How To Conquer the Mental Hurdles to Losing Weight
September 16, 2015 23 Comments
As someone who is paid to reflect and communicate about health, I can’t get stuck in the same intellectual patterns. I MUST innovate my way out of the hole.

When it comes to losing weight many of us ask ourselves this simple question: “Can I lose weight?” Here are some answers:
- No, I love food too much.
- Yes, as soon as I change jobs.
- No, because I tried and failed.
- Yes, but it will be painful.
We get stuck in a black and white – yes or no – type of thinking that leaves us closed to possibilities. If I asked you to reframe the question to: “How can I lose weight?” -or even better: “How can I get healthy?” What starts to happen in your thinking?
How? Okay! well I could:
- Try one of Snack Girl’s recipes this week.
- Take a walk with my buddy instead of eating lunch out.
- Get more sleep so I don’t overeat to keep my energy up.
- Finally shop at that new farmer’s market to stock up my fridge with fruits and veggies.
The possibilities are endless! We all have these patterns of thinking that we developed in our childhoods. These patterns get in the way of our health and ultimately our overall well being.
Let’s take something really difficult that I encountered on a recent trip. I HATE the security screening at the airport since 9/11. I decided to ask myself (instead of “Can I enjoy the security screening?” – heck, no!), “How can I enjoy the security screening?”
As I stood there in the gray airport on a dark morning with weary travellers, I couldn’t come up with anything. Hmmmmmmm…..
Then, I started looking at shoes. You will not believe how many different types of shoes you see in the security line – sandals, hiking boots, sneakers, high heels and flip-flops (who wears flip-flops when they aren’t at the pool?). Ha!
Starting to enjoy myself! As I was waiting for the inevitable delay, a wheelchair with a man in a turban – the spitting image of Osama bin Laden – was brought to the front of the line.
“What is going to happen now?” I thought. The security guards asked him to walk through the metal detectors multiple times and he just looked at them. Then, since he couldn’t walk – they told him that he was going to undergo a background check – as they drove him around the screeners.
That is when I became sad that a sick, old man was being treated like a terrorist because of our violent past and his appearance.
I made it to the other side and was much more reflective than annoyed by the inconvenience of taking off my shoes, removing my laptop from its case, and standing in line. I had almost forgotten I was in my most hated area of the airport.
Today is the last day to sign up for the Snack Girl’s Jackpot Challenge – Over 35 people are competing – Join us!
Please share how you can become healthy or how you can lose weight.
First 20 Comments: ( See all 23 )
Sue Clark, MS,LPC-S,
Maureen Wopperer- CHC
Rhonda Gilmour
Storyteller Mary
Sue Clark, MS,LPC-S,
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