The Best Way To Microwave a Baked Potato And Saving The Planet One Baggie At A Time
January 6, 2012 24 Comments
Today, Snack Girl is going to feature bags. No, not Prada or Coach - but bags that will support your healthy eating goals and keep your credit card debt manageable.

The first BAG that I am in love with is a Microwave Potato Bag that I found on
This bag makes a perfectly cooked baked potato in your microwave by holding in the heat so that the potato steams. My friend, Clare, showed me one of these at a local craft fair and I had to try it.
The bag ensures that the potato skin doesn't dry out when you cook it. You wrap the potato in a damp paper towel (without pricking or oiling them) and cook it in the bag. This technique results in a perfect potato in a fraction of the time it takes you to bake it! You can also cook carrots and sweet potatoes.
The only place I have found them is on (or a local craft fair). If you like potatoes, which in my opinion are a healthy comfort food, give this a try.

One of the most important ways to eat healthy is to bring food with you. If you count on convenience stores and fast food venues, your diet will be filled with junk.
Jennifer Scala, mother of 2, did the right thing and sent her children to school with a homemade lunch. BUT, she didn't like using all those Ziplocs and Baggies so she started her own company.
She has created Againbags - - because you can use her laundry safe, lead, BPA, and phthalate free bags AGAIN and AGAIN. Cool, no?
These bags are super cute, easy to use, and can be washed in your dishwasher or clothes washer.
They range in size and my favorite is the "wrap" because if my sandwich doesn't fit in a bag - I just wrap it like I was using aluminum foil. A wrap goes for $8.95 and a medium bag is $6.95. Think of all those baggies you will keep out of landfills!
Check out her products at Againbags -
This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.
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