Do You Have A Question for Ellie Krieger?
June 4, 2012 11 Comments
Yo! Snack Girl and Ellie are going to be hanging out and I need some help.

Yep, my limo is taking me down to NYC, where Ellie and I are going to sip some Appletini's and talk about her latest book. Not.
The truth is I have a 10 minute interview with her scheduled for Tuesday and it is over the phone - but at least I get to talk with one of my heros.
In case you didn't know Ellie Krieger is a Food Network chef, registered dietician, and promoter of eating healthy. Her recipes are a wee bit gourmet, but they are excellent. She has won cookbook awards and helps out with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign.
After the interview, I will be given a video of our chat to put up here on Snack Girl. Do you have some questions for Ellie? I've got a few of my own but I would love to hear what you guys want to know.
Please post your question in the comment section below or e-mail them directly to me at
Don Silva
Martha@ Simple-Nourished Living
Ali Davis
Joanie Jacobsen
Whitney Gigandet