
Do You Know What You Really Want?

December 28, 2017   48 Comments

It is almost New Year’s Eve. Do you know what you really want?

New Years Resolutions 2017

A glass of champagne, a big kiss, a, that isn’t what I mean!

Yes, it is time for that self-reflection that comes when we are faced with a shift in the calendar. 2018 starts in five days and many of us are thinking about how we will be different in the new year.

Isn’t it fun to think of starting fresh? I’m guessing that if you read this blog, you are thinking hard about how to be healthier. I’m also thinking that the last couple of weeks have made you feel like a Christmas cookie (okay, maybe it is just me that feels like a Christmas cookie).

What I want you to do is to type in your resolution in the comment section below. Hey, you are already reading this, so you might as well take a minute and tell the world what you REALLY want out of yourself this year.

I will go first:

  • Do a serious workout twice a week at my new gym (got a membership in December).
  • Eat more fruits/vegetables at breakfast (I only eat toast).
  • Feel good about what I got done instead of lousy about what I didn’t.
  • Be nicer to my husband (especially when tired).

This is what I want to work on for the year. I tried to make them all positive. For example, I could have written “Stop being such a jerk when tired”.

Every year I write down some resolutions and I am always amazed that some of them actually happen. I will leave this post up and then you can look at what you wrote December 28th, 2017.

I can’t wait to see what you guys write. I am sure you will inspire me.

How about you? Please type your New Year’s resolutions in the comment section.

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Lose those last 25 lbs; keep up my journal; quit tobacco; Relish and rejoice every day that the good Lord allows me to remain on this earth.

learn to speak spanish
yoga twice a week
cardio workout twice a week
clean out my junk room
$ savings challenge with my children
read 50 books

Retire in April to become a full-time writer.

Exercise with my youngest daughter twice a week.

Stretch 3 times a week.

Create arts & crafts space in basement.

Ask more questions, instead of telling.

I want to be healthier.
Finish college and graduate
Get a job in my field.
Go to church every Sunday.

Go to Mo. To see my son for my 66th birthday

* Work out three times a week at Curves
* Eating healthier
* Improving health by losing weight

Lose last 15 pounds
Keep up with my daily bible reading
Organize and donate!

Structured workout 3 days a week minimum.

Add fruit to lunch.

Focus on God for strength and direction on life and eating in a way that glorifies Him.

Improve strength and flexibility.

No stressing over weight, it is counterproductive.

What an ambitious bunch!! Thanks so much for sharing.

1. Consistent quiet time with God

2.Get back on track with my weight loss efforts

(Tracking and being conscious)

3. Excercise consistently

4. Drink more water (unfortunately I️ can go the whole day not drinking- not good)

5. Let everyone figure out their own “stuff”

Lose my last 27 pounds and become lifetime.

Get back to my exercises.

Be the best person I can be to everyone!

1. Daily 🧘‍♀️ Practice
2. Lose last 20 pounds
3. Meditate daily
4. Be kind to my hubby

Have a more positive attitude about myself and the things

Really work on my weight loss (I am so tired of yo-yoing)

Get back in church

Be the best employee I can until retirement - hopefully end of 2018

Let people finish what they are saying before I interject

loose weight I bought a pair of jeans I love they are snug I put them on a hanger in my bedroom so every morning I get up and think ok follow the plan watch what you eat and get your walking in my goal is to be in the jeans where the fit good and I feel good about myself

Walk a minimum of 10 miles a week🏃🏼‍♀️

Do a random act of kindness for a stranger weekly!

Eat mostly vegetables and eventually rule out all red meat.

Be grateful for the opportunity to start a healthy lifestyle

I want to see and hug my delightful cousin Nona a lot more than I have,

Happy and healthy new year, sweetheart!

Lose 9 pounds

reach step goal at least 5 days per week

become a more forgiving person with family issues

1. Eat only when I am truly hungry

2. Stop mindless snacking at night

3. Alcohol in moderation -- none during the week

4. Don't be nasty to my husband for reasons that are not his fault

5. Be content with what I have

Include fruit and/or veg at every meal.

Walk and exercise daily - "just 10" if nothing else.

Learn to play the ukulele.

Start living with less stress. Breath deeply when I feel stressed and walk away from the situation. Meditate for 5 minutes each morning when I have my coffee. Give up sweets and try to eat healthy clean foods. Loose the weight I gained this year plus a few pounds more. Be the kind gentle person I use to be. Smile more and enjoy life. You see I am 78 years old and in pretty good shape except for the weight I have gained while stress eating.

Track eating at least 5 days/week
Exercise 3/week-1 at gym
Clean out a cluttered space a month

Deep breathing and patience to model for my children and reduce my own stress

Need to start exercising more

Need to Loose weight

Need to get my diabetes under better control

Need eat less carbs and record what I eat.

Follow Weight Watchers unless it is a special occasion.

Be stricter about defining when it is or is not a special occasion.

Meditate at least 4 times per week.

Floss at least 4 times per week.

To worry less, eat healthier, eat less sweets, and get more exercise. Also to spend more time in prayer, especially for our country.

1. Immediate resolution is to get back on track with Weight Watchers - I have gained a bit over the last 2 weeks.

2. Be positive and kind.

3. Spend more time walking with Jesus.

4. Have more patience with my 86 year old Mom who is in assisted living and knows exactly which of my buttons to push. I feel like a child with her and I will be 60 in 2 weeks. This is probably the hardest area of my life right now.

Track EVERYTHING I eat. Eat more fruits & veggies and watch my portions!

Get back to my WW roots and get back on track

exercise consistently again
Lose the 15 I have gained
Be at peace with my life

Begin and end my day with at least 2 things I am grateful for. I a

also adopting your four.

I look forward to your emails, thank you!

Same as many others. Eat healthier, lose weight, more exercise, get more sleep, be nicer to my husband.

Seek God's will in things

Re-join WW and lose weight

Eliminate clutter, reduce 'stuff'

Live simply, be humble and kind

Be grateful for what I had, not what I lost

Daily meditation (even 5 minutes!)

Yoga 2x / week

Create work space in basement /Build a raised-bed garden

Learn about and try hiking

Connect with my siblings & only living uncle

Create a bedroom reading nook

Provide my BF with positive reinforcement and praise regularly

Provide the same to myself!


1. Spend more quiet time with the Lord

2. Find a healthy WOE to help my husband and me.

3. Eat more veggies
4. Focus on our health
5. Move more

6. Be kinder and think before I speak. Especially with my husband

7. Continue to declutter our house.

8. Be thankful each day!

Meditate daily, be positive, eat healthier, eat when truly hungry. Take care of ME!

Track my eating (because I know it helps me)

Eat the food I want to eat, not the food that someone else sets on the table at work or the counter at home. I can choose...the food does not make me choose. I can be more powerful than that!

Listen More, Talk less

Eat with portion control

Walk on my treadmill, use my Wonder Core, Malibu Pilates Chair, Simply Fit Board etc. (Exercise)

Spend more time in God's Word

Read a Book daily instead of so many hours of TV

1. I've lost 90 lbs, keep it off and learn balance.

2. Exercise in a class at least once a week.

3. Take more time for baths, slow down and enjoy it.

4. Encourage others everyday.

Find something positive to talk about daily.

Give up swearing.

Cut down on tobacco use.

Continue on my weight loss journey.

Try to get more organized at home. (that's a tough one for me)

Letting go emotionally/mentally of a guy who is engaged already.

Finding my place in a church since becoming a widow. (maybe a change in church)

Stop creating more debt. That's about it. That's enough!

More willingness to take my health (physical/emotional/spiritual) more seriously

Get back to 10min morning yoga stretching (using the book "Morning Cup of Yoga")

Use my new Quip toothbrush twice/day for 2 min

Practice self-compassion

1. Be more aware of my health and take better care of my body

2. Finally get to a comfortable weight

3. Find positive ways to deal with stress

1. Eat less processed food & more fruit/veggies

2. Stick with a workout routine, even if it’s just walking several times a week

3. Be nicer to myself and less critical

Keep a try-on outfit hanging in the front of my closet, and try it on every week until it fits, then move on to the next one.

Smile! It gives me the right kind of wrinkles, and frown lines are ugly.

Remember I'll be around another 30 years, so start becoming a sweet old lady NOW!

Practice the piano again.

-eat healthier
-read more
-complete projects
-not feel I have to make everyone happy
-treat me better

I am only going to work on things in my control. I will make it a habit to track everything I eat. I will not give up on eating healthy. I will get the junk out of the spare room and turn it into a room to display my collectibles in. Take My grandsons to the Big Zoo in the city this summer. Pick on hobby I used to enjoy and start doing it again. Read for pleasure again.

Thank you again and again Lisa! This was awesome sharing our resolutions. I’m adopting some that speak to me!

@ANNETTE: I don’t know if this helps but I had my 86 yo mother living with me 2yrs before she passed; I kept reminding myself how much she loved me, especially on 9/11 when she wanted to turn off the news to watch Little House on the Prairie! This time is very very trying but I knew I’d miss her feistiness and I do everday.

I want to take my own advice (above) and be more patient with my Ex. He might outlive me, but if he doesn’t I’ll miss his irascible self!

@AubreRice: I’m in for encouraging others more. Thank you for putting that in writing!

@Sue: I’m going to try to give up swearing too. Good one. Does it count if we whisper it? LOL

@Allison: I love the weekly act of random kindness too! I will endeavor to do so as well.

I want to listen to more TED Talks on Neuroscience and on Food for a Long Healthy Life!*

I want to continue tracking my food, using Dr Greger’s List of 12 Foods to eat every day!**

I want to organize family photos into albums.

Good luck to everyone whatever healthy road you choose. There are so many great ideas here.

I want also to express my gratitude each day for my many blessings and tell those close to me, I love you!



Lose 10 ponds and keep it off

Keep a journal of what I’ve eaten

Trust that god will help me through every struggle

Drink more water

Thank god everday for all his blessings

Lose 30 pound and get to goal.

Be a better person, help others, show more patience and be less judgemental.

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