Healthy Halloween Candy: What To Do?
October 22, 2013 56 Comments
This year, Snack Girl is in serious trouble. Her annual trip to Target to find a healthy choice ended in defeat.

One of the big problems was that my school district is now eliminating nuts because of allergies. This got me to thinking about what I should be handing out.
Last year I promoted this:

But, this year, I couldn’t find them! And, I’m supposed to stay away from nuts. Of course, I could find these:

Yes, I suggested giving out individually packaged prunes for Halloween a couple years ago. The comments on the post were pretty hilarious. The best one was from Judy:
Yeah, if I knew that getting our house toilet papered would be the worst of it I might buy these to hand out (hey we could always re-roll it and use it!) but the kids in our neighborhood like to throw eggs on cars which ruins paint.
or maybe this one from April:
OK... I have to tell you (even though we don't do Halloween) that my son laughed his butt off about this post. Ya see.... prunes were a recent solution for some (ahem) issues he had, and of course, it worked for a smooth move. lol So this really cracked him up. (no pun intended) hahahahaha
If I am honest with myself, prunes are a terrible idea. I am in dreamland if I think I will convince anyone to hand out prunes.
I was stuck looking through all the candy at Target, and I decided on York Peppermint patties in the shape of pumpkins. Why? They:
1. Don’t have nuts (those lousy allergies).
2. Won’t stick to kid’s teeth like taffy or other sticky candy.
3. Taste strongly so you aren’t tempted to eat too many of them in one sitting.
4. Not so bad on the calories.
One fun-sized York patty is:
60 calories, 1 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 14.0 g carbohydrates, 11 g sugar, 0 g protein, 0 g fiber, 5 mg sodium, 2 Points+
These aren’t going to get your house toilet papered or win any awards for healthiest Halloween treat – but they work in a pinch. I am going to get flamed for this, but this year I am flummoxed.
Anyone find anything good to hand out this year? Please share.
Points+ values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only.
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Amy G
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Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
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