
Love Fruit? How About A Box of Fresh Pears (Giveaway)?

December 27, 2011   359 Comments

Snack Girl had stopped doing giveaways because she did a survey and readers didn't love them. And, then she got an offer from Harry & David.

Harry & David Royal Riviera Pears

They sent me a box of Royal Riviera Pears and then asked me if I wanted to give some away. Sheesh! How nice is that to get a box of lovely pears?

Yes, dear readers, I can be bought with $30 of fresh fruit delivered to my door. And if anyone is wondering (like my neighbors) - no, there aren't any left :)

Now, I realize that $30 for five pounds of fresh pears is a bit steep for most of us. But, we are all trying to lose weight and one great way to do that is to elevate the fruit we eat to the level of dessert.

Alice Waters, a famous chef in Berkeley, likes to serve a perfect fresh peach for dessert in her restaurant. Many of us are going to wonder what happened to the chocolate - but once you have tried one of these peaches, you are forever altered.

I used to spend serious $$$ on fruit from the Embarcadero Farmers Market in San Francisco. I never liked strawberries until I spent $5 on a small box that were fresh and bursting with flavor. I thought all strawberries tasted like styrofoam until I tasted these jewels.

Harry & David offers a Fruit of the Month Club for 3-, 6-, 9- or 12-months.  You get to have high quality, delicious and seasonal fruit delivered right to your door. There are also light options for smaller families and singles, as well as organic and vegetable options.

So, they do all the work of finding the loveliest fruit they can and then you just get a box of it on your doorstep. Yes, it is pricey, but if you are trying to eat healthy and you have the dough - why not do it?

To enter to win a 5 pound box of Royal Riviera Pears from Harry & David ($29.95 retail value) COMMENT below on fruit that has made you swoon.

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

What will I win?
A 5 pound box of Royal Riviera Pears from Harry & David ($29.95 retail value).

How do I enter?
Comment below on fruit that makes you swoon.

Additional Ways To Enter:

  1. Follow Snack-Girl on FaceBook. Comment on the FB page on the fruit that makes you swoon.
  2. Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter and Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).
Snack-Girl can follow and count all the additional entries using magical website tools.

Am I eligible to enter?
This giveaway is offered to US residents only.

When do I find out if I am the winner?
The randomly chosen winner will be announced on January 3rd, 2012. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize.

Get Free Email Updates! Yes please!


My family love apples...we apple pick every year and when the last apple is eaten my 6 year old cried this year!

My all time, swoon-worthy favorite fruit is figs. Where I live they are expensive and hard to find, but you only need one to satisfy a sweet tooth.

I love fresh pineapple, love to eat or alone or dipped in chocolate

There is nothing better than biting in to a ripe juicy pear (or apple, or peach). My mouth just watered thinking about it! *SWOON*


Since I have become a master juicer, fruit has become my best friend, it was difficult to get my fruits and veggies in but with juicing it done in a glass so the sight of fruit makes me swoon. Pears adds a sweetness to my green juice.

Apples are my all time favorite - not terribly exciting but I love them! When they came into season this year, I ate an apple a day for two straight months! :P

I absolutely LOVE bing cherries!!

I am a sucker for melons- canteloupe, honey dew, watermelon. Great as a breakfast, perfect summer cool-down treat, frozen and used as ice cubes in sparkling water, and the perfect sweet end to a meal!

I love all fruits, but I love very ripe pears topped with Brie cheese. Mmmmm!!

Concord grapes! Takes me back to my childhood, eating them straight from the vines at my grandparent's

Berries!! When they are in season they don't last around me for a second!!

Macoun apples. They are the perfect mix of tart and sweet.They are only on the shelves for several months and then I have to wait a year. Teaches me patience.

Oh, it has to be the Mango for me. And in particular, the Bowen Mango which grown in Far North Queensland, Australia. Hmmm, now I'm getting a little homesick!

I once got a gift of Harry and David 3 month fruit (I think it was pears, oranges and apples)....perfect, well worth the money (if I ever had the money to spare) it is a memory that still makes my mouth water

Any fruit fresh off a tree or branch makes me swoon! I love the power of picking my own, but off my doorstep once in a while wouldn't be bad either! ;)

Pears! They're truly my favorite fruit...sweet, juicy-ripe pears with a sliver of good parmesan cheese.

I was visiting my grandma at the nursing home on Christmas and she got a bowl of fresh fruit with her dinner---I ate the pineapple chunks and they were amazing! :-)

My swoon worthy fruit is watermelon!! but truly I love most all fruits!

Nothing better than picking Macoun apples from my friends orchard. The only apple I use for apple pie!

As my kids would say Mama is a Banana Monkey yes nothing makes me smile more then a banana at ANY time of the day! Thanks for the chance.

I once had the most perfect pear. I got it from this tiny self-serve farm stand in NE Indiana. It was the sweetest, ripest, juiciest pear I have ever had. The juice literally ran down my chin. It has since been my quest to find a pear that delicious.

Following on Twitter already & tweeted about the giveaway! :!/Elliesworld/status/151647431229059072

I LOVE Harry & David pears. I received a gift package years ago and still remember how fabulous they were. They would be just what I need to get back on track for the new year. Yum!

Starting WW instead of a low-carb diet made me realize how much I love fruit! My current favorite is honeycrisp apples!

The pears poached in orange juice and fresh ginger that my sister made for Christmas dessert were magical. I also love a cold juicy Fuji apple; fresh picked local berries; fresh ripe pineapple. Love me some fresh fruit

I couldn't decide between peaches & red Bartlet pears until I was reading through comments-pears with Brie,pears with Parmesan - has to be pears.

I still remember the musk melon I bought in Martinique from the market! It smelled like old shoes and tasted 'fantastique'! That was ten years ago or more:( I have not tasted a melon like it since.

I already follow on twitter & tweeted

I following you on FB & commented

I have an serious addiction to Clementines. Small, easy to peel, bursting with flavor and sweet juice! This is my mainstay fruit over the holidays!

I've been proud to give H & D pears to my training clients at Christmas, they've made a huge hit! Of course I always buy a box for myself too :)

I have to say that just about any fresh fruit can make me swoon. Wish I could have it always!!

Right now it is Clementines! they are like little bits of sunshine right now in this chilly weather.

Red grapes or kiwi!

Frozen red grapes but I've really never met a fruit I didn't swoon over.

I love apples! They not only take more time and effort to eat (therefore more satisfying), but they also have a great crunchy texture that's great for your teeth. An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Seriously anything with raspberries and I'm sold. They are heaven!!

I love blueberries. Mixed in with a warm bowl of oatmeal, they are delicious.

Oranges or Pears at this time of year. They are so ripe and so delicious, they just burst with juice. I love fruit. :)

fresh strawberries in summer time!!! the best ever!

Apples in the fall. Mmmmmmm.....

nothing like a delicious, sweet orange at Christmas. that's what my childhood smelled like :D

There is nothing better than a fresh cut pineapple. Mmm, so sweet.

Watermelon!! I could eat watermelon everyday (if it were in season) It is so addicting and is the perfect reminder of summer.

I love pears but always forget to buy them.

I love blueberries! My grandparents grow them and in July, I basically live off of them!

I love all fruit, how can you make me pick just one? When pears are in season--juicy and sweet--i can eat them all day! also clementines.

Pick just ONE fruit? Well that's nearly impossible! I live in Phoenix yet, I still LOVE summer because that's fresh fruit season! Mangos, blueberries, strawberries, apricots, cantaloupe, watermelon, and, and, and...yes please! Better than anything found in the snack bag aisle!

Cherries. I can eat a big bag of cherries until my fingers turn purple and my stomach is begging for mercy. Mmmm...cherries. :) (long time lurker here - delurking because I do enjoy some tasty pears also!)

I love all fruit and my favorite changes with the season but right now I can not get enough of Asian Pears (or Apple Pears, depending on what store I'm in). They're the fruit I eat in secret so I don't have to share it with my daughter while I'm eating. lol!

I am in loveeeeeeee with HoneyCrisp Apples! They are THE BEST! :)

Fresh medjool dates & figs are my fruit candy! Thanks for the pears giveaway!

I love all fruit, but right now the one I love the most is pomegranate.

If you told me a year ago that fruit would make me swoon I would've laughed you out of the room. Now a year later and not counting this week 38 lbs lighter... There are several fruits that make me swoon. When I first learned it wasn't hard to cut fresh pineapple and that it does taste better fresh than from the can.. that's a swoon moment. Anything picked off the tree or vine is an ultimate peace moment. I feel bad saying it's about pears but I learned to bake them this year with cinnamon and while they will never fully replace chocolate they make me think twice about what to choose.. :)

Fresh juicy valencia oranges are great for breakfast! Thanks for the pears - love Harry & David!

Blueberries are my favorite fruit -- fresh from the farmer's market! Thanks for your pear giveaway!

fresh, almost overripe nectarines!

I love pears (esp from H&D), and I love discovering new fruits - like persimmons! Very delicious and a great super food!!

I love pomegranates the best.

harry and david pears are the best! i grew up on them every xmas but sadly can't afford them for myself now!

I've had the Harry and David pears and they are amazing. But really any fruit in season and perfectly ripe taste great.

I absolutely LOVE fruit, and I love the pears from Harry and David (I can be bought too), but I think my all time favorite fruit are blueberries.

What fruit doesn't make me swoon? My passionate love affair with fruit started in my childhood. I grew up on persimmons,pomegranate and fresh figs. Today, I enjoy any fruit that is in season. I also love to make fruit yogurt smoothies. I just had some fresh fruit from H&D that was sent to us as a gift at the office. Deeeelish! So I would definitely love some H&D pears! :)

Fresh pears are like liquid gold in your mouth. I love fresh pears in a salad with a little blue cheese.

I love Fuji apples - one a night helps me keep my weight down.

My real favorite is pineapple. I never had any Harry & David fruit.

fresh blueberries mmmm

Sliced and peeled oranges and grapefruit sections mixed together, awesome!

Fresh figs make me swoon... which is unfortunate since they are only available for a few weeks every year!

Can I just say, who the heck does not like giveaways??? I love them!

Anywho, my favorite fruit is a fresh hard honeycrisp apple, YUM!!!

Went on a trip to Jamaica, and every morning the guest house manager would bring us a plate of fresh pineapple, papaya, and minibananas. So delicious!

Pear apples! Super juicy AND crispy!

PEARS... ripe pears absolutely make me swoon!

I love apples cooked with a sprinkle of cinnamon!

Love anything crisp - apples, pears, YUM! Pears w/grated cheese warmed in oven til cheese meltsis the best! Then there are the berries and melons - love them all!

I have to say that I have two...Mango's...Oh they are to die for, especially for a desert.

The second was a two week trip to Mexico where we would head down to the local market daily and get fresh oranges and bananas...head home and then squeeze the oranges for fresh orange juice...I've never had better.

I love fresh Raspberries!!

Here is one reader who does love giveaways! I also love red raspberries, especially the ones we pick and eat straight from the bush in summer!

Black grapes! I'm upsessed!

Fresh in season fruit makes me swoon. Can't get enough of it. Fresh Stawberries, blueberries, apples, grapefruit, watermelon, pineapple, pears! All delicious!

I love a good mango. Makes me think about tropical vacations.

I can't get enough of pears or apples! *mouth waters* I love to go to the local apple orchards and pick apples! and most times good pears in grocery stores are hard to find! Don't get me wrong I love all kinds of fruit and to make fruit smoothies with fresh fruit.. heaven! and making apple sauce with fresh apples can't get better than that!

Honey crisp apples <3

Oh how I love these - crisp and sweet and just delicious.

I love the summer just for the melons but I also wont say no to pineapple or a delicious orange. Pears are great too! I cant decide - I love them all! And snack girl- who dosent like a giveaway? I mean it's free right!? Happy New Year!

Harry & David fruit of the month is awesome. We tried some new varieties that we hadn't had before. I think their peaches and strawberries were my favorite.

Watermelon with lime and chili!

LOVE bananas, sooo good any time of day. The only thing is I can't stand them in smoothies or desserts or anything like that.

I love love kiwi and raspberries.

Champange mangos make me swoon!!!!!!! My daughter and I look forward to the season every year!!!! But I must say all fresh fruit is wonderful as it is nature's candy!!!!

A very hard decision! ! It would definitely be between watermelon, mangos or pears!!!! My new years resolution this year isnt to diet but to change mine and my family's lifestyle eat healthier! Our past eating habbits or our family s past eating habits have got us no where good, so what better way to kick off this change then with some of those delicious pears!!! :)

My backyard raspberries are my favorite fruit! So easy to grow -- "Fall Everbearing" -- they start to ripen around August, and can be picked up until the first hard frost. And so easy to care for; after all the leaves have withered and dropped, cut all the canes back leaving about 2". So easy! As a neighbor said -- they're like weeds, you can't kill them. I put my favorite cereal in the bowl, and go outside in my bathrobe for the freshiest berries.

You know they're delightful when our kids ask,"Did you put a pear in my lunch?" Juicy, solid & so sweet!

Get out the (Forman) grill! My favorites are pineapple, pear, apple and banana. A sprinkle of cinnamon and maybe even a touch of cayenne. Yum!

Fresh pineapple is amazing!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

My new favorite fruit is Black raspberries no matter the price.

I'd say peaches for sure, although strawberries are known to make me salivate too! I think i really fell in love with peaches (especially of the nectarine variety though) due to having visited my local farmer's market during was SO GOOD and shockingly cheap ($5 for two huge bags anyone? they come out to be maybe 10+ pounds for $5!) and i loved to cut it up into chunks and freeze them (separated into bags) and then in the evening when i get home from work and it's hot and late and i don't feel like cooking (which is almost every time), i bust one of these babies out, dump in a bowl, chuck in microwave for a couple of min to defrost, then dump a carton of greek yogurt and MIX. mmmmmmm the half frozen sweet peaches mixed with the not sweet but creamy (though only 2% fat!) greek yogurt was like eating a bit bowl of icecream for dinner lol. and best of all, i probably put away only like 500 calories at best for that entire dinner, i feel mostly full til bed time, AND it cools me down during the summer!

A friend, a lucky recipient of a box of Harry and David's pears, gave two of them to me. Never have I tasted such a perfect piece of fruit ~ not even the wild blueberries behind Grandma's cabin. Extraordinary.

I LOVE kiwi! They are so sweet and juicy. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

Absolutely, positively love raspberries! My grandfather used to grow them every year and let us pick and wash our own bowls full. I could probably eat them all day, every day and never grow bored of those perfect little berries.

I do not think there is a fruit that I have eaten that I do not like especially pears I am a true fan of pears. They are juicy and sweet as candy. You can bit the crisp skin and get to the soft core. You can bake, boil or cut them up into salads to make a refreshing meal. Sweet nectar for the Gods and Goddesses

My favorite fruit is mango. It is so sweet and delicious, and incredibly versatile. I mix it into my yogurt in the morning and my protein smoothies after workouts. Everything tastes better with mango!

YUM! South Carolina Peaches picked right off the tree! ***DROOL***

We have blackberry and raspberry bushes and also a pear and peach tree. I love all these fresh off the farm.

What a fantastic giveaway! I love fresh picked wineberries! They grow in the woods by my Grandfather's house. They're like little raspberries with a sweeter, bolder flavor!

I love perfectly ripe peaches

I love apples especially Honey Crisps. However in my experience they really are only good September-November. I live in Chicago so I make a point of going to the Farmer's to pick up these apples. I go through atleast 10 apples a week. LOVE LOVE LOVE them.

My absolute favorite swoon worthy fruits are fresh bing cherries, juicy pears and a nice big honey crisp apple. There's nothing better <3

Honey Crisp apples! They have the perfect flavor and crunch!

I love anything fresh from the farmer's market. That's the only way I buy fruit!

I adore the mandarin oranges from my own tree.

I absolutely love fresh honey dew and PEARS!!!! So please, please send them my way!! ha! Pear cobler is out of this world!! Just cook the pears down really well first before putting them in the cobler.

I am from the south, and nothing can beat fresh peaches and strawberries, still warm from the sun, YUM

I meant Cobbler. ha!

Where does one start? Mangos, figs, peaches, plums, etc. I even like durian.

My all time favorite fresh, ripe fruits are Pineapple and Pears. I have found that a good pineapple is much easier to find, though. Up until recently, the last really great, ripe pear I had was when I was a teenager. It seems like all of the pears these days are just hard and tasteless-ICK! My father actually received a Harry and David Gift basket for Christmas and was RAVING about the pears in it. He could tell I was quite jealous, since they used to be my absolute favorite fruit, and brought to me a few days later. Oh my! That thing was simply amazing! It was ripe, juicy, succulent, and totally left me wanting more. I may have to save up to invest in that yearly fresh fruit delivered to your door program through them!!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE red seedless grapes. They are my go to snack when I need something sweet and help with those late night cravings.

Oh man! There's no way to limit it to just one...I love strawberries, peaches, blueberries, apples, pears, kiwi, blackberries, cherries...but I'm sure these pears would be *delicious*!

Snack girl, as a loyal WW, I can be sold for a $30 box of pears! Right now, I'm swooning over baked apples. There are so many varieties to enjoy. A little clove, cinnamon, freshly microplaned nutmeg (and a whoosh of fat-free whipped cream from the can) and you have an evening TV treat to look forward to. Sans the cream, it's ZERO points. Plus, the smell, as they bake, is intoxicating. High in fiber and as sweet as a bite of apple pie, these little darlings are the apples of my eye!

I absolutely love eating fuyu persimmons. they are delicious, and a great sweet fruit to eat whenever :)

A perfectly ripe white peach, SWOON.

Black grapes are the ultimate fruit. They have every flavor in one little package. I actually roll them around my tongue after biting into them to fully experience each grape. My family enjoys them as much as I do. Although, I received a package of Harry and David's pears last year and they are right up there with the best fruit ever. How do they get them to ripen so evenly? They're amazing.

I L ♥ V E fresh peaches and nectarines. So thankful to live by a local orchard and live off of them during the summer!

nothing beats a fresh, crisp apple at the apple orchard!

Harry and David pears are simply the best. Love, love, love them! They are worth every penny!

I love fresh peaches from Chilton County, AL

I love pears, apples and oranges and will pay top dollar for them if they are good quality!

we tried some Page Oranges this year. wonderfully sweet and juicy!

Cherries are only in season for a short while, but while they are I do my best to eat my weight in them!

I LOVE Harry and davids fruit! each year we get a package as a gift at work! I wait for it all year! Their oranges are to die for!

I also love a ripe pineaplle thats what makes me swoon!

I can never buy pears from the atore without being disappointed. I have tasted one from Harry and David and ut was perfect! I don't know how they do it, but it was the best. I would love to win this to enjoy with my family!

love any type of fruit but pears are rt at the top.recived a harry n david basket one year.was wanting to eat that big pear but my daughter got it first.still waiting to try this would be my chance.

mangoss! oh boy. i die for one!

My favorite of all time is fresh pineapple. Cherries, dates and honeycrisp apples come up next in line!

follow you on twitter and tweeted :)

Strawberries picked straight out of my garden. I had never had real fresh fruit before growing it myself. I made myself sick stuffing myself with strawberries :)

The irony is - I swoon for Harry & David pears! I can't afford them regularly, but when received as a gift I savor each and every juicy bit. I rarely cook them or pair them with say cheese, because they deserve to be enjoyed on their own. I swear, I'm not sucking up! :)

Blueberries! My hands down fav!

Fresh picked pineapple, pears apples and grapes are my favorites! Thinking about all that natural sugar makes me swoon! Yum!

I can eat 5-6 clementines and still want more!!! Also, crave juicy pears!!

I love all fruit, most days atleast one meal is all fruit with a little cow cheese. I eat fruit for meals snacks and desserts. My all time favorite is Fuji apples then berries and everything else comes in second. I have not had a fruit that i didn't like, tomatoes included.

I love honeybell oranges - the perfect treat in the winter when fresh fruit is so hard to find!

I will never forget as a child, biting into a big fat juicy pear. The sweet juices dribbling down my chin.

I thought I hated all fruits and vegatables!!! While growing up I never remember eating a fresh fruit..only canned and they leave a lot to be desired. I joined weight watchers 3 months ago and they give us a weekly fruit and vegatable to try and you know what?! I LOVE fruits and veggies!!! I eat fruits every day but I think my favorite that makes me swoon is strawberries!!!

actually Bosc pears TOTALLY make me swoon but to me ANY pear is a good pear!!!! Would love to win!

cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com

Oh this would be fantastic! The whole family loved pears and we would enjoy every last bite! How delightful to start out year with something do yummy! Thank you for doing this giveaway!

My favorite fruits would have to be pears, plums & blueberries. I'd love to win - and replace the Harry & David pears I devoured from my in-laws!

I love really juicy pears!

Give me pears ANYTIME - they are my absolute fav! Started to eat healthy again about 6 mos. ago - needing to shed the lbs...I'm halfway to my goal and the BEST GUILT FREE HAD IT EVERY DAY TREAT was pears...still enjoy them, though they are not as abundant now in our area. Included pears with sandwiches..and just the 'right sweet' added to our supper meals. Yep..PEARS ARE THE BEST!

A perfect, ripe, juicy mango. Yum!

I like all fruit I'm not allergic to~ Mainly pears, mango, plum and kiwi

Mangos! Oh, and big Fuji apples and dead ripe peaches and blueberries...yeah, I think that gets the top ones. Oops, almost forgot sweet pink or red grapefruit.

Blueberries at the height of the season make me swoon! Also, apricots are pretty amazing! Gosh, now I wish it was summer time....

Concord grapes and strawberries.... Especially since their peak season is so short lived. Makes me crave them even more!

Love red raspberries--can't wait for the ones at our new house to appear! When we lived in Tokyo paying so much for fruit made them all swoon-worthy.

I am a lover of all fruit. I pick berries when in season and freeze in large portions. Honeycrisp apples are my favorite and are enjoyed everyday. Pears are high in fiber and are used in my green smoothies. Bananas and melons however, have never been craved.

A few years ago (okay, maybe over a decade now) my family went on a trip to Hawaii. One of the days we were there, we did a horseback riding tour through the Dole pineapple groves. Part of the tour was to stop at a picnic table on top a hill so we could take in the scenery and sample fresh pineapple. I wasn't a big fan of pineapple at that point mainly because the only kind I ever had was from a can. Well, that was the best pineapple I had ever tasted in my entire life! It forever changed the way I looked at pineapple - fresh pineapple that is.

blueberries are so delicious, but only the freshly picked ones. they're good for snacking and are full of antioxidants!

I never liked rasberries until I tried the rasberries that my mother-in-law grows. They are the most delicious fruit I have ever tasted. My kids love to help her pick them and they eat them almost as fast as they pick them.

I've had Harry and David and I too, find it outstanding!

Mmmmm.... fresh, ripe strawberries warm from the sun are a definite mouth waterer for me!!!

Bananas....frozen & whirled into vegan ice cream!

Fresh makes all the difference in the world. After sampling blackberries and raspberries at our farmer's market two years ago, I went out and bought my own bushes! Which didn't yield much the first year, and then died out for some reason before the second year. =( But yes, it's amazing how much of a difference there is between "good" fruit and what they sell at the supermarket!

I must admit... I am bananas for BANANAS :)

Mine is plums. Nothing better then a fresh juicy plum. My everyday favorite is grapes. As long as they are sweet. Love that they are almost like candy.

Bananas are my favorite. Eat with cereal for breakfast, or with peanut butter for snack, or blend frozen ones to make delicious and low calorie "ice cream". Absolutely heavenly.

Pears are my all time favorite fruit; so sweet. Raspberries are my next favorite :o)

My family loves apples & they are always wanting me to make apple pie. I am not crazy about apples. I will eat one raw now & then but I can't stand to eat them cooked so no apple pie for me. I do love, love, love pears & pear pie though. Just thinking of them makes me swoon!

We have a local winery here in Northern VA that produces the biggest, juciest blackberries every year. They do make a wine from the blackberries, which my mother loves. With me not being a drinker at all, I stick to eating the delicious berries right off the vines as I'm picking, from the containers on the ride home, and then whenever I walk by them - yes, they are that good. I use them in muffin recipes, smoothies, and have even made a cookie with them. I wait every year for their annual blackberry festival.

My best friend in FL sent me my first Harry & David giftbox just a week ago and honestly, those pears were the first fruit to make me swoon. I drool over the H&D catalog each year, so this gift was a major treat!

Pears defiantly rank right up there as a swoonable fruit. Some day I will be a Harry & David fruit of the monther!!!!!

I long for apples, the juicier and tarter, the better! I do not eat them during the spring or summer (opting for stone fruits and berries instead), and cannot wait to get my hands on the first of the new crop each fall. Gravenstein and Honeycrisp - my all time favorites!

O'Henry peaches are the most swoon-worthy fruit in my opinion. They are juicy, I mean dripping from the elbows juicy!

Of course, all the produce in California is amazing!

My family and I love fruit, but are always disappointed by the selection at the local grocery stores at times. But to resolve this, we joined a local produce co-op and now fruit is a major part of our diet and the key to our success doing Weight Watchers...

I love CA Satsuma seedless tangerines. I never realized there was a seedless tangerine. As a east coast kid I always looked forward to the holidays because my mom always bought tangerines. I loved the easy peeling and the great sweet taste but hated all the seeds. In my later years me and my family moved to the west coast and when I had my first seedless tangerine I floated to the moon. Not only are they easy to peel and sweet like the ones I ate as a kid, but best of all - no seeds! Love them!

Pears and raspberries are my favorites!

Honestly, I SWOON over ALL fruits. Can't think of one that I like better than others.

Oh, where do I start? First of all, I don't want my fruit to be cooked in a dish, mostly. I just want fresh fruit!

I eat a juicy Gala apple every day. I eat Ranier cherries, when I can get them in Houston, like they are crack-cocaine. Strawberries & bananas in protein smoothies. Fresh Texas peaches, so juicy that it runs down your chin when you bite into them.

honey crisp apples - it is like biting into apple cider .. they make me weep with joy!! a ripe pear makes me really happy as well!!

I LOVE all fruit - fresh & dried; canned not so much. Best is what's in season.

Fresh, ripe, juicy blueberries make me swoon more than any other fruit.

I love fruit! Except for Delicious apples of which I am allergic. But I believe Harry & David--offer the best fruits! I am not sure if they have their own groves or what? But as a small child we received their fruits once a month. Every time they were delivered we would surround the box trying to guess what delicious fruit was inside. They never failed us! The sweetest peaches ever! The biggest and tastiest grapefruit that ever touched my lips!

I love figs, pears, and temple oranges!!! All

fresh fruits are simply delightful and sooo possible now shipped in boxes right to my home!

My two favorites are apples and bananas. For apples, Ambrosias are queens, and I love to slice and freeze bananas for a refreshing treat.

Blueberries in June from Grandma's garden

Mountain apples!

Pineapple is my favorite

It s fresh flavor & it is suppose to help you digest your food so it s great after meals

Happy holidays

Ambrosia Apples make my mouth start watering. Since their season is short, I try to eat one a day!

My favoritist fruit is apricots from my great uncle's farm. Pears come in a close second when I melt a little strong cheese under the broiler.

I love pears but rarely get a truly superior one. This past summer, we visited friends and had home-grown blackberries that were a revelation -- warm from the sun, bursting with juice and flavor. They define succulence.

I love most fruits. But our local high school's FFA always does a "citrus sale" around November. I ordered a bushel of the navel oranges. Those babies tasted like they were dipped in sugar they were so sweet!

I love the Harry and David pears. My sister usually sends them to us as a Christmas gift. They are so juicy and delicious. Never had a bad pear from Harry and David.

I recently had husk cherries and they were so good!

I love canteloupe!

Roughly 20 years ago a former boss gave me a box of pears he had received from Harry and David. They were the absolute best pears I have ever eaten in my entire life hands down. How does H&D get those amazing pictures of their fruit with the juice just dripping down the side?

A crisp, cool, fall Fuji apple always makes my day.

I was brought up on a military base in the middle of the desert where I grew a distaste for rubbery steak, flavorless strawberries, and dry apples. Now that I live in central Virginia, I am speechless when I bite into farm fresh strawberries, organic beef cuts, and orchard stand apples. I'm so lucky now. This is really living.

I love peaches from Colorado! Palisade peaches in season are the best!

Much like Snack Girl's experience, I never really tasted a berry until I lived in the Pacific Northwest. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries (as big as a quarter and so, so sweet!), huckleberries ... My brother used to tease me about grazing in my cousin's berry bushes at night as though I was a cow.

I got to share in a Harry & David fruit gift box a few years back - amazing, ripe perfect fruit, wonderful taste! This is a freebie I would truly enjoy :-)

Honeycrisp apples!! We love to pick them in the Fall, they are perfectly sweet!

Persimmons are one of those fruits that just make me drool... :-)

Freshly picked strawberries make me swoon. I love the burst of flavor that accompanies a just-picked berry.

wild blueberries!

Oh my Yum!! I love pears! Almost any fruit, but a good pear is delish! And farm picked, organic strawberries? No comparison to those store kind!

A Pineapple always makes me happy!!

Berries - any kind any way!

Pineapples are always a treat. Hopefully my pineapple plant/tree will produce one one day.

I know it may sound crazy but I LOVE prunes. My family thought I was nuts. They are so flavorful and convenient though! I made dark chocolate dipped dates for Christmas gifts and they were yummy! I also love any berry that is in season. I still remember discovering Kiwi in my 7th grade home economics class! I just love it! I thought it was "rich people food"

Hmmmm...I can't think of any fruits that I DON'T love!

Apples, so good for you!

Favorites include pineapple and oranges

I truly looooove annnnnny fruit!!! They are all so good, sweet, and the perfect snack!!! Mangoes are one of my favs just because they always send me back to reliving my honeymoon in St. Lucia with my awesome husband!! They make me feel like I'm escaping to the tropics in the middle of a work day!!! :)

I have had the fruit from Harry & David and I can testify that it is sheer heaven! The pears are amazing. I had a pear tree in my back yard that used to give us bushels of delicious pears every year. Then we had to move. I miss those pears and all the yummy things I would make with them - pear pie, pear jam, pear crisp, etc. Makes my mouth water to think of it. BUT, the pears from Harry & David's are even better tasting then mine were. They are so juicy and fresh and ripe - yum. The juice drips down your chin and you smile thru every bite. HEAVEN!!

Ripe mangoes are absolutely amazing!

For me, the taste, fragrance, and texture of different fruits carry a lifetime of memories from three different continents. The lucuma, known as the "last gold of the Incas," with its rich orange flesh and unique taste mix with childhood memories of the juicy chirimoya, or custard apple, its white flesh bursting with tropical flavor. Plums ripened in the Mediterranean sun recall my late mother sitting on our balcony in Barcelona, juice running down her chin as she handed me the darkest plum I'd ever seen. Now my heart is full of our son's joy as he bites into all varieties of ripe pears, amazed by how they taste with different cheeses. At seven, he's begun his own fruit journey, requesting fresh passion fruit juice on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Passion fruit, mangoes, and papayas will always carry with them the love of his father, the ocean breeze, and the knowledge that life can be sweet.

I love almost all fruit, too. I remember "sneaking" a pomegranite off of a tree branch that reached over a fence when I was little--heaven! Nothing is better than cherries picked at the Cherry Festival in High Rolls, N.M. in June. Or blueberries, strawberries, blackberries or raspberries picked in Oregon in the early summer. Or a pear off of the tree in my back yard in summer. My neighbor gave me a bag of navel oranges for Christmas, because she knew how much I love them! I've never been able to afford Harry & David's fruit for sure, but I know it would be amazing! And, I DO like the giveaways, Snack Girl! Everyone else must like them also, judging from all the comments!!!

The Royal Riviera Pears have to the ultimate of fruit, next in my book mango and honey crisp apples

Grapes make me swoon because my husband and I often share a bowl of them while we are relaxing. My husband makes me swoon so that can be a natural connection :-)

I love fresh figs when they are just at the right ripeness for eating. But they were so expensive this year that I didn't buy any. :-(.

Fresh apricots are also a real treat.

I love fresh blueberries from new jersey! they're the best!

I eat fresh fruit in my yogurt every morning. I go for whatever is in season. Right now I'm enjoying seedless grapes and pomegranates

Our backyard blueberries we eat them by the handful and spend many play dates with our friends hanging out around the 3 very large bushes eating and visiting.

I love all kindfds of fruit so I will just give you a short list. Strwberries, raspberries, pineapple, cranberies, apples , red grapes and I will end my list with apricots

I love,love,love pears. I think I got that from my aunt, I used to take her shopping and picked out her pears for her and they had to be really/"pear shaped". LOL

Strawberries fresh from the field are amazing, especially when you get those big juicy ones! If I catch them just right, I can eat them until my mouth says "no more!" It will be a sad day when our local farm stops growing these.

I thought there was no fruit that made me swoon until my husband gave me a gift box of fresh, chocolate covered strawberries from our local Farmer's Market. That definitely made me swoon!

I adore watermelon! I could literally eat an entire watermelon allll day long if I didn't have any self-control (I guess there are worse things to binge on lol).

All fruits are wonderful...I love frozen grapes...they are awesome.

I grew up on canned pineapple. My swoon was the first time I tasted fresh pineapple, it was like eating candy!

Like the last person. The first time i had fresh pineapple it was amazing. Also love ripe nectarines. Fuji apples mangoes passionfruit. I dont love pears but i will have to try them with brie and parmesan i do love cheese.

Fuji apples, I never really liked apples until I had a Fuji.

I love all fruit. Lately I have been making homemade apple/pear sauce.

I love, love ,love fresh picked apples in the fall!

I love most all fruits, especially since I am a member of a well known weight loss program that recently made fruit "free". If I had to chose a favorite fruit I would say a ripe juicy pear, although I'm not very good at picking good ones at the store.

Asian pears! Crisp and juicy!

roasted pears with pine nuts and goats cheese! best use of pears ever!

Fresh apricots in the spring are like heaven!

I love fresh Bing cherries, sweet & tart!

My Dad lives in Malaysia and sending presents to us in the US from Malaysia is out of the question due to postal costs...however, every year we get a tower of goodies from Harry & David. The pears are always the first to go! (even faster than all the sweets!!)

i have to pick just one?? watermelon make me swoon.

I am a lover of fruit, most all kinds. My favorite combination of fruit is to mix fresh strawberries, fresh raspberries and fresh pomegrante together in a bowl. It is heavenly!

Melrose Apples! I went to an apple cider festival last year and discovered this apply (which is our state apple) and it's amazing! Can only find it on fruit farms though.

The Royal Riviera Pears from Harry and David make me swoon. I received them as a gift once and I still can't stop thinking about them.

Harry and David's Royal Riviera pears are like eating pure sugar. Yum!

I just can't get past the pears! I love other fruits too, but those pears look so good.

Pear preserves! Pear tarts! Pears in the hand with the juice flowing all over the place. Pears are everything an apple wants to be. Pears and cheese! Pears are my favorite.

I would choose strawberries as the fruit that makes me swoon....YUM!

Oh, I think most all fruits are delectably divine, but a few faves are figs, berries, persimmons, clementines, cherries, and mangoes. DELISH!

My favorite fruit is Italian plums picked fresh from our lovely plum tree before it died from some tree disease. They were so good!

I LOVE pears.

Honeybells! We have received these as a gift the past few years and they are delicious...can't wait for them to arrive this year!

Love all citrus fruits. I have been starting my day with pink grapefruit lately. Also enjoying clementines when I can get my hands on them.

I love fruit, it's zero points plus with Weight Watchers. I have been buying my local stores fruit tray, it's more money but I can make it last all week!

I love fresh in season raspberries, their sweetness is almost as good as my memories of picking fresh ones from raspberry bushes as a child.

Clementines are my favorite. No matter the time of year, it's always a refreshing and revitalizing fruit. They remind me of the importance of eating healthy and that eating right does taste good!

I love most fruit and can't pick just one favorite. Whatever is in season is my favorite at that time...right now is ruby red grapefruit and navel oranges from Florida!

I love ripe, red grapes not only because they burst in your mouth with sweet, juicy flavor but also because they are so snackable! I break off a small bunch, pack them in a sandwich bag and take them to work. Much better to snack on than a bag of chips!

That is how I felt about a type of orange I got in my farmers box. It was amazing.

Fresh Blueberries are wonderful. I've really been enjoying pears and apples lately though.

I love H&D pears! I do have to admit that my heart belongs to raspberries. Sweet and perfect!


My fave memory has to be these hard nectarines we picked from a upick place. We didn't pick many as they were rock hard so I was worried they wouldn't be good. But oh a few days they were ripe & they were the best nectarines we had ever eaten. I wished we had picked more. We went there the next year but they weren't that good...shows how there is such a difficult timing to fruit. You just never know...but when it's good it's really really good!

Ooo, I love Harry & David pears... what I wait for every year is from November through January there are Satsuma Mikan. They are wonderful... I don't like the kind with seeds--they're really sweet and great.

I would have to say the fruit that made me swoon would be the 20 pounds of apples my 5 & 6 year helped me pick! Funny how they thought since they were up in the trees doing all the picking, that they tasted SO much better! (Even though they are happy little apple eaters all year round!).

I love Honeycrisp Apples and grapes! Not together, but I can't pick one over the other :)

Two pounds of bing cherries in a bowl of icy water. Heaven on a summer day.

I love fresh strawberries from the field! You cant beat it! Also, fresh picked apples are incredible!

Any type of fresh fruit makes me very happy! Love the Royal Rivieras, watermelon, peaches, berries, bananas, you name it. Apples are probably my fave.

I absolutely love fresh pineapple when it's in season. And fuji apples. Amazing.

How on earth would someone pick ONE fruit as their favorite?!? Seriously, my favorite one is the one I happen to be eating at the moment. Whatever that happens to be. Peaches, pears, kiwi, bananas, cherries, guava, whatever. The only problem is, I am on medication that states that grapefruit is not allowed so I guess that one is off my favorite. I am thinking about giving fruit baskets for Christmas next year. What better than fruit from Harry and David?

This past summer, I couldn't get enough watermelon. Typing this makes me sad because watermelons are gone for the winter. But watermelon season is followed by Honeycrisp season which is followed by Honeybell season. And oh those little clementines. They are just the right size and easy to peel

There's nothing like a luscious ripe comice pear. When you bite into it the juice trickles down your arm. My husband and kids fight over pears in our house. Paired with a ripe bleu cheese and some toasted nuts - yum!! Wish I had one right now.


Asian Pears! A perfect combination of sweet, crisp, and juicy!

Every fruit at its peak of perfection is amazing. Lately, I've been getting great mangoes. I mixed them with left over cranberry sauce Christmas dinner for a really super fruit salad, along with bosc pears and granny smith apples.

I have two. I love raspberries and pears. Mmmm...

Washington peaches straight from the branch... still warm from the sun. So juicy and sweet!

I love love love bananas... I like all fruit but bananas are YUMMY!!

Honey crisp apples have renewed my love of apples. They are sweet-tart and crunchy and the juice usually ends up on my nose. Greatest new invention of 2011!

Mmmmm.... I love fruit, especially local peaches from our local orchard here in east Texas. I grew up with a pear tree in my back yard so I have a love of pears and would love a Box! ;-)

Having grown up in the Pacific NW, I am in love with any kind of berry!!! Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and huckleberries just to name a few!

My favorite power food are fuji apples. I just love them. They give me energy and help curb that hunger pang.

When i was young, my dad got harry and david fruit every month from a client. Best fruit ever, all of it. My mom and i would rush to get the box open. Always wrapped like little treasures.

I bought stawberries from a roadside farmer's market on the way from San Francisco to Yosemite. They tasted better than strawberry ice cream!!

I love ALL kinds of fruits, including peaches, strawberries, watermelons, grapes...and others. They are so tasty when fresh.

I ALSO like Snack Girl on Facebook.

I fell in love with cherries when I visited Barcelona. They've never tasted quite the same in the States, but I still love them. And peaches. I LOVE peaches. :)

I love pomegranates as a sweet treat, my go to fruit are granny smith apples, love the tartness of them. So delicious and a great satisfying snack.

The fresh peaches we used to pick from the tree at our old house. So sweet and juicy. I miss those peaches.

Lightly chilled watermelon is something I can thoroughly enjoy anytime!

Love apples. Have one every day.

Really ripe persimmons

mmmmm organic grapes DELICIOUS :-)

There is something about a ripe and beautiful Golden Delicious apple that is irresistible to me. Love them!

childhood memory... broiled grapefruit with a maraschino cherry, sprinkled with brown sugar. (citrus was hard to acquire during the winter months in NJ...back in the dark ages) Still a favorite at Christmas.

Mangos are my favorite! Had them for the first time 2 years ago while vacationing in Mexico, and fell in love with them. Love them in salsa too!

I love so many, but I am going to have to go with a ripe, fresh, juicey peach!

I love strawberries and eat them year round, even though the quality is not that great in the winter months.

I love all things fruit. Pears happen to be a favorite.

How can I choose? The blueberries we used to pick in the Catskills? The peaches we grew (quite by accident) in Deltona,FL? They were thin-skinned but sooo juicy! I love to peel a juicy naval orange, but just swoon when DH brings home the season's best strawberries or watermelon from the flea market! I think it's watermelon 'cause it's juicy, sweet & fun to eat!!!

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My favorite fruit, hmm so hard to choose. Peaches, fresh peaches in season! I can't resist!!!

Honeycrisp apples are so perfect! We can rarely find them where I live. There are seriously Nature's perfect food!!!SO sweet, delicious, and melt in your mouth yummy!

Just picked cherries are my favorite fruit, sweet and tart at the same time. The biggest thing I've learned about picking delicious fruit is to eat what is in season and you can't go wrong.

You should see my freezer! Berries picked fresh this summer to be used in jams, smoothies and pies all winter. I love all fruits and my favorites are apples, grapefruits, nectarines, blueberries, pineapples, canteloupe...and on and on and on! Yummy!

Missouri peaches at the peak of their season are just about as close to heaven as you can get.

I am a big fan of oranges, tangerines, tangeloes etc., and now am a huge fan of the "cuties"!! They are easy to peel, great flavor, no seeds and work very well on my Weight Watchers program! I love them!!!!!!!!

Baked Pears with cinnamon!!!

this time of the year, clementines are making us swoon!

This time of year I swoon over "Cuties"!!! Fresh pineapples are always great! I have never received a fruit of the month, but it sounds wonderful!!!

Bananas and cherries make me swoon!

fresh raspberries are the fruit of my childhood. each time I eat them, I'm taken back to happy times playing outside in the fresh Wyoming air.

I am in love with honey crisp apples!

The fastest way to get a swoon out of me is a fresh, ripe peach. HEAVEN ON EARTH!! I love cherries too but simply the smell of a ripe peach is almost too much for me not to drool like a teething baby!!!!

I would have to say cantaloupe, which I did not have this summer due to the scare going around about some kind of death organism -- very scary! But I do love them. You can put a scoop of ice cream in the hole, or use salt, or cut them up and put them in fruit salad. Or mix them with honeydew melon balls.

Pears, freshly picked from my grandmother's pear tree. One of the best parts of autumn.

Tree ripe Colorado peaches make me swoon!! The ultimate in fruit!!

I adore blueberries and pears. I am starting a new healthy lifestyle in 2012 converting from a junkfood junkie and I know that fruit will be a success for me. I love fruit.

Perfectly ripe organic strawberries make me swoon, but a perfect pear would also make me VERY happy!

Watermelon reminds me of summer! Swoon!

I love fruit...especially frozen grapes! YUM!

:) Christy

I could eat an entire watermelon if someone didn't stop me.

Raspberries and honeydew melon! Delish!

Oh I would have to say oranges. Big fat naval oranges, from Florida. It's hard to find them the right size these days. I remember picking them off the tree not too many years ago. Add a little salt and there is nothing better!

I'm truly addicted to apples. I just love them in any form!

Grapes are my favorite fruit, their a great take along fruit when your at work, traveling, and on the go. Also love to freeze grapes makes them sweeter and takes longer to eat. "I swoon over grapes"

I grew up sharing fresh pears with my dad. I still buy fresh pears and a few really good cheese's and a nice bottle of wine. Then he and my mother and I have a nice little party all to ourselves.

I practically go broke paying for bing cherries during the summer months but they're so worth it!

I love every fruit when it is in season - everything tastes best picked right from the tree/vine/bush.

Fresh, juicy peaches.

Watermelon is my go-to fruit.

Kumquats! I love the combination of the edible skin, which is somewhat acidic and tart and the sweet fruit inside!

In fact, my parents sent us a Harry & David gift box for Christmas and those pears, which I've had the food fortune of eating before, rank as my all time favorite fruit.

A truly, perfect ripe peach beats anything. Sadly, whenever I get my hopes up and see a great looking one at the grocery store-the first bites usually makes me throw it in the trash. Funny how it can be the best thing when fresh and ripe and one of the worst things when it is not.

I love love love gala apples. They have to fresh and crisp though. Nothing better!

Golden Delicious Apples make me swoon in the fall; strawberries in the spring; watermelon in the summer; Clementines in the winter!

I LOVE honeycrisp apples more than any other apple I have ever tasted. Furthermore, the crunchy sound of biting into one of these gems is enough to make any mouth water! It is well worth the wait to enjoy these during the late fall/winter months.

watermelon and pineapple make me go weak in the knees everytime!

Honey crisp apples, It used to be granny smith but now I can eat 3-4 honey crisp apples at one time they are better than chocolate

Blueberries are my sweet favorite! Frozen fresh or dried! :)

Love raspberries fresh in the summer ~ so good!

Love mangos!

I've already posted once, but had to come back and tell you that with all this talk about fruits, I went to Harry and David today and picked up a couple of pairs, then went to the grocery store for bananas and pineapple! It's all making me drool now :)

I love apricots! Fresh or dried, they're amazing!

Kumquats, picked fresh off a tree.

Raspberries are my all time favorite fruite.

What a great giveaway! Pears are my fave fruit, alongside mandarins, cherimoya, & ripe strawberries :)

Strawberries, pineapple, mango, raspberries, apricots, grapefruits (fresh off the tree), almost any fruit on the sour side is delicious.

Every year I take my son's to Brants Apple Orchard. We have enjoyed learning about different types of Apples and that each one has a different flavor and qualities. Love your posts! Wishing you a wonderful, healthy 2012~

My famly and I LOVE fresh pears!

I go absolutely bananas for bananas:)

Fruit is the perfect breakfast, snack, strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, apples, bananas, pears...yum~ All deliciious!

I just purchashed a H&D 12 month light (small) fruit of the month club for myself. I absolutley love fresh fruit and its sad how poor the quality of it is where I live.

I cant find fresh fruit for eating or smoothies in my area with any taste so I've been buying frozen. It works but I'm gonna check out the site and the fresh fruit. Frozen fruits are expensive and not as good as fresh.

A freshly picked, juicy peach!

I like all fruits. But I especially like crispy and tart apples and pears either as a stand alone healthy snack or sliced over salad and topped with blue cheese.

I actually love Harry and David Riviera pears. We used to get boxes of them for Christmas when I was a kid. Nothing is as juicy and delicious.

I love all fruit, but DATES are swoon-worthy! They are like God's candy bars!

My all time favorite was pears picked at their peak from my Grandma's tree in the backyard, warm from the sun. But my CURRENT favorite is honeycrisp apples. Delish!

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