Siggi’s Yogurt Review
September 28, 2017 34 Comments
This siggi’s yogurt review was inspired by my walk through the supermarket. I am constantly blown away by how much changes on a monthly basis in the dairy cooler.

Siggi’s is a Icelandic style yogurt (Skyr) and I have never been to Iceland (or had yogurt in Iceland) so I have no idea how it compares to the yogurt there.
What I do know is how Siggi’s compares to yogurt here. It should be compared to Greek yogurt (also I have been to Greece but I didn’t try the yogurt – ooops) because of they high amount of protein in a cup.
I have been invited to meet Siggi Himarsson (and actual person) twice and I have never been free. He attended Columbia Business School in New York and saw an opportunity in the yogurt world. He felt that our yogurt had too much sugar added – heck, yeah!
If I finally get free and attend a “meet and greet” with him – I think I would say something like, “Thank you!” because he has provided the market with a great product.

You can see (above) that Siggi makes sure that you know what is not in his yogurt.
It does have a lot less sugar than many of the major brands. It averages 11 grams of sugar for 5.3 ounces (and other brands start at 13 -15 grams).
Siggi’s is thick and creamy and some also think it is chalky (like Greek yogurt). I find it sour but I love it.
It has more flavor than most yogurts. There is a TANG to it which is truly delicious.
Here is the nutrition information for the black cherry flavor with 2% milkfat:
140 calories, 3 g fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 15 g carbohydrates, 11 g sugar, 15 g protein, 0 g fiber, 60 mg sodium, 5 SmartPts
The non-fat versions have about 20 less calories and taste pretty good – but I like the one with a little fat in it. I find these quite satisfying.
Siggi’s used to be in a higher price range than Chobani or Dannon but I found it at 5 for $5 last week. I think if you look for sales – you can find it at a comparable price. It is in Target and regular supermarkets (used to be only in Whole Foods).
When I was cruising around the store, I found this other Icelandic yogurt:

This one featured that it was “Made with Heirloom Skyr Cultures - developed with Iceland’s oldest farmer-owned dairy cooperative.” Wow!
It seems that THIS is actual Skyr and siggi's is "Icelandic style" because Icelandic Provisions uses Skyr cultures (and siggi's must be using some other cultures).
The yogurt is made in upstate New York but they flew in some cultures from Iceland to make it authentic. I wonder if they flew business class.
The Icelandic Provisions nutrition facts and ingredients are almost exactly the same as siggi’s (except that they added locust bean gum which is fishy). The flavor was not as rich as siggi’s but it had the same texture. It cost a little bit more.
I am going to stick with siggi’s as my favorite but keep an eye on this one just in case siggi's gets bought by Unilever (yes, I am looking at you Stonyfield).
Have you tried Icelandic Skyr? What do you think?
First 20 Comments: ( See all 34 )
maria jenson
Maria Doyle
I like Siggi's but I am loyal to Chobani
Vivian E
Linda S
Judith A Young
Kate Thomas
Sam Solomon
Kathy Clickner
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