A Nutty Solution To Holiday Snacking
November 30, 2011 12 Comments
Looking for a way to make it through the holidays without adding to your muffin top? I know I am.

This post is inspired from a dedicated Snack Girl reader who was frustrated with a Snack Girl omission.
From Courtney:
I'm a huge fan of your work, especially your holiday features which help me keep from putting on holiday weight.
You had me at "huge fan" :)
That being said, I can't believe you've never featured uncracked nuts as a snack. We had them every year during the holiday season in my house and they were the bane of my existence when featured along with an orange in my holiday stocking (I got very little candy in my stocking, which seemed cosmically unfair to a six year old whose friends had never heard of getting fruit in a stocking).
Still, I always loved them, and now that I'm older and realize that having to crack them myself not only gives me a little feeling of accomplishment (sometimes I applaud) but also keeps me from eating an entire bowl of nuts in one sitting. Those things take forever to open!
Seems like a good reason to break out your nutcracker, right?
YES! How could I forget this? I, too, received oranges and walnuts in the shell in my stocking from Santa. Somehow Santa managed to fill the stocking with almost entirely oranges and walnuts and no chocolate. Perhaps, he knew that I would someday lead a healthy snack revolution......
You can buy bags of mixed whole nuts in the produce section of you store and they will include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, and pecans. While you are sitting around watching holiday football or hanging out by the fire - you can bust out a nutcracker and get crackin'.
It is hard work to open these guys, but the nuts taste so fresh and it is fun to open them to get the prize inside. Twenty almonds is about 100 calories. I double dog dare you to crack 20 almonds in a sitting.
These would also make a great gift basket (if you are giving out gifts this year). You could buy a basket, fill it with whole nuts, and include a nutcracker. Wouldn't your friends love this healthy snack?
Do you crack whole nuts at the holidays?
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