Five Easy Changes For 2013
January 8, 2013 25 Comments
Okay, we are a little over a week into the New Year. Have you spread paint on your kids yet?

I was reading a bunch of healthy websites and they all had these “Five Easy” lists that I thought were hard to do. Stuff like “Stop eating processed food”. How is that easy if you eat processed food?
I have read all of the New Year’s resolutions that Snack Girl readers posted last week (see: This Year, Get What You REALLY Want!) and I have been thinking about the themes that emerged. Please add your resolution if you haven’t yet – you can come back next year and see what you wrote.
Five EASY (I hope) Changes:
1. Buy a cool stainless steel water bottle. Many listed that they wanted to drink more water. Personally, I am always fighting dehydration especially in the winter when the air is dry. I have found that the plastic water bottles make my water taste like plastic and these stainless steel ones are tougher. I love all the colors they come in and I feel super fashionable when I am carrying one. Seriously.
2. Leave your house messy (like those kids above). A big theme of the resolutions was “play more”. There have been times when my children want to play and there is a big mess in the kitchen, living room, or bedroom that needs my attention. I ignore the mess and play with my kids. Why? Well, chores are never ending but my kids are here now and they are super fun. My house frequently looks like a bomb hit it and while that frustrates me, I have decided that our mess is a statement of how we spend our time (playing). There are limits of course.
3. Park far away From your destination. Everyone wants to exercise more. I hear you. One way I have incorporated more movement into a stressful day is to park at the other end of the entrance to where I am going. I save time (no looking for parking) and fossil fuel. Since it is cold, I almost run to get inside and always feel energized by my power walk.
4. Announce your grumpiness. A lot of you want to be nicer to family and friends. I find that when I am hungry, tired, cold, or all three that my behavior plummets into unacceptable. One of my tricks is to let people know that I am grumpy so that they are aware that I may not be ready for the latest annoying thing to happen. My daughter has been known to be super nice to me when she knows I am in a tough spot.
5. Share vegetable recipes. Everyone wants to eat more vegetables so I thought we would have a “recipe swap” once a month here on Snack Girl. On Thursday, January 10th, I am going to post my favorite carrot recipes. Please share yours so we can all start to get more ideas on how to prepare common, inexpensive vegetables.
Do you have some easy changes that have worked for you?
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Kate @Framed Cooks
Andy D
Kristen @ Be Fit with Kristen
goldie Portolos Nam
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