The Healthiest Halloween Candy On The Planet
October 22, 2012 44 Comments
Because I like to torture myself, every year I try and find a healthy option to give out for Halloween. Why?

I kinda think it is my job to give alternatives to the mini-Snickers bars that are what I really want to give out. This is my third year of the challenge and I would like to review past years.
For 2010, I suggested:

Yes, I suggested giving out individually packaged prunes for Halloween. The comments were pretty hilarious. The best one was from Judy:
Yeah, if I knew that getting our house toilet papered would be the worst of it I might buy these to hand out (hey we could always re-roll it and use it!) but the kids in our neighborhood like to throw eggs on cars which ruins paint.
or maybe this one from April:
OK... I have to tell you (even though we don't do Halloween) that my son laughed his butt off about this post. Ya see.... prunes were a recent solution for some (ahem) issues he had, and of course, it worked for a smooth move. lol So this really cracked him up. (no pun intended) hahahahaha
I did get featured in a big paper in Michigan for my advice but I’m not sure why (silly blogger!).
I went back to the drawing board for 2011 and found these:

Honestly, I thought these were super cute! Look at those shapes. My readers last year definitely thought this was a better idea than the prunes. But, they didn’t love it. Here’s a comment from David:
Go ahead and hand those out. And quickly learn that next year the kids will avoid your place like the plague! Great idea for myself, but it's Halloween for goodness sake! Kids can live once in a while.
Hey, I was trying to help them live!! Actually, I hear him on that one (but I still thought they were super cute).
This year, I think I have it! Except I know that the people who have and fear nut allergies are going to yell at me. My son loved the package above of “Frankenweenie” wrapped pistachios that not only had a few pistachios in them BUT A STICKER!
I paid $5.50 for 25 packages of pistachios to hand out. Yes, I know that is much more expensive than the bag of mini-Snickers but I love these for lunch boxes and my purse.
It's a little portion and they are so fun to crack open. What do you think? Will I be the pariah of the neighborhood AGAIN?
There is this really cute advertisement that goes with the pistachios here:
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Jennifer Drummond
Rhea Jordan
Carrie @ Season It Already!
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