
Time to Buy a Pomegranate

December 2, 2014   22 Comments

This arrived yesterday via space ship. Should we eat it or make friends with it?

Pomegranate Seeds

Actually, this is a pomegranate and it arrived by truck from California. If you have never bought one and tried it – I suggest you will love it.

A pile of pomegranates greeted me yesterday when I entered my local Stop & Shop. I paid $2.50 for one.

Pomegranates are in season from October through February and will last in your fridge for three to four weeks unopened. Once you seed them, you should eat them within two to three days or you can freeze the seeds for later consumption.

The key is knowing how to seed them. This video has been viewed 1.7 MILLION times so it must be good. He uses a wooden spoon and spanks the pomegranate.

You may have to endure a short advertisement, but it is completely worth it because it IS that easy to seed a pomegranate.

I eat the entire seed (red juicy part and crunchy seed part) and my son will polish off half a pomegranate if you aren’t watching him.

What to do with the seeds?

  • Eat them as a snack
  • Toss them on a salad
  • Garnish a soup
  • Add them to sparkling wine
  • Put them in your yogurt
  • Top your ice cream or goat cheese

They are packed with nutrients, yummy, and festive. How can you lose?

What do you do with pomegranates? Please share.

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First 20 Comments: ( See all 22 )

I've never eaten a pomegranate and would love to find out from you and your readers what to do with them.

I eat them plain as a fruit with a meal. They are so tangy and delicious, but so expensive - $2.50 is the going price here too. Sometimes you can get coupons to lower that a bit. I would eat them more often if they were not so darn expensive.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. We eat the seeds plain or on salads. I usually do the water method, but this looks a lot easier. I like his ideas about juice and the salad dressing. Have you tried drinking one from the fruit? Yes, expensive, but how much do we spend on coffee drinks etc.?

I steam or roast some cauliflower, sprinkle with cumin and salt, then top with some salted plain yogurt (not fat-free), chopped fresh mint, and toss pomegranate seeds over the whole thing. It is a riff on a Melissa Clark recipe and a favorite lunch for me in December as an antidote to all the rich foods.

I already had mine this morning - sprinkled on my yogurt and rice cereal. I didn't see it, but I'm sure my 15-year-old daughter had some, too. She's absolutely hooked on them. I seed at least 2 at a time so I don't have to do it every day! I haven't had any luck with any simplified seeding methods, but I'll try this one. Hopefully I'll save some time!

I love pomegranates but rarely buy them because of the price / work to deseed them. Will definitely watch the video when I get out from work. I suggest buying them from a warehouse club (BJs, Costco, Sam's Club) as sometimes the price is cheaper.

I make the best ever kale salad with them. Kale (massaged with olive oil to make it tender- spines removed, not bagged), juice of one lemon per head of kale, a pomegranate, several of those mandarin/Cutie oranges (each slice cut into 2 or 3 to add to the salad juice base), dried blueberries (put in a cup of hot water to plump them up before putting them in the salad- and drained, but there's still a little blueberry liquid left that adds to the flavor), and 1 small clove of garlic zested into the mix. The pom adds flavor, color and another superfood to this incredibly delicious salad.

I've tried doing it as he does in the video, it takes FOREVER, such a pain. I cut mine open and then put one half in water, then pull everything out. Takes less time and is way easier than sitting there hitting it, lol.

I believe I saw a case of 6 at Costco yesterday for $12.97.

One of reSons poms are so expensive is that theyre grown in a limited area. As more people ask for it, more farms will take a chance on it.

Meannwhile, if you have ethnic markets near you try there. Armenian markets usually have great produce, often for less.

The pomegranate trees grow all over Arizona. We had them growing wild in our yard. No one ate them back then. I now live in North Carolina and plan to add one to my garden this year. The tree yields a large amount of poms so one tree will do you. Fruit usually shows in the second season, third for sure. Good luck just need lots of sun and protect during the frost.

I make a sweet salad that I found on pintrest and pomegranate seeds are an ingredient.


I add pom seeds to fresh cranberries,
chia seeds, honey, water and pom.
juice for a great dressing thinned

out or keep it a bit thicker as a topping

for Scottish oats at breakfast!

Thanks, Lisa! I enjoyed a great salad at Thanksgiving that combined pomegranate seeds with pear slices tossed over greens.

I love poms! I've tried the seeding method in the video - not a fan. I prefer to score the pom several times, gently open it up and then seed it in a bowl of water. Much easier, cleaner and actually kind of therapeutic in a nice calm way. I eat the seeds straight up or mixed with other berries or add to salads or yogurt. They can be expensive so I watch for sales - the cheapest I've seen is 3 for $5.00 - I snap them up at that price!

I agree that the technique taught in the video is NOT the easiest. By far the easiest way is to score and pull it apart as he demonstrates. Then simply push on the outside of the pomegranate where the stem is until you turn that half inside out. Almost all the seeds just pop out. Be sure to aim at a bowl or you will have seeds all over the place.

I put them in green and fruit salads--they are like little jewels--so beautiful and tasty! I also enjoy them on oatmeal or with yogurt or cottage cheese. I purchased mine at Aldi's and I believe I paid just over a dollar! I usually freeze some of the arils in a Tupperware to use in off season months!

My friend in Spain has an abundance of pomegranates she forages from the trees near her for FREE! She just made chocolate bark with pomagranate seeds and says it is delicious.

I'm crazy for pomegranates! Here's a recipe I made for chocolate bark with pomegranate seeds and coconut that you might like. Nutritional info coming soon!…

I don't like seeding them either. If you don't mind spending a little money, and have a Trader Joe's near you, you can get them already seeded in the produce department. I think it is worth the extra money. :o)

See all 22 Comments

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