
Gonna Fly With A Little Help From My Friends

July 22, 2011   16 Comments is a labor of love. Just two people work on this site to make it work for you - our readers.

Snack Girl Survey

Last year, we did a survey and got many responses that helped us understand how to support you in your healthy eating goals.

We took these VERY seriously and added website features and content. For example:

  • Two healthy snack recipes every week
  • "Print recipe box" for printing only the recipe
  • Cleaner website design to make the site easier to use

On the survey, we asked the question "What topics would you like Snack Girl to write about?" and those answers have shaped MONTHS of content.

But, that survey was so last year! We have over 300% more people reading Snack Girl now and we want to hear from everyone (older readers and newer readers) about what they need from Snack Girl.

Please take a few minutes to answer this survey:

Snack Girl Survey

or comment below on how Snack Girl can improve. There are only a few questions and it will take you all of 3 minutes (I promise).

We read every comment on this site, and it is our personal mission to make this a place where you can transform into a healthier eater - one snack at a time!

Thanks SO much for your time - we give all you survey responders a big virtual hug.

xoxo, Lisa and Matt

Get Free Email Updates! Yes please!


Only joined within the past three weeks. GREAT website and information. Thank you for doing this. Just keep up the good work educating us on all the "bad" stuff and what is really good out there!

Dear Snack Girl,

I just found you this year and love your emails and your site. I have shared it with many of my friend and family. I am also doing my first marathon this year and I am working with the coaches from the marathon and have shared the site with them. So, you know it is going to go places. I would love to see an incredible recipe for Wheatberry Salad which can be a snack. Our local Shop Rite sells it in their deli, but I would much rather make my own. Also, are Lara Bars as health as they sound? How about Kashi Bars?

I would also like to see a recipe for wheatberry salad my mom buys it at the deli of our local Kroger but sh wants to learn to make it at home.

Just found you a couple month ago. I love the worst snacks as a snacker who wants to make good choices this steers me away from things I might has been lead astry by.I also enjoythe receipes.

Thank you, Snack Girl, for sharing your knowledge, sense of humor & insight. It is obvious how much effort & time you put in to your publication & I appreciate it. I learn something new every time I read your email. Thanks again!!

i love the site! i just did the survey - hope my comments help. btw, i've recently gotten a smart phone and very much enjoy the "lose it!" app, as well as the podcast feature on itunes. maybe you could come up with a snack food app that would feature good snack choices (maybe when you shake the phone it dials up an idea? that would be fun for kids too!). also, maybe do a podcast every once in a while with commentary, answer sg questions, or do guest interviews like some of the chefs or authors you've featured? just a few ideas. love your site and love your insight!

Hi! I love this site too, and the only thing that I could recommend is opening up your contests and giveaways to Canadian residents! We'd love to win as much as our American friends :)

But please keep up this site because I've got some great info and snack ideas that I share with my French husband and friends (France French, not Quebecois!) to shake things up a little in this land of cheese, and bread, and wine!

All I can say is Thank you for all the awesome HEALTHY alternatives!!! I will be starting Weight Watchers and your site is already a huge help... Thank you!!!!

Love this site!!!!Came across this site about 3 weeks ago by accident. Happy this accident happened..LOl..

Keep up the GOOD work..

I have a hard time with snacking in particular, because I have dairy & wheat intolerances. I also try to stay away from artifical sweeteners. With all of these dietary restrictions it makes it a challenge to find a variety of healthy low snack treats. Especially ones that I don't always have to make myself. If you find any products that fit my needs, I would GREATLY appreciate it.


Francesca in Keswick, Ontario

I have to say "THANK YOU!!" your site has made me a more informed consumer as well as a better mom for being able to know ingredients of many items before giving them to my children. You are doing a great job. My daughter has a tree nut allergy so I am becoming more of a label reader. Thank you again.

I freaking LOVE this site. It is a part of my daily routine to check and see what you post every day. It is unbelievable how much information you pack into a blog that is fun and interesting to read. It probably sounds really cheesy but you have truly changed the way my family and I snack (and hopefully some friends that arent too annoid with my constant critisism of their McDonalds habits!) Keep up the GREAT work!!

I joined Weight Watchers in Jan and with your help I'm now down 29.2 lbs and within 5 lbs of my goal weight. I love the snack recipes and ideas and actually make many of them and share them with friends. Keep doing what you are doing. I love it!!!

An email subscription would be nice so I could get your posts by email rather than checking the site.

@Sallyjrw - we do have an e-mail subscription - see here:

Thanks for your comment! Lisa

I'm a Weight Watchers leader and how appropriate that I 'found' you meeting tonite is all about snacking healthy!!! I will surely be 'sharing' you tonite!

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