A Garden For Lazy People
May 22, 2013 22 Comments
Get our your hoes and your gardening gloves and start planting!

Or if you are me, watch all the gardeners surrounding you go to plant sales, discuss the latest in eco-groovy irrigation, and till their soil.
Me? I am sitting this year out. Honestly, I would love to plant a garden that would give me tons of tomatoes, zucchini, basil and kale, but I hate weeding in the hot sun. Also, I found that I don’t like picking vegetables much either.
Last year, we tried a farm share and part of the deal was that we go out to the field and pick our vegetables. As I crouched in the hot sun (as my children complained), I dreamt of the cold interior of a supermarket produce section. Once you pick your own green beans, cherry tomatoes, and strawberries you treat your food with much more respect. Somebody worked HARD to get that food to you.
BUT, I am still going to have a wee garden for my windowsill. All you need is about $8-$12 and you can have fresh herbs all summer long. My favorites are basil, cilantro, and parsley. I clip off some of the plant when I want to add it to a dish and it keeps growing! Best of all, I don’t have to weed or go outside to get my product and I keep them above my sink for quick watering.
You can buy these plants at any Home Depot or garden store. I have seen a cute window sill box at Home Depot for super lazy people (like myself).
What do I do with my herbs?
- Layer leaves of basil on my tomatoes and drizzle with olive oil.
- Add cilantro to my salsa (tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, lime juice, salt)
- Use parsley as a garnish for anything (eggs, fish, tomatoes, etc.)
Fresh herbs are a zero calorie way to add lots of flavor to your food.
Do you have a garden? How do you use fresh herbs?
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Anna Spaeth
Diana L.
Diana L.
Linda Griego
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Carrie @ Season It Already!
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