
Got Turkey? A Leftover Turkey Recipe That You Will Love

November 18, 2019   8 Comments

Get ready for some leftover turkey with this chili recipe. This is fast, easy, and will stretch your bird in new directions.

A Leftover Turkey Recipe That You Will Love

You know you will be swimming in turkey so why not plan for it?

Do not make boring food with turkey breast gold! Make a white chili that everyone will declare amazing – and is so easy that you will ask yourself why you ate that boring sandwich.

The key to the chili brilliance here is to toast the spices before you add the broth. Toasting helps deepen the flavor of the spices, just like roasting makes vegetables sweeter. This is Cooking 101 and I am always happy when I take the time to do this step.

Another great seasonal chili is my pumpkin chili which utilizes both ground turkey and pumpkin (but not pumpkin spice because that would be gross).

This recipe is great because most of the ingredients are probably in your pantry already (with the exception of the chopped green chili). Turkey and chilis are a surpisingly good combination. Since turkey has such a strong flavor (as opposed to chicken) it is a great contrast to the spiciness of the pepper.

You can easily double this recipe and freeze it. My family had already munched on the roasted turkey breast that I made so I only had a pound left by the time I got around to making this.

Do be sure to drain and rinse the canned beans. You can cut the sodium by more than 10% by rinsing them.

Roasting a turkey breast and then making multiple meals from it is such a good idea for saving money. You also won’t dial take out when you look in your fridge and see a big honking turkey breast – ready to eat.

Leftover Turkey Chili Recipe

2.3 from 30 reviews

Makes 6 servings

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1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 4-ounce can chopped green chilis (can find in Mexican section)
1 can white beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups low sodium chicken stock
1 pound of roasted turkey breast, skin removed


Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan. Saute the onion until translucent (about 5 minutes). Add the garlic and stir for one minute. Add the cumin, oregano, and cayenne pepper and toast the spices for another minute.

Add the green chilis (not drained), beans, and chicken stock and heat over medium high. While you are heating the stock mixture, chop the turkey breast into little chunks. Add the turkey breast and serve when hot.

I love to add a dollop of sour cream or a little grated cheddar cheese to this chili.

Nutrition Facts

For a 1 1/2 cup serving = 216 calories, 4.1 g fat, 0.7 g saturated fat, 24.1 g carbohydrates, 4.4 g sugar, 20 g protein, 5.2 g fiber, 320 mg sodium, 1 Blue SmartPts

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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I just made your turkey chili last night (used your slow cooked turkey breast recipe). I added some diced carrots, zucchini and chard and extra green chilies. It was DELICIOUS! Thanks Lisa!

I have some leftover turkey and was wanting to make something and your chilemail sounds just perfelt! I have all ingredients and am going to make it now!!! I think I'll through a little green onion on top when it's done and some little dried tortilla chips on it like the kind u use on salads or tortilla soup and can all ready taste it. Thank you for your contribunion to my stomach happiness

How could I incorporate my slow cooker? I feel like everything that comes out of there is way better.

Is this a freestyle recipe?

Yes! Thank you, I love this recipe. Now I don't have to hunt for it! Thanks, Lisa

@Meg - go ahead and saute the onion and garlic and toss it all in the slow cooker. Cook it for about 2 hours on low perhaps? I think it would be great!

@Barbara - yes this is a Freestyle recipe

What would the points be for purple plan? You are only showing blue plan in your recipes.

I love this recipe - have been making it for a few years!

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