Rocco DiSpirito's "Now Eat This! Diet" FOUR WINNERS!
April 6, 2011 2 Comments
The four winners of Rocco DiSpirito's "Now Eat This! Diet" (randomly selected) are Deborah, Lindsay, BJ, and Sheree.

Honestly, after reading all the entries, I wanted to give out 206 books! Here are the winners' motivations for losing weight.
From Deborah:
Watching family members literally dying because of their food choices motivated me to lose 55 lbs and become a WW lifetime member. I'm now within 10 pounds of losing my pregnancy weight gain and regaining that lifetime status. It's hard, but worth it.
From Lindsay:
This cookbook looks wonderful! Yay for Rocco! My motivation? My 10th wedding anniversary is in May and we're celebrating by renewing our wedding vows on the beach. The adorable little sundress I've found has become my ultimate motivation!!
From BJ:
I'm 29 years old and for the first time, my cholesterol level is within the normal range - a 159! without pills! Good ole' exercise and eating right helped! Would love this cookbook to maintain my healthy eating habits!
From Sheree:
My motivation to lose weight is for many reasons. One of which includes completing what I started. I am a natural procrastinator and have decided to give WW one last try. The other very important reason is to be a healthy weight to have a baby.
I am 44 years young and know if I lose some weight it will increase my opportunity to have a child. Finally health. My grandfather and uncle both passed away due to complications due to Diabetes at 60 years young.
I want to break the pattern and live past this age. I know even at 44 being the correct weight and most importantly eating healthfully will allow me to be successful in my journey.
Thanks so much for sharing! Here is the Amazon link for Rocco's book, if you didn't win.
Carol Harlow