Oikos Triple Zero and Fage True Blend Review
October 20, 2019 19 Comments
Oikos Triple Zero and Fage True Blend have something big in common. Neither type of yogurt has added sugar.

I have looked far and wide for the best flavored yogurt - check out Chobani Greek yogurt review and Siggi’s yogurt.
The best news is that many brands have lowered the amount of added sugar since the bad old days (one had 23 grams of added sugar years ago!). Now, companies get that we want yogurt that tastes good but doesn’t have too much sugar.
My favorite so far is Siggi’s because they chose not to add any other sugar substitute in their yogurt. Both of these brands, Fage and Oikos add chicory root fiber to sweeten their product which I can taste (and don’t particularly like). Oikos also uses stevia leaf extract.
But, they are very different products.
First up - a new product in the yogurt wars - Fage TruBlend.

Here are the nutrition facts for vanilla:
For 1 container of vanilla = 110 calories, 2.5 g fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 9 g carbohydrates, 5 g sugar, 13 g protein, 3 g fiber, 60 mg sodium, 3 Freestyle Smt Pts
This yogurt tastes like yogurt. I would not call it sweet - it is sour and tangy. The flavors are subtle and I found this yogurt to be quite good. It was a little chalky but I have found that with all of Fage’s Greek yogurt.
If you are looking for high protein amounts with no added sugar - this is a good choice.
Next - Oikos Triple Zero:

Here are the nutrition facts for vanilla:
For 1 container of vanilla = 120 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 14 g carbohydrates, 6 g sugar, 15 g protein, 6 g fiber, 65 mg sodium, 3 Freestyle Smt Pts
Oikos is Dannon’s version of Greek Yogurt. It has an exceptionally high amount of protein per serving and no fat (but notice how it is 10 more calories than Fage).
To me, this product is aiming for a dessert-like flavor rather than yogurt. I found it to be cloyingly sweet compared to FAGE and it did not taste the least bit sour. It has a very creamy texture.
Overall, Oikos Triple Zero tasted more like chemicals and less like yogurt than the Fage TruBlend.
If you are not used to the sour yogurt flavor, Fage TruBlend is going to take some adjustment.
Have you tried either Oikos Triple Zero or Fage TruBlend? What did you think?
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