
How to Survive McDonalds: A New Way to Order

March 30, 2015   18 Comments

I received an e-mail from a reader who was stuck going to McDonald's because her co-workers wanted to stop there after an offsite meeting.

Best McDonalds Salad

She asked me what she could order that wouldn't kill her diet or be unhealthy. I hadn't been there for a while so I went on a field trip and found there was something new you can do at McDonald's!

Please share your tactics for surviving McDonald's.

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The oatmeal is the best thing to get at McDonalds. It's yummy, quick and quite nutritious. It makes a great breakfast, lunch and dinner. Very filling, and you can have it with or without the sugar. The dollar salad is a healthy choice, too. If you are rushed, those two items make a healthy, though nontraditional, meal.

In my experience, that southwest salad already comes with some sort of sauce already drizzled on it. It's enough flavor that I don't use the dressing packet. I used to pick off the cheese and chips. Glad to know that I can ask for it without them.

Visit Dottie's Weight Loss Zone for a complete list of restaurants which includes Weight Watcher points values. Verrrry helpful when dining out.

I think when one is committed to eating healthily nothing would induce them to eating sub par food which in my family we call "McDonalds" (courtesy Jim Gaffigan, comedian). The most important first step is foresight and planning. The portable options I can think of right now are an avocado, a banana, some Late July crackers, applesauce, cherry tomatoes. Nothing new. I taught my kids not to follow the crowd if it was against their sensibilities. That's just my opinion! :)

Every salad is prepared separate now so if you don't want bacan you don't have to have it. I guess we had customer wanting things left off..

I suppose if you're forced to go to McDonald's and are hungry enough that you're not able to just get water and wait to eat later, salad is the best bet. Truth told though by the time I took everything off of it that I can't / won't eat, I might as well just get the water.

Hello, Snack Girl. I've been a loyal follower for a couple of years...I like your new look and applaud your video today. However I can't seem to get the sound on my computer to work. Could you include the script when featuring a video.

@Judy - You are the third person to complain that I didn't WRITE my post today. Thank you for your comment and I will write down my script so that the people who want to read can do so. I should have thought of this!

Would love to read the script, as my work computer (which I view your site on) does not allow for videos.

I survive ordering from McDonald's by not going.

Another vote for a script, here! thank you!

I agree with the votes for the script as well as the video as I also often view your site from work where I cannot watch videos.

Please include a transcript. I don't do videos. I just don't. And really McD's isn't nearly as bad as Jack in the Box. At McD's get a salad and an ice tea. Ask for apples. Get the grilled chicken sandwich. For a fast food place, there are choices that won't "kill you."

Just adding my vote to no videos-only please. I can't watch them on my work computer and I don't usually have my headphones with me if I am on my phone...

The only way to survey mcdonald's is not going...

I think when we re-learn (or maybe learn for the first time) how we should be properly eating, we develop a healthy eating relationship with our diet, and maintaining our weight is relatively effortless. I lost quite a bit of weight combined ( and I've kept it off. I feel so much better now that I'm giving my body what it really needs.

You know what is so funny about all this? I was reading an article today on how despite all of their efforts McDonald's is NOT doing well world wide and here in USA no better! They have done a lot of campaigning on the "ask me anything about my foods" but it still has not helped them gain headway.

First time viewer/reader. Another vote for transcript. With that out of the way I will state that my go to salad is the southwest salad with grilled chicken. I use just a little bit of the dressing to top it off. My only wish is that they would include more black beans. Are they that expensive?

Another vote for non-video info. Everyone does not have time to watch an entire video.

"Just the facts, ma'am"!

Our Mc D. uses real bacon on that grilled chicken salad. I shun carbs, so the SW Chick. sal. is not the one I choose. Sometimes that salad, with part of the Ranch Dressing, saves the day, despite my quarrels with the Big Chicken Industry.

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