
Greatist Names Snack Girl A Top 100 Health Influencer

December 9, 2011   28 Comments

Today's post was going to be about this delicious, natural, and low sodium beef jerky that I discovered. Then, I changed my mind.

Snack Girl Health Influencer

(sorry beef jerky enthusiasts)

Instead, I am going to talk about ME - your fearless leader Snack Girl. Today, a website called Greatist named Snack Girl #44 of The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness 2011 see: Greatist Top 100 List.

I am very honored to be included on this list because so many of the people that are influential to ME are featured. So, I thought I would take today to celebrate Snack Girl's success and talk about who inspires me.

My numero uno inspiration is:

  1. YOU - the person reading this! YOU inspire me every day to sit here and develop recipes, content, and features that will help you in your "self health" journey.

And, every day someone sends me an e-mail like this one from Laura:

I just wanted to let you know that I think your site is fabulous and that the ideas, recipes and information are right on because they are practical and just plain REALISTIC!

Thanks, Laura!

And, now in no particular order, I am going to share some of the influential people that are on the Greatist Top 100 List. If you haven't yet "met" any of them, you should check them out to see if what they offer is helpful to you.

Michael Pollan (#20) has written a bunch of books about how our food is produced. His work has spurred a movement of eating fresh fruits and vegetables and his book "Omnivore's Dilemma" is a must read for anyone who wants to eat healthier.

Dave Zinczenko (#19) woke me up to the amount of calories in a bagel with cream cheese (more than I want to reveal). His "Eat This Not That" series of books have helped many people make healthy choices when they are at fast food restaurants.

Jillian Michaels (#1) convinced me to get off my couch. Seriously. If you look in my closet there are 10 of her DVDs and I use them almost every day to get in better shape. I find her "no excuses" attitude motivational and her workouts to be challenging. She cracks me up!

Brain Wansink (#86) wrote a great book called "Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More than We Think" and changed my view of portion sizes. I actually hung out with Brian for a day and he is kind and funny. He has been doing important research on school lunch lines to help school cafeterias promote better nutrition.

Jamie Oliver (#3) is a British chef that created a show called Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution dedicated to improving lunchrooms across the country. His persistence is legendary and I think of him often when I think everything is hopeless. I also love his cookbook "Jamie's Food Revolution: Rediscover How To Cook Simple, Delicious, Affordable Meals".

Finally, I am influenced by books about people who start their own businesses and become successful (for example I am currently reading the biography of Steve Jobs). They remind me of how much hard work I will have to put in to be NUMBER ONE on the list of Influential People - I want everyone to get the message about how easy healthy food can be!

Please share the influential people that have helped you get healthier!

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

$19.00   $9.97 Buy on

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Eat This, Not That! 2012: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution

Eat This, Not That! 2012: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution

$19.99   $9.06 Buy on

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

$14.98   $9.88 Buy on

Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think

Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think

  $14.69 Buy on

Jamie's Food Revolution: Rediscover How to Cook Simple, Delicious, Affordable Meals

Jamie's Food Revolution: Rediscover How to Cook Simple, Delicious, Affordable Meals

$24.99   $18.91 Buy on

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First 20 Comments: ( See all 28 )

Congratulations! What amazing company you are in on that list! Thank YOU for all you have done for us, your readers. Be proud of your accomplishments and continue your journey of inspiring all of us to make simple, practical, healthier choices!

Good for you! You deserve to be on the list. Thank you for providing information & advice real people can use :-)

that's wonderful. but the people who put out the list should really do a spell-check.... GREATEST, not GREATIST.....

...and for those of you not familiar with THAT website... I'm being funny..... it's a play on words with them....

You go girl. I enjoy your daily emails and hope to continue to enjoy you for a long time.

Congratulations, Lisa! ^5!!!

Between you, Ken Leebow, and Michael Pollan (I echo Carrie's observation about the amazing company you share on the list!), I'm thrilled at being turned on to great info on how to get/stay healthy and clearly see that it sticking with a healthy-eating plan just requires

- a small amount of forethought (e.g., making a week's worth of quinoa on Sunday afternoon) and

- some willingness to experiment with new stuff (e.g., I had no idea what to do with the tub of dates I got from Costco and found your no-bake brownie balls to be even easier to make than I expected, same with the zucchini "pasta"… I made for my wife a few nights ago, and same with the roasted brussels sprouts… (although I think there are about a gazillion other recipes out there) that caused my wife to (mostly!) drop her long-standing hatred of them!).

THANK YOU for all you do to help us!


PS (and totally off-topic)- is there a way to get notified about new comments even if I *don't* make a comment on an article myself? Sometimes I'm interested in what others are saying about something, even if I don't feel like I can contribute myself and don't want to keep checking the article, just in case a comment pops up...

Way to go! It's SO refreshing to see the recognition of common sense. Thanks for fighting the good fight.

Congrats from Canada! I love your site! I eagerly await new posts and recipes! I just found you this year...I've shared the site with all my friends and family! Thank you!! You are making a difference in my family.

Congratulations! Thanks for this list... most of the people on here i've never heard of, so i'm glad to be in the KNOW now about some new names and faces. Yours is the ONE email I actually open every time I see it, because I love it. Others I subscribe to, well, may or may not get read every day... but you, SG, get my attention every time. Keep up the great work... and be sure to feature that beef jerky soon for us. I'm curious to know what it is! ;)

Wow, This is great news. Keep up the good work. Sue H.

Congrats, what a fantastic validation of your efforts! I check your website daily and appreciate the information you provide.

You are in some serious company! Way to go! And keep up the great work.

Thanks for all the love!

Tried to post this comment several times, got the oops message, saying comment verification failed...

Here is my comment:

Congrats! I am very interested in reading what Brian Wansink says about changing school lunch. I'm on our school's nutrition committee and will be writing about it on my blog. PARENTS on these committees are the ones who inspire me - WOW. They are doing so much with school garden programs and events, trying to get unused produce donated to needy school kids, and now we're developing a Science Night presentation for parents and kids, about reading food labels for bad additives and food coloring. We've been doing Farm To School, and would be interested to see what chefs could do to help revamp school foods. I've heard that Share Our Strength helps chefs "adopt a school"...awesome! The kids themselves inspire me too - they are SO enthusiastic about trying the new vegetables each month. :)


Die, Food Dye!

Way to go!! You totally deserve it, Lisa!

(And I'm with Angie M. -- my curiosity has been piqued about the beef jerky, so once the excitement dies down, don't leave us hangin'! :)

Congratulations!! How wonderful to see you recognized for all you do and what you, in turn, have taught others.

I hadn't paid as much attention to actual ingredients, besides calories, fat, etc., until I started reading your column. Now when we go shopping and my husband picks something out I tell him "now why would they have to add all that sugar (or other ingredients) when it should've been fine without it?"

or our boys don't need to eat something with such and such ingredients in it... :)

Awesome! or as my husband says Rock On!

Being in the same business, I am overwhelmed each day by the number of emails I get about health, nutrition and fitness. The one email I never skip - and usually open immediately - is yours. Your clear, fun writing style, independent voice and creative but simple recipes have me hooked. Guess others feel the same. Congratulations!

I'd also nominate Marcelle Pick, an ob/gyn nurse practitioner who wrote "Tired and Wired" about symptoms of adrenal fatigue and how to eat/rest/destress/exercise to improve that... I'm not perfect about it but it has reduced a lot of the I'm so tired but can't sleep because my mind is churning issues--and adding in more protein has helped the midlife fat in the middle and satiety.

Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien has great "swaps" for more caloric things when you have junky cravings...I never thought of making brownie mix and pumpkin together into "fudge" before her... she's very creative.

Psychologist Susan Albers for her book on 50 ways to soothe yourself without food, for those of us who know we're not hungry, but nosh because we're stressed or tired or needing nurturing...she has other ways to cope

Angel author Doreen Virtue who used to be a psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders before she started her angel work--she wrote a book called "Constant Craving" that not only has an excellent account of what various foods do as far as self medicating go, including specific neurotransmitters, etc. For example, I didn't know cheese was an antidepressant...and I love pizza during winter. Also she has a chart of what you crave and what it might mean psychologically and an affirmation to counter what your self-talk is when you're craving that.

I think it's great how you were listed, and I like the people you mentioned!

See all 28 Comments

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