This Grocery List Could Save Your Life
March 1, 2012 35 Comments
The grocery list above jumped out in front of a car and saved my life. Okay, I realize that is ridiculous, but grocery lists can be life savers!

Why? Because if you stick to them, you will keep a bunch of CRAP out of your cart. Seriously.
The list above is empty because this isn't just any list - this is YOUR list. You need it to help you avoid the sign below:

This display of packaged snack junk food was a few steps away from the milk. It was positioned in such a way that I could not avoid looking at it.
You see, I plan to keep to the edges of the store and AWAY from most of the packaged food by just not walking by it. My local grocery store has figured out my plan and managed to put these in front of my nose. Not only do I like Little Debbies, but they are on special!!!
RED ALERT, RED ALERT, whooooo- whoooo! DING DING DING........
Will they go into my cart? NO! Are they on the list? NO! I stick to my list. I did not put them on my list because I am working on eating healthy food.
Your grocery list is one of the most powerful tools for keeping you out of the doctor's office. I don't like to use war analogies very often - but the grocery store is like a mine field.
What does your store want you to do? Buy more food. What is your goal? To be healthy and (probably) lose some extra pounds. These goals are counter to each other.
It is not like the store is trying to do battle with you - but it puts the food that is hard to resist right in your path! Maybe you could visualize these displays as large ticking bombs and just run from them. Walk quickly in the other direction and whatever you do DO NOT lift the bomb and look at it.
If you make a grocery list you will:
- Save money (no extra food you don't need)
- Save time
- Avoid junk food
Yes, it takes time and planning to sit down and make a list. Get some nice grocery list paper and put it on your fridge (see below). This paper can help you be organized and support your new list habit.
Do you make grocery lists? How do they help you?
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Mike aka MonolithTMA
Robin Tanis
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Stephanie G
Cristina @ An Organic Wife
Sandy B
Stan Starsky
Jean | Delightful Repast
Carrie @ Season It Already!
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