
How to Peel a Lot of Apples Fast!

November 11, 2015   15 Comments

I have a bunch of apple trees in my yard and I finally came up with a solution to peeling them. It involves power tools.

Snack Girl Peels Apples

This year we had about a ton of apples to peel and I decided to raid my husband's workshop for a power drill. Using a 1/2 inch spade bit (cuts a circle in wood) you spin the apple, while in the other hand you hold your peeler.

Watch this!

I found the idea on YouTube when I typed in "Peel Apple Fast". I added the safety glasses because I am all about safety when using power tools. The best part is that it turns a boring and time consuming task into a fun and fast one! I definitely think you should do it outside if you have the space.

You can do this in a controlled fashion if it is too cold outside. Keep the drill on a slow speed and put the apple in a tray and the peel should remain inside of it.

Doesn't it make the work of peeling fun?

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I have an apple peeler you lock onto the counter. Easy and fast.

Wonder Girl! Super idea and fun!!!

An old-fashioned apple peeler works just about as fast at peeling, additionally slicing at the same time!

Snack Girl to the rescue...LOL..Such a fun Idea...

Really cute and fun idea, but how to be sure that power tools are clean enough to prep your food? My husband keeps his tools in the shed!

Great idea!!!

Great idea for anyone who doesn't own an electric peeler!i happened upon a very inexpensive one years ago and it's still going strong...peels potatoes too! Fun to watch the peel coil off in one continuous strip into the little yuk container that I keep near the kitchen sink!

You are so lucky to have apple trees in your backyard! Apples are my favorite fruit and I make apple cinnamon bread and apple walnut cake at Thanksgiving every year.I usually just cheat and buy a big bag of sliced apples from the store.

That is crazy and way too much work Lisa. I love my good old fashioned apple peeler,corer and slicer all in one that clamps on to my counter. It is much faster,and my dog loves to try and steal the long apple peel. It is my all time favorite kitchen tool!

Watching your apple peeling was excellent. You R adorable and your video was inspiring, really. Gave me a much needed chuckle. Keep on keeping on. I am a long time reader of your blog ( I am 70 and don't kno if blog is correct word)

Best, Nicky

You made my day!!!!

How fun! I love power tools :)

Lisa, love your emails, especially this one!

By the way, you are looking slim, trim and fantastic. Keep the good nutrition information coming!

@Lori - I bought my own 1/2 inch drill bit with a paddle (for creating holes in wood) for this purpose and hand wash it when I am done. Great question!

Fabulous !!! Thanks

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