
My Holiday Wish For You

December 23, 2017   36 Comments

I wrote in my newsletter about this tree that I pass a couple of times a day.

My Holiday Wish For You

As you can see, it stands in front of a classic New England church and I promised to send out photos since this Christmas tree always turns my head. I look forward to driving by it.

When I took these photos, I studied the scene far more closely than when I drive by. I had wanted to shoot the tree when there was snow on the ground but it melted! Also, I saw all the ugly power lines and cars that surround the scene.

It wasn’t anywhere near as perfect as the photo that I had imagined for this piece.

But, then I realized it was the perfect metaphor. A church with it lights on, a tree in a park, and the noticing that things are not exactly how you want them to be and that is okay.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, you can take a moment and feel the emotions that are real. You don’t have to pretend to be jolly or fulfilled if you aren’t. If you want to pretend to be happy, take a moment in a quiet place and let your feelings bubble to the surface so you can experience them.

If you have lost a loved one and this holiday reminds you of your grief, find a lighted place to share your thoughts, prayers, and pain with others. There are plenty of spots throughout your community that want to give to you.

Above all, there is much beauty in the holidays that you can witness. I hope you can see it and notice how lovely it is - with all its imperfections – and enjoy if only for a few minutes.

I will be thinking of all of you as I pass this tree and hoping you found a few quiet minutes to reflect.

Happy Holidays!


Lisa AKA Snack Girl

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Lovely message! Merry Christmas

Such a thoughtful reflection. Merry Christmas, Lisa 😘!

Thank you for all you do, Lisa! Wishing everyone a hopeful & healthy 2018 :)

Yes! Enjoy each moment that you can and overlook what cannot be made better. :)

Very touching message and I love the tree and church. Thanks for sharing!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 😊

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Thank you for this post I enjoyed reading it. I really touches me this Holiday because my Mom passed away on Dec 11th so we will be without her this year. It is hard on me planning her memorial along with the normal stress of the holiday season. Usually the holidays are not all that happy for me and this year is worse for me emotionally. Merry Christmas.

Lisa, thanks for all of your research through out the year. I appreciate all of your ideas. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Awesome little tree - sometimes the little things make you smile the most - and yes - nothing is perfect, and that’s okay! I move my neighbor’s paper over every morning when I leave for exercise class so she can reach it easier - she need a knee replacement - and I smile inside every morning that I’m helping just a little

Thanks for your uplifting post, Lisa!

Enjoy the season.

This is beautifully written, Lisa! It is a perfect example of why I have enjoyed your blog for years. I am thankful for your generous and giving spirit. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

You made me cry but a good cry! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

What a beautiful message. The photos are beautiful too. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Many blessings to you and yours this holiday season. Thank you for all you bring to us all year round!

Lisa, thank you for the knowledge and inspiration that you share. The holiday season is a good time for reflection, sharing and peace within ourself. Wishing you and yours all the joys of the season.

I always enjoy reading your letters. Happy Holidays to you and yours and a healthy New Year.


Thank you for this article. Merry Christmas!

Beautiful message with beautiful pictures from a beautiful person. Thanks for all your inspiring posts and wonderful recipes all year round.

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to you and your family.

Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you so much for this and all your posts!! I love reading your posts and making so many of your recipes!!! ❤️

Thank you Lisa, Merry Christmas from Argentina! Marga and Thomas.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all your readers

Lisa ~ you're the best! Always look forward to your SnackGirl blog/posts. Merry Christmas to you & your loved ones.

Happy Holidays to you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thanks Lisa. I needed this post today. Merriest of Christmases to you and your family.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to you Lisa, your family & all your readers! Your emails always brighten my day. Thank you for your inspiration and thoughtfulness. Happy New Year! :)

Thank you Lisa for your sweet and thoughtful post. A beautiful simple lighted tree in front of a crisp white church is the perfect New England Christmas moment. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with your family. I always look forward to your yummy recipes and wonderful insights!

Awesome tree and a great message. Have a great Christmas.

Lovely thinking, Lisa. Especially kind and thoughtful during this holiday season. We should all be so thoughtful - take a moment - and feel thankful. :) Thank you for sharing - throughout the year.

Thank you for all you do...may God shower Christmas blessings on you and your family Lisa!

Thanks for sharing, Happy Holidays to you and yours. Can't wait to see what you will have for us in the coming new year ❤️

I love the comment. My neice just told told me her mother is depressed and just laing on the couch. My brother died 2 yrs ago,and my sister in law now has health problems. I will send this to my niece. Merry Christmad

Thank you for taking the time to share your special moments here for all of us to see and enjoy. Merry Christmas, Lisa.

"Jesus is the Reason for the Season"

Lisa, thank you so much for your post and all the ones throughout the year. All of them are uplifting and encouraging for me. This post shows/tells us that everything in this world is not perfect as we wish they could be. You can want to go through life without any hiccups, but that is not always the case. You wish you could hold all your loved ones close and they would always be there, but again, that is not always the case. Life is not perfect, but you can enjoy the time(s) you have with friends and family while you can.

Your picture is perfect. Thank you again for sharing. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year will be as great if not better.

What a beautiful message for people of all faiths!! Thank you for taking the time you do to share with us!! Wishing you and your family many blessings throughout this upcoming new year!!

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