has been flaunting how the Egg McMuffin is now made with real butter so I decided to give it a try. First, when I order the sandwich, I NEVER get the sausage or Canadian bacon. Both are too salty and are more calories than I want. I used to drop the cheese because I hate American cheese.
Guess what? Not only does McDonald’s now use real butter (good for them) they have real cheddar cheese. Not kidding. So I ask them to add cheddar and I am pretty happy about that because the egg and English muffin are kinda dry on their own.
The nutrition facts for my version are:
287 calories, 12.7 g fat, 6 g saturated fat, 27 g carbohydrates, 2 g sugar, 15 g protein, 1.0 g fiber, 400 mg sodium, 9 SmartPts
As you can see, I ended up with a sandwich that didn’t have an egg yolk.

I believe you can order only the white at some McDonald’s but this was a mistake. Oh well. Is it super healthy? No. If I wanted to make it healthy, I would use a whole grain English muffin and add things like tomato and spinach to the sandwich. But, is it much better than most things you can order at McDonald’s? Yes.
A good example of a sandwich you need to stay far away from is the McGriddle. Since I never had one, I decided to try it with all the fixins (even the American cheese).

I believe the McGriddle's concept is that you have eggs, sausage, and pancakes in one sandwich. Why you need cheese on this sandwich escapes me but what do I know? I never have cheese if I am eating pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Does everyone else do this and I am just clueless?
The nutrition facts for one sandwich:
550 calories, 32 g fat, 13 g saturated fat, 45 g carbohydrates, 15 g sugar, 20 g protein, 2 g fiber, 1280 mg sodium, 20 SmartPts
I know what you are thinking. How do you make something like this and not feel bad about it?
Even without the sausage and the cheese it is more calories than the Egg McMuffin and has 15 grams of sugar and 800 mg of sodium.
Of course, when I visited McD’s EVERYONE was ordering the McGriddle and it does taste pretty good. I felt like my heart was racing after I ate it. It may have been in shock because I almost never consume that many calories in such a short period of time. The sandwich is small.
What do you think of the Egg McMuffin? Is it one of your standards when you forget to pack your lunch?
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