What Snack Girl Wants For Her 46th Birthday
September 2, 2015 18 Comments
Party time for me! Another year typing and steering at the helm of Snack Girl.

This year, I want something from you. More than anything, I want you to be motivated to get healthy. Yesterday, I pitched a Snack Girl Jackpot Challenge for those of you who desire to get lighter before the butter-soaked holiday season.
Today, I want to see if any of you feel like going for a run with me in Boston on October 4th. I know, you are thinking, “Snack Girl, I don’t live in Boston.” And that might be true, but I love the idea of people getting together as a team and doing something healthy.
My team is named Snack Girl Rugged Runners and the event is a 5K Oktoberfest run starting in Kendall Square at 9:30 AM on October 4th, 2015.
The event benefits Cambridge Family & Children’s Service, a group that provides services for foster care and adoption.
The fun part is that at the end of the race there is a post race PARTY with beer and pretzels. It seems that I am the Homer Simpson of 5K as I will run for beer and pretzels.
As an added bonus to get you to come out – I will be giving any team member who wants one a free signed copy of Snack Girl to the Rescue! at the end of the race. Hey, beer, pretzels, AND books. How awesome is that?
Also, I will be wearing an Oktoberfest costume as I cannot figure out a way to get out of it. My best friend, Laura, is running with me (probably way in front of me) and she always gets me to do the silliest things – like dress as a beer wench as I run through the streets of Boston.
Snack Girl Rugged Runners may not win the race but with Laura around we have a good chance of winning the post-race party (yes, they give out an award for a team that wins the party).
If you can’t make it to Boston, go find a pal, a silly costume, and another athletic event that will keep you from sinking into the couch every day instead of moving your behind.
What type of event motivates you to stay active?
Lynn Kelly
Sue Anna
Snack Girl
Leah Matheson