Happy Thanksgiving!
November 20, 2018 16 Comments
My kids will be out of school in moments to spend the Thanksgiving holiday at home.

It is a fun time in my house as we get into it. My husband is Australian and (I believe) loves Thanksgiving more than most Americans who have lived here their entire lives.
I think he likes the ritual of the feast that has everything to do with family, friends and enjoying each other.
Are you going to enjoy each other?
I ask this because I am well aware of a divided country into colors of red and blue. I am not getting political - I am simply pointing out that there is an “us” and “them” and it relates to our views on how best to run the country.
The situation is so dire that the New York Times ran an opinion piece called How to Have a Conversation with your Angry Uncle over Thanksgiving. This uncle can be either liberal or conservative but he is always angry.
I'm angry about a bunch of stuff but I am planning to keep it all to myself for one day. Hurray for maturity!
Let’s say there is someone (an uncle or cousin) at your Thanksgiving that you don’t agree with. I ask you this - can you tolerate that person? Tolerance is all that I wish for my readers. I don’t ask that you agree or even like the person on the other side but we can tolerate each other.
Perhaps we can look at each other, pass the potatoes, and agree to love stuffing or hate cranberry sauce and that is enough.
Food can bring people together and Thanksgiving is about sharing food in our homes with our collective tribe. Who can't get on board with that?
After Thanksgiving - you run out to Target to get the Nintendo Switch at 7 AM on Friday :)
I hope you all have a lovely meal with family and/or friends and feel a moment of harmony on Thursday (even just a moment is something).
Snack Girl (AKA Lisa)
Diana Wyatt
Marge Shilling