Why This 46 Year Old is Playing Pokemon Go
August 8, 2016 22 Comments
Check that funny thing out! That, for those who don’t know, is a Pokemon.

I thought I was the only adult in my community playing it until I saw a pal of mine (who is in her 60’s) walking quickly passed me following her smart phone.
I said, “Where are you going?”
She replied, “I have to walk to hatch my grandson’s Pokemon eggs.”
Ha! You see this is like no other video game that I know because you have to travel to make it work. The game forces you to walk around to catch Pokemon, find Pokestops, and hatch eggs.
I have discussed how important it is to have fun when you exercise and how five minutes is all you need to start moving. Pokemon Go is FUN and will get you walking. You won’t even notice how much you walk.
My 9 year old loves this game and will walk for hours in search of these virtual creatures. He and I have had a blast playing this game.
I am here to explain this games compelling features such as the "walk to hatch eggs" component. This is far easier than producing an actual baby from your personal eggs ( I can tell you because I birthed 2 of them).

There are 5K and 10K eggs as well. The game is also keeping track of how many kilometers I have spent walking around.

Frankly, I find the whole thing delightful and it makes my daily walks so much more fun! As I walk, I catch this cute little animals by tossing a ball at them.
Do you see the red and white ball at the bottom of the screen below? You simply touch the ball with your finger and “toss” it at the Pokemon until you hit it. Then, the Pokemon is inside the ball and is stored in your Pokedex.

You don’t have to walk with the phone in your hand to find the Pokemon. It vibrates when a Pokemon is near by so I carry it in my pocket.
The game is free and while it does use up some data – it isn’t so bad.
What I truly love about it is that it is forcing me to look at my town differently. Yesterday, I played Pokemon as I walked around the UMASS Amherst campus during a break from work.
I found a café in a courtyard of a public building that I had no idea was there. The next day, I took my lunch there and ate shaded by beautiful foliage listening to a fountain instead of sitting in my office.
Without playing Pokemon, I would never had known that this lunch spot existed only a five minute walk from my office.
You walk, you play with your kids or grandkids, you discover, you giggle, and life is a little less heavy with Pokemon Go.
Have you tried Pokemon Go? What do you think?
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