
Meet Snack Girl in the Finger Lakes and in Western Massachusetts

October 31, 2014   12 Comments

I am getting out from behind the computer and sharing my insights on how to keep the weight off over the holidays. My dog, however, is not coming with me.

Snack Girl Talks

Milo’s speaking fee is too high for most public libraries and such so he is going to stay home in front of my woodstove and toast his belly.

Come out and say hello! I am bringing books to sell and sign - but if you have one already - I would be happy to sign it.

Here is a list of events for the next couple of weeks:

Seneca Falls Library - Seneca Falls, NY - Wednesday, November, 5th at 6:30 PM

Stewart B. Lang Memorial Library - Cato, NY – Thursday, November 6th at 7:00 PM

South Hadley Library - South Hadley, MA – Saturday, November 8th at 10 AM

Greenfield Public Library -Greenfield, MA – Monday, November 10th at 6:00 PM

Belchertown Public Library - Belchertown, MA – Wednesday, November 19th at 7:00 PM

I am also speaking at a couple of high school health classes in Cato, NY. Wish me luck! I hear teenagers are a tough audience.

I am working my way down to Connecticut in the New Year.

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Milo is adorable! What is his lineage?

You're a busy super hero! Is the event at the South Hadley library on the 8th (Saturday) or the 9th (Sunday)? Thanks and Happy Halloween!

@Elaine - he is 1/2 terrier - 1/2 ??? - he is a mutt from Tennessee that we adopted from a volunteer organization:

I HIGHLY recommend them if you are looking for a dog on the East Coast.

@Julie - I will be there on Saturday the 8th - I screwed up this morning and had the wrong date and then changed it. Please come out!! (and bring friends)

Awe it looks like Milo has a beard! Adorable! Good luck on the library tour & definately extra good luck when you go speak to the teens! Hopefully they won't be too bad! :D

Please come to south jersey- I live outside Phila in Cherry Hill and would love to meet you. ( I already have your book.:) My boys purchased it for me for mothers day.)

I'm hoping I'll be able to get to your Cato event. It's a very small town and HS, so no worries, I'm sure they'll be delightful!!

Very excited that you'll be in Central NY! A shame you didn't get a larger location. Cato is a very remote, rural town. Hopefully people show!!

@Elaina - Cato invited me to come - and let me know they were a small rural town - and I thought - hey, how fun? I can drive there from where I live.

Lisa -- cute photo of you and your pup!

Come to the Metrowest area of Massachusetts sometime. I'd like your autograph in my copy of your book. My WOW (Weight Off Wisely) group at our Senior Center often makes use of your great food ideas.

Happy Halloween!!!

Enjoy Seneca Falls! Wish you were heading towards Keuka Lake and Penn Yan NY--I'd send my sister over to meet you and get a book signed. I love me my Snack Girl foods and book!

I live in Liverpool and work in Cato. It takes me only 25 minutes to get to work. It isn't much longer from Syracuse. Cato is only 15 minutes West of Baldwinsville. It is 1/2 hour of driving through beautiful rolling hills and fields that I never get tired of - even in the snow. I hope you make the trip. It will be worth your time.

YAY!! So happy you will be coming to CT! Can't wait to meet you :))

Come to VT...please?

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