
Snack Girl Challenge: Lose Ten Pounds in 3 Months

May 5, 2010   61 Comments

This is a photo of me with my family about 2 weeks ago. Notice how you get a good shot of the top of me (where is the bottom?).

Snack Girl Challenge

The lower half consists of the avocado chub that 40 year olds gain as they slow down. I have this tub of fat that keeps me warm around my mid section. It is pretty comfortable there.

I had a yoga instructor that called the chub, "The little puppy that lays beside you." This puppy, unfortunately, is not a great idea to keep around. Belly fat has been implicated in all sorts of diseases and can hamper getting into your pants!

While my doctor has said nothing, I have wanted to lose this weight since the birth of my second child. Why haven't I? I write every day about healthy food and habits and I feed my family amazing healthy food.

  1. I put myself last.
  2. I have bad eating habits that I revert to when I stress out (which is often).
  3. Changing habits is hard and it is a lot more comfortable to stay stuck in your old ways.

Now, is the time for change. Why? Because, when is it going to happen? Anyone else out there know what I am talking about? There never seems to be a good time to lose weight. I have some GREAT reasons not to do this:

  1. My favorite aunt has been diagnosed with brain cancer (this week)
  2. We are closing on a house (4 - yes -4 Lawyers involved - huge mess)
  3. We will be moving once this deal closes (a few blocks).

I can't lose weight now, right? But, life has become this crazy most of the time. There are so many excuses for not making changes. Changing my habits will improve my life and help me live longer.

So, for the next 3 months started May 8th, 2010, I will diet and exercise. I will create good habits that will stick with me so I can keep it off the 10 pounds. AND, I will do it with all of you hearing about it.

Enough writing, talking, and thinking. How about doing? I have the information I need and the support of my husband. Matt is also doing a challenge with me to exercise 60 times in 3 months. He is out of shape and wants to be more fit.

Any of you want to join me in your personal challenge for the next 3 months? I would love to have some of you on my journey.

Please comment here and on every Saturday, starting May 8th, about your challenge. I will weigh in on May 8th and start the clock until July 31st.

(To my e-mail subscribers, you will not receive e-mails about my challenge - but you can check in on Mondays to see what I posted on Saturday!)

Want to read about Snack Girl readers who have changed their habits?
How Shawn Stopped Drinking 10 Cans of Dr. Pepper per Day
How Candice Lost 80 Pounds and Changed Her Life
Into the Lite: How Susan Lost 40 Pounds

Get Free Email Updates! Yes please!


I'm in! I also need to lose about 10 pounds, all in the belly and butt area. But more than that, I want muscle tone. I'm so sorry about your aunt. :(

Awesome, Layla! Thanks for the love. My aunt is on her third bout of cancer so it wasn't unexpected (but we had hope and now we don't).

Hi Lisa, YES! A resounding YES! I certainly will join you. You told my story exactly, same lil' pup around my middle. It's gotta goooo!!! I too have made the right changes for my family, but I am not doing it whole heartedly for myself.

My brief story: As a family we were doing really well to begin with. At age two my daughter got Leukemia and so who better to feed well than a kid on chemo, right!? So we became even more vigilant. Now in remission and in first grade she is exposed to so much crap, but, luckily, our habits are part of her and she can make good decisions. However, over the years, I have snuck crap and I have not climbed on the fruit and veggie bandwagon like my child has! My husband has no taste for junk, and is slim, which helps me curb my learned junk behaviour! I just got a 'glider' since everything else hurts my knees.

Really looking forward to making these goals!! So c'mon everyone, we can do it!!

I am SO IN! I've been looking for something to get me off this plateau and this is a great idea. I'm going to make it 12 pounds because that will put me at a nice number that i've never seen on the scale.

Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family, i'm sorry to hear about your aunt.

I'm in. I have been participating in a version of "The Biggest Loser" at my workplace and have lost 11 pounds since January. Still have more to go! We can do it!

What a wonderful idea, count me in as well. I like the exercise goal in particular, that would also be a good one for me to introduce to my daughter.

Yes Yes Yes!! I am in. I get married in 3 months and two days from now and I can't bear the thought of paying £800 for a load of photos of my multiple chins.

Prayers for your aunt from here as well. xx

Yes! Count me in!! I need to take my "puppy" on a longgggg walk and leave it there! :)

I see this an an opportunity to "re-brand" myself. I just turned 40, just bought my dream house (and yes, it was a nightmare 6-month closing, but we won't go there...), and I'm ready to live in the NOW. No more procrastinating because of all the other "more important" stuff going on!! Just imagine-- You could be 10 pounds lighter for your housewarming! Show off yourself and your home, too! How cool is that!? :)

This is very brave of you, Lisa! You are inspiring. I'm in!

yay for you! i need to "wake up" as well. great post.

Can i join you?

Pamela! Come on and join me! We should do this together - its easier - don't you think?

Years ago a friend lost a lot of weight and said the key was to make it your number one priority. If you find excuses, then it's not really your priority.

I did what she suggested and lost 30 pounds over a year. I also found that in addition to eating healthy, the weight only came off when I exercised.

Good luck everyone!

I am in~check out where I find idea and support!

Tara - you are so right. We are all capable of going to a restaurant and ordering the salad, or filling up on veggies before we go to a dinner party so that we don't eat too much, or even turning down the high-fat high-sugar wares that Granny is peddling. It's 100% about WANTING TO.

I love the excitement! What a great way to stay motivated and have accountability partners. In January, I began to change my mentallity. (Just Do It). I tell people Nike stole my motto! I'll definitely be joining you in this lifestyle change. It seems to be more mental than physical at times! I've recently became a Beachbody Coach, so if anyone is interested in the popular DVD's like P90x, chalean extreme, etc., check out my website:

for those just starting out, I recommend the yoga DVDs or slim in 6! Good luck all!

I'm in with you! My "bad habits" have allowed about 8 lbs to creep on since January. It's gotta go! I too preach healthy habits, but I tend to fall victim to that sugar monster on the weekends, and overindulge, negating all the hard work I do on weekdays! I already have good exercise habits, so now it's about saying "I'm full" and "no thank you"!

Great post SG! I LOVE how well you thought it out and gave specific examples...they will totally motivate you during the challenge.

I am still on my quest to get back to my Happy Weight so I will definitely be encouraging you along the way :)

Good luck!

I'm in! Need to get the kick in the butt to lose this weight! This is a great way to do it!

Hi there! Congratulations on deciding to change your life. I just wanted to recommend the book "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It absolutely changed my life - I thought I couldn't lose weight after having my 4th baby, but I've now lost 30 pounds in about 6 months!! Sometimes I found myself losing a pound a day - on a totally healthy diet.

The catch, of course, is that it almost completely eliminates oils, milk products, meat (I was vegetarian anyway, so this was no problem for me), added sugars, etc. But you are "allowed" to eat an absolutely unlimited amount of vegetables, fruit, and beans and legumes. This was key for me - I can't "diet." I feel like I'm starving all the time and end up binging and eating something insane like a whole bag of chips or half a cake. So being given permission to eat as much as I can cram in really helped me change my diet. On top of losing weight, I feel better than I've felt in the last 20 or so years (I'm 37) - I've been inspired in the last few months to switch to a diet that consists of around 75% raw foods, with the rest mostly whole cooked foods (with an occasional "treat" thrown in every few weeks). If you've never eaten this way, I wholeheartedly invite you and your readers to try it! It is so amazing to FINALLY have energy, feel clearheaded, and to not have to struggle constantly with weight.


My favorite quote related to health, diet and lifestyle changes is:

Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding. - Harvey MacKay

I'll be sending you my book for inspiration...and maybe a lot more perspiration.

Good Luck,

Ken Leebow

This timing is AWESOME, Lisa- on Friday I'm launching my own "Operation Lose 5 Pounds" challenge, to lose 5 pounds in 7 weeks! I'm really looking forward to reading about your journey. Looks like we'll both be embarking on weight loss together :) I'll be sharing tips and such on my site too, so maybe you'll find something useful there- we can help each other out!

I'm in!

I am so in! I just this week put myself on a challenge to lose 10 pounds but didnt give myself a time limit! I am a very bad vegeterian that knows how to eat but usually opts for the convenience of whatever is quickest to prepare. It will be helpful to know there are others out there going through the same challenges! Game on!!

I'm in too but hope to lose more

I am sooo excited for you and for getting many of your readers to not only support you, but to join you as well. I too started a journey....a green one almost 2 months ago and I continue every day to make luscious green smoothies. Detoxing the body is essential as well. I drink a detox tea daily to cleanse the liver and kidneys. Think of them as a vacuum cleaner. Their purpose is to clean the blood. But if you have a full bag, will your floors get cleaned as well? Same goes for our kidneys and liver. If they are loaded with toxins, then they can't continue to clean and function correctly.

I posted a few things about my really wasn't as bad as it sounds! Check it out at I am with you on this and you will be amazed how much better you're going to feel and look! Game on....

Karen MacNab

P.S. Prayers are with you as well.

I just started yesterday with the 1st 10 lb goal before my Aug 49th birthday.

I really could use the company and the incentive.

Count me in!

OK, I'm in on this! I'm 52 and have always been in pretty good shape. I've put on 10 unwanted pounds around the middle in the last year and want it gone! I'm pretty active but I need to step it up another notch in the exercise area. I eat pretty well except my portions are always very large.

Let me share with you and your readers something I've done that is a little extreme but works for me. I crave sweets and other snacks only after I have dinner and in the evening and I used to stay up until 11-12pm. That's when I tend to eat poorly while I never crave food in the morning. I started getting up at 4am and by 9pm I'm tired and go to sleep.

That’s 2 –3 hours of snack time GONE!

I also started eating dinner at 7:00 instead of 5:00, which also helps a lot!

Another thing I'm doing is cutting out the olive oil in my salads. I eat one for lunch and one at dinner so that should be about 300-400 fat calories right there.

I'm heading out for a nice bike ride now! Thanks snack-girl!

I'm in! I lost 90 pounds, but 20 have found their way back! I know that exercising and portion control are key, so here's my pledge: work out at least 3 times per week (I recommend Curves for lots of comraderie and support) and to watch my portions because I do eat healthy! I want to shed those 20 pounds by September 1!

Brava, Lisa! I'm in! So sorry to hear about your aunt - and the stress of moving! Keep breathing. :)

right after moving to chicago, i had (another) sinus surgery. all i ate was pasta carbonara and brownies for two months. between that and being in a city with very not-so-healthy food, i gained 10-15 pounds.

in november, i got back on track and have since lost it all. eating healthy again makes me feel better about myself and my choices and look better! and my clothes fit again.

i turned 40 in november, and decided that by 41 i want to be able to do the splits ... so i'll join the challenge that way! that and continue eating the right foods.

and for anyone who's interested: hula hooping burns 100 calories/10 minutes. i cleared space in my living room and would do it for an hour or so while on the phone or watching tv.

it's low impact and fun ... win and win!!

count me in!except i need to lose 40!! I am a SAHM w/4 kids and I had the last one in november, I am so ready to shed these 10 pounds from each pregnancy I have acquired!

Well, since I'm preggers right now I can't lose the 10 pounds with you, but I'll certainly be cheering you all on!!!

Sorry about your aunt. I hope that you all have lots of support.

I'm trained in public health - I applaud your (and everyone else's here) efforts. The thing I would recommend is that it isn't a diet - it is a lifestyle change. You aren't changing to crash diet for a few weeks. This means you also have to learn how (and how much) to get in your "treats" every now and then instead of saying you will never, ever eat sugar, or cake, or ice cream. Also, keeping a food log has consistently been shown in studies to help with weight loss. I like the LoseIt app (free) for the iPhone, but there are a lot of free food logs on the web. Good luck!

I'm totally in. I sort of started this already a couple months ago and am down about 5 pounds, but I would love the inspiration and motivation to keep going! Congrats on making the time NOW :)

I'm in!

I'm new here and I'm in!

Hey Lisa! I am excited you have decided to do this! I am a veggie, have been since I was 13yo, I never had weight trouble until about 10 years ago, (I am 51 presently), I had a full removal of all my girl parts because of health issues. Since then I have had issues with the weight. I take natural hormone replacements but with little help. I gained about 25-30Lbs more than I need. I started last year the latter part of Oct. by buying a nice treadmill and started walking, I am up to 3 miles at least 3-5 times per week. I also walk very fast and at an upgrade and do light weight training. I lost maybe 4 LBs and it keeps trying to creep back! So, I went to the Doctor and had some blood work done. I found out that I have Hypothyroid! My Triglicerides were high also! Probably form the low Thyroid. Anyway, I have been on Thyroid meds now for almost a month. We will see if it helps with the weight isssues. ALso I have also been a firm believer in information! Knowledge is power, and you have helped me learn alot about the foods that are good VS evil! So I have cut back or removed some foods completely. Example; The review I asked about Kashi Veggie Roasted Pizza & Multi-Grain Tostitos! Thanks for the information and support and good luck on your weight challenges! My prayers are out to you and your Aunt!

Thanks! I am in. I am envious of those of you that said I put on 10 pounds over the past year. I have put on over 30!! Probably in about 6 months. I had my first child in Aug 08. I only gained 12lbs during pregnancy. After giving birth & breastfeeding, I was done 10 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I am now 35lbs heavier- yes, that means I'm 20+ lbs heavier today that I was when I was 9 months pregnant. We get in such a horrible circle of trying to lose weight, gaining, getting frustrated, eating more etc etc etc. I am currently on a REALLY bad streak of drinking coke every day & eating fast food at least once a day (of course all while hiding it from my husband).

I just started Zumba. If you aren't familiar, its an exercise class. I absolutely love it! For the 1st time in 25 years I called my friend & said I wanted to go exercise!! I have committed to do the class at least once a week & hope to do it 2x a week. I am also walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in a week 1/2 that is a 39 mile walk.

I want to lose it! Thanks for the support.

Count me in! I have lost 18 lbs. since November 9th. This time I'm doing it slow and not trying to lose everything the first 2 weeks. On November 6th, 2009 My husband and I won a trip to Kaui and that was my motivator. I didn't want to spend one more vacation overweight. So by November '10 I WILL reach my goal weight and never look back! It's all about forming new "good" habits.

It's awesome to do it with you all!!!

Way to go, Snack Girl! I'm already on that journey so happy to hear about and be part of your project, too. I really applaud you for setting such a reasonable goal and timeframe - as opposed to fanatic dieters (most out there) who attempt things like "10 lbs in 2 weeks" - not healthy (or fun)! Secondly, I thank you for being so transparent about your struggles, especially as someone whom others know about and look up to - it's so great to hear when people we consider to be in the public eye (like you are!) share the same foibles the rest of us have. Best of luck and I'm glad to be a part of your community especially as we all work toward this goal!

It is always good to have a goal and do it with friends. Good luck, I love your tips.

I am so in, I am starting my first year of college soon, and want to get in shape! :]

Count me in!

Sorry about your aunt. That's too bad. Is there any chance of successful treatment?

I lost 10 lbs over about 3 months when I started Jazzercise. I gained 5 back, but then relost. I still want to ideally lose 10 more, but I'd settle for 5 (I think). They are really stubborn though! As is my love for cake, cookies, and all things baked and/or chocolate! :P

I'm so in! I'm actually aiming for 15 by the 4th of July but feel that may be a little optimistic. Still, with the ideas I learn here and at "3 fat chicks" I feel I can eventually get rid of a whole litter of pups!

Like me, you know all about healthy eating (probably know more than I do actually) and it's STILL so hard to stay away from food, more food, please, I just love food and how yummy it is and now I think I'll go in the kitchen and pray that I actually bought some 'junk' food so I can eat ALL of it!! See?? You're not alone!!! Food is TOO GOOD. I applaud you and the only advice I can offer is that when I almost completely cut sugar out of my diet, for the first time EVER, I felt my cravings for overeating and junk food diminish. Good luck Lisa! Rootin' for you!! :) Kelly

The best way to maintain your correct weight and nourish your body with what you eat is by eating clean. See Tosca Reno's book The Eat Clean diet; or Tosca's story will change your life! It is a lifelong choice to take care of yourself!! Her principles tie in with snackgirl's quest for healthier food options!

Okay, I'm in; I need to lose about 20lbs and get back in shape. As 45 approaches I know my metabolism is starting to slow down and I need to make some changes before it's too late.

I'm In! I need a challenge to get my final 10lbs off. I am 57 and I lost 30lbs 3 yrs ago and have maintained well. My BMI is @ a healthy range now but I want to 'crank it up' and get another 10 gone. I use Herbalife and practice better eating habits and am an avid label reader. My exercise is moderate. BTW, I lost 4 oz since yesterday when I first read this. Yay!

I am joining you... I am 51, not overweight but since I went through menopause my body is re-shaping itself and the belly fat has appeared... I would like to lose about 8 lbs now. I really have to increase my exercise level. I used to exercise at a high level fairly consistently and I need to get back to it.

Count me in! I need some new motivation and your 3 week challenge to lose 10 pounds will be just that. Ten pounds will take me to my goal weight so I will be thrilled when I get there! See you Saturday!

Good for you! You can do it, and I'm going to join you.

...and, I have to say, you look like you are about 25 :)


You are an inspiration. I love receiving the email updates and they make me think twice about what I purchase in the grocery aisle (back away from the "food-like" products.) I wish you the best of luck in your weight-loss goal.

oh man - i love it. perfect timing. i've recently and FIRMLY resolved to finally losing the extra 10 pounds i've been carrying around with me. summer is just around the corner! very excited and optimistic about the support network you're creating here. let's get to it!

Hello I live in Venezuela and my mother talk to me about you. I take de challenge with you. We can do it for us and look beautiful and healthy, I need lose weight (a lot) and I like very much get friends who wants that. Thanks and sorry by my bad english, I speak spanish.

Bienvenido, Cris.

My Spanish is not very good - "me gusto jamon y queso!" but we will try to help!


yes, lets! I've lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks by increasing my daily walks, no fast food and taking psyllium at night.

that was almost 8 weeks ago and I've gained 2 lbs back.

I'm one of those healthy fat people, but would like to be more fit.

This is exciting!

I'm in! I just did a Boot Camp for 12 weeks and LOST NO WEIGHT! So it's got to be what I'm eating. My daughter will be a year old on June 16th and I've blamed breast feeding for my tendency to reduce stress and reward myself with treats. But it has nothing to do with that and I know it. Would love to be a part of a "group" to stay motivated about exercising by myself and eating better. Great idea Snack Girl!!

Way to go, Lisa! You are so right, there will always be excuses. It's time to throw them away and DECIDE to make exercise as much a priority as healthy eating is. Like another poster above, I too became a Beachbody Coach after using their programs. They changed my life and saved my husband's who had high cholesterol. After starting to get in shape, we decided to start running, and I ran my first half marathon last November at the age of 45. Age doesn't matter. That's just another excuse! Everyone can get in better shape and live healthier and longer regardless of their age. It all comes down to desire!

If any of you would like to join us on Facebook, we are doing a monthly challenge which will dovetail nicely into the weight loss challenge. Every month, we're going to pick a new fitness challege. May's challenge was 100 push-ups a day. Some people started with 5 a day and are building up. They are amazing themselves with what they are capable of! You will be amazed too, after taking these first steps! Our FB page is Hope to see you there! :)

i would love to join this challenge and i want to say im so sorry for ur loss

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