Healthy Halloween Tips
October 19, 2016 6 Comments
I should win an award for my healthy Halloween tips. Do you know how hard they are to come up with?

I can see the award now – A Golden Pumpkin with “Snack Girl” printed on it. Cool.
We are swimming in candy!! I made the mistake of walking down the wrong aisle at Costco and thought a two story pile of bags of candy was going to clobber me as I pushed my cart by it. I couldn’t imagine where all that candy was going to go.
Over the years, I have caused a real stir with my healthy Halloween ideas. One time, I suggested single wrapped prunes instead of candy and that landed me in the Minneapolis Tribune (perhaps as a joke). The reporter literally laughed in my face (well, in my ear because he called me).
Here are some better ideas:

I saw these Halloween themed pretzels at Costco after I made it by the candy pile (they also had small cans of PlayDoh).

These Halloween goldfish are super cute and the parents of toddlers will love you for giving them out. The tweens will roll their eyes.
My choice for best ACTUAL Candy are these:

1. Don’t have nuts (those lousy allergies).
2. Won’t stick to kid’s teeth like taffy or other sticky candy.
3. Taste strongly so you aren’t tempted to eat too many of them in one sitting.
4. Not so bad on the calories.
One fun-sized York patty is:
60 calories, 1 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 14.0 g carbohydrates, 11 g sugar, 0 g protein, 0 g fiber, 5 mg sodium, 3 SmartPoints
I don’t have to buy candy for Trick-or-Treaters and I suggest that you don’t buy it either……..until October 30th so it doesn’t sit there looking at you.
A few tips:
- Buy candy that you don’t like.
- If there is leftover candy, give it away or toss it out.
- If you can’t give it away then put it in the freezer where you can’t see it.
Here are the instructions for how to make the cute healthy Halloween treats.

Mandarin Pumpkins
Peel mandarin oranges (smaller ones with no seeds) and shove a small stick of celery into the center to make a stem. Wrap if not serving these immediately so the mandarins don’t dry out.
Banana Ghosts
Cut banana in half and press Cheerios onto flesh. Eat immediately or soak banana in lemon juice before putting on Cheerios so they don’t turn brown.
Pretzel Brooms
Slice a cheese stick in half and cut several slices into one half of the stick. Shove end of pretzel stick into flat end of cheese stick to make a “broom”.
Please share your healthy Halloween tips! We can use as many as we can get.
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