Don’t Give Up On Achieving Immense Happiness
October 5, 2012 17 Comments
I chose a photo of a woman blowing bubbles because I think we can all remember finding great joy in bubbles.

I love how bubbles defy gravity and if you turn away for a second they are gone. They focus our attention on the moment and they make us giggle. Fleeting, isn’t it?
Gretchen Rubin has become my hero by writing two books on the subject of happiness. Hers is not an existential crisis but an awakening. She isn’t depressed and she has everything she has ever wanted - kids, fulfilling career, loving husband, apartment in New York City. Hey, what else could she want?
More happiness!
Believe it or not, you can actually work toward being happier. I find it comforting that I can learn to be happier. What does this have to do with food?
I believe your general mood affects how you approach food. If you are happier, you might not need the bacon cheeseburger as much. You might have the energy to order the salad and enjoy the fact you just made a healthier choice (unless it is a Cobb salad).
Gretchen uses monthly resolutions in her book “Happier at Home” to focus on her happiness goals. In October, for example, she writes about her marriage and one of her resolutions is “Kiss in the morning, kiss at night”.
Yeah, I think that would make me happier. Why the heck aren’t I doing that? Sheesh.
While that might seem obvious, just making it a monthly goal and shifting that little bit can make a big difference in how you feel about your partner. More love, baby!
The book is filled with stories of how she implements these small steps toward greater happiness. She sounds like a good friend supporting you to make positive changes.
In November, she took on parenthood and decided to "Underreact to a problem". This made me laugh because that is a lot easier to say than to do.
"Mom, I just stuck a pen in your computer and I can't get it out." AAAAAHH!
Yes, I will try to underreact and take deep breaths (which only means a complete change in my personality) but, hey, if it leads to greater happiness, why not try?
Check out Gretchen's books below and her website - The Happiness Project. I enjoy the "daily happiness quotation" that I signed up for.
Have you worked on happiness? Please share.
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