Fig Newtons Are All Wrong
August 14, 2014 38 Comments
How can I pick on one of the best-selling cookies in America? The First Amendment says you can’t stop me.

As a child, I couldn’t get enough Fig Newtons. I would beg for them in the supermarket because I knew there was NO WAY my mother would buy me Oreos.
“Mommm, they have figs!”
Yes, they have figs and perhaps the Fig Newtons of the ‘70’s were less nefarious than they are now. They still have figs but check out the rest of this list:

Oh dear. High fructose corn syrup is rearing its ugly head as is partially hydrogenated coconut oil. Neither of these ingredients sounds very appetizing to me and I’m pretty sure we are supposed to avoid these two compounds because they aren’t good for us.
There is another big reason why you should avoid Fig Newtons. The taste and texture of these cookies is not what I remember. Maybe it is old age (approaching 45 people!) but I liked these when I was seven – now? – not so much. I think the word I would like to use here is “yuck”.
When I stand in the supermarket’s cookie aisle, I see a wall of bright colors and shiny packages. I don’t smell fresh-baked cookies. These containers are corporate experiments in how to make a product last on a shelf for the smallest amount of money – and still get us to pick them up and put them in our cart.
My advice is not to buy them. Stand up to Nabisco and say, “Take your crappy tasting cookies and get out of Dodge!”
I did spend some time looking around for a better alternative. I am not going to mention the "healthier" brands that weren't that much of an improvement. Basically, if you have to package a cookie, you are going to add some weird stuff (and I don't care if it is organic weird stuff).
If I am going to have a treat, I want it to taste gooooood. My house should smell like heaven and my kids should be standing in front of the oven saying, “cookies done yet?”.
Isn’t baking your own cookies SO much better than opening a package of chemistry experiments?
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Mike aka MonolithTMA
judee @ Gluten Free A- Z Blog
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