When Did You Last Talk To This Guy (or Gal) About Your Health?
October 12, 2012 13 Comments
Hey, if my doctor was this cute, I would schedule TWO physicals a year :)

I’m not trying to be your mom, but when was your last physical? Why would I ask you that?
I get many questions about this additive or that bread, but I wonder if my readers are looking at the big picture when it comes to their health.
Honestly, I don’t go to a physical EVERY year. I go once every two years because I don’t have any major health problems and I am super busy taking care of other people.
BUT, it is important to realize that the medical profession is not a waste of time when it comes to your health. The examination and tests that follow are designed to help catch major diseases before they happen.
I never paid attention to my physical until I hit 40 because I thought it was a waste of time. Then, I started thinking about living longer and started to pay attention.
Also, I just thought that 20 minutes with a medical professional seemed just cursory and wasn’t going to tell me anything. I have since changed my tune because I have learned about the process.
Here are a few tips for getting the most out of a physical:
1.Prepare! Write down your questions before you go! When they ask me, “Do you have any health concerns?” - I always say no. Then, after I leave, I remember that wierd bump on my ankle. ARGH!
2. Write down any over the counter medications that you are taking and how much you are taking them. It seems obvious but a lot of us are self medicating without even realizing how much. Get a handle on it before you go in and they might be able to help you with your problem.
3. Understand the blood tests and check back for the results. There are a few standard tests they will do and you should educate yourself about what they mean.
The tests at my last physical were:
Vitamin D - checking my levels. A low level indicates if you need to supplement to stop bone loss as you age.
Lipid Panel - checks cholesterol in the blood to determine if you are at risk for heart disease.
Glucose - checks blood sugar level after fasting to determine if you are at risk for diabetes.
Then, you have your mammograms, etc. to check for cancer.
Don't be afraid of the results - feel empowered that you can get information that will help you prevent major illnesses.
Go ahead, pick up the phone and make an appointment. See? That wasn't so hard was it?
How often do you have a physical? Has it helped you get healthier?
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