
Get Out Your Mason Jars: DIY Iced Mocha

June 25, 2014   18 Comments

Whew! Snack Girl doesn’t know what temperature it is in your neck of the woods, but here it is hot.

Mason Jar Iced Mocha

Like fry an egg on the pavement hot.

When it is super steamy, do you drink hot coffee? I know folks who start throwing ice cubes in everything when it heats up, coffee, tea, smoothies, their underwear :)

I paid $4 for a Iced Cafe Mocha the other day because I couldn't resist (290 calories).

Then, I got to thinking about Mason jars. Why? Because a friend of mine, Steve, was drinking an iced coffee from a Mason jar and I thought it was so cool. Mason jars are hip!

What if you pre-made your iced coffee treat so you never go to Starbucks again? How hard could that be?

I got out my Mason jar and started brewing. I used unsweetened almond milk for the "milk" portion of the drink because it doesn't spoil like cow's milk and I wanted to make a bunch of these.

All you do is brew your favorite coffee (decaf, hazelnut, etc.), pour it into the jar. Mix in the almond milk and chocolate syrup and store in the refrigerator with the lid. When you are ready to have your treat - dump in some ice cubes and head for your verandah, porch, or couch.

(I love the word "verandah".)

Isn't that amazing? Save money, the environment (reusable cup), and calories in one swoop and it is super yummy.

Do you have a strategy for sugary beverage consumption?

Iced Mocha Recipe

1.8 from 25 reviews

(makes one)

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1/2 cup coffee (of your choice)
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup (such as Hershey's)


Mix coffee, almond milk, and syrup in jar. Store, covered, in fridge until ready to drink. Add lots of ice cubes and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

For one mason jar = 74 calories, 1.7 g fat, 13.2 g carbohydrates, 9.3 g sugar, 1.0 g protein, 1.0 g fiber, 106 mg sodium, 2 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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I've started using a splash of a vanilla protein drink to my iced coffee!

This is one of those serendipitous moments. This weekend I stored iced tea in mason jars instead of huge pitchers and I'm not really sure why, but I loved it. The tea stays really cold. I can drink straight from the jar. And now I have two kinds: cinnamon and peppermint to choose from. I look forward to trying this iced mocha. Sounds delish.

I make these on an "as needed" basis by making espresso, adding sweetener to it, then 1 cup of whatever milk you want - then pouring this over ice. The ice dilutes it a bit and cools it down.

Nice....I will definitely have to try this. But think I will have to buy a few mason jars!

I started doing this a few weeks ago. Out of habit hubby kept making a full pot of coffee, even though it was too hot outside for me to want it. Then I had the thought of pouring the leftover in a tea pitcher. In the am before work I pour it over a little milk and ice. yummy!

Would love to know if anyone has a good recipe for making a cold brew coffee concentrate that can then be used to mix with milk or water to create the perfect iced coffee drink. My "treat" coffee drink right now is a bit of concentrate (purchased from a local coffee roaster), a tablespoon of chai syrup (same roaster), 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk. I mix it in a thermos in the morning, take it to work and dilute with a cup of water and a four ice cubes. It makes a great caffinated snack!

I have a fixation with Mason jars, so have in stock, but if you use anything that comes in a wide-lid glass jar, just soak jar, peel off label, and you have your own handy glass container (IMHO glass keeps things super chilled). I saw something online about cold brewing coffee which is super easy. The most difficult part is straining the end product.

Lisa; thank you for this recipe. I have tried making iced coffee and it was always flat.Shop bought is always too sweet.

I think the bit of chocolate syrup will be the answer. I like the idea of the almond milk too as it stays fresh.

I make different flavours of "sun tea" with flavoured teas all summer- either bags or leaves in cheesecloth. Our current fav is Moroccan Mint. Drink it on ice or with a splash of ginger ale-refreshing.

@Robin (and anyone else) I love cold brewed coffee and in the summer I keep the concentrate in my fridge on a regular basis. My personal ratio is 1:4 coffee:water. So I do 1 cup of coffee to 4 cups of water. I dump it in a container and put it in the fridge (some places say to do room temp - haven't tried that). I leave it for 6-18 hours or so, then I strain it twice - once through a mesh strainer and once through a paper filter. Voila. I have also made it in a french press using the same ratio. I didn't even THINK about adding chocolate syrup to mine - will do that today!

The key to great-tasting iced coffee (no matter what you put in it) is COLD BREWING I've been using a Toddy cold brew system ( for about 10 years and love having the concentrate in my fridge. They have the ratio of water to coffee listed on their site. (no, I don't work for them) Also, it helps to have the beans ground specifically for this type of brewing (a course ground works better because it soaks for hours)

I've also seen cold brewed done without the device just in a large glass bowl and then strained.

I tried cold brewing and it didn't work for me. It was messy and it came out bitter. Any hints would be appreciated!

Snack Girl, I don't know what to tell you! I've never had it be messy or bitter and I'm a total messy (and bitter) lady myself. ;) I make it every few nights (when I run out of concentrate). Dump the coffee/water in a container, stir, leave alone. Strain twice, drink. That's all I do, I swear!

Well -- here is a side bar thing that actually can make a mason jar travel happy:

It was great. Just came in from a 3 mile run with my daughter and her hubby. We were hot and sweaty. I checked my email and there was this recipe. I had all the ingredients, hazelnut coffee, almond milk and Hershey's syrup. I topped it with a bit of lite whipped cream. We all loved it.

I make coffee and freeze it ice cube trays so that I can just blend the straight coffee in my blender and there's no ice needed which only waters it down. Go strong or go home.

I was introduced to a neat product to use with Mason jars as a cup a few years ago. The product is called "Cuppow" and it changes your Mason jar into a kind of sippy cup with the canning ring. You can get the inserts on-line at Highly recommend because it keeps your drink covered, you can use a straw or sip direct and it keep bugs/other outdoor stuff out of your drink!

we also freeze coffee in ice cube trays, but we use the morning's leftover brew. whenever you make a mason-jar mocha just use the 'good' cubes so your delicious bev doesn't get watered down. also good w/ baileys poured over for an evening libation. also blends well into homemade frapuccinos...using all of the above!

Mmmmm I love the frozen coffee cube idea!

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