
Snack Girl’s Birthday

September 2, 2014   142 Comments

I don’t make a big deal about my birthday. Since most of you don’t know me, why would September 2nd matter to you?

Snack Girl’s Birthday

But, I found that I kept putting off writing a post for today and here we are – September 2nd – and I want to write something.

I turn 45 today and I am healthier than I was at 25. I can lift my suitcase into the overhead compartment if I’m not in the last boarding group – the flight attendant takes it from me because the plane is full if I am stuck in the last boarding group (and I don’t get to show off my biceps).

I eat more vegetables and find myself craving them. Recently, I did some traveling and had a hard time finding vegetables and came home begging for salad - crazy.

I have really nice running shoes because otherwise my right hip starts hurting after intense exercise.

The down sides of aging have to do mainly with appearance – my hair is 50% grey! (this was the year I decided that I am vain and started coloring it). My freckles seem more like brown spots - not unlike a giraffe. I seem to be able to eat even less without putting on pounds around my belly (not fair).

The best part of turning 45 is that I feel deeply grateful for what I do have and have (mostly) stopped worrying about what I don’t have. At a certain point, you have to look around and say, “I have arrived” whether or not you made it to where you expected to be.

I have arrived.

Here’s to all of you who read this blog and get something from it four days a week. Thanks for coming back and enjoying what I do. Big hug!!!

Lisa AKA Snack Girl

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Happy Birthday! Thanks for doing what you do!

Happy birthday! It's my birthday too! Have a fabulous day!

Happy birthday, Lisa! You definitely have arrived. :)

Happy Birthday to BOTH you /me. Growing older is a gift not promised to any of us so CELEBRATE that we were given another September 2nd!!! Happ Birthday to all Virgos out there!!

Happy Birthday, Lisa! You have done a wonderful job of arriving where you are...and balancing so much in your life. You are an inspiration to so many. All the best all ways always.

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday!! Today is my birthday as well, and while I am a few (6) years older than you, I am with you. These are the happiest and healthiest years a and I love them!

Happy Birthday. Like Gloria Steinem, you can glow and say this is what 45 looks like!

Happy Birthday! September 2nd means something to me---it is the day before my birthday! LOL (i will be 43) :)

☼♡ HaPpY BirThDaY and many more, each happier than the one before! ♡☼

Happy B Day! Thank you for all the great info you share, i have become an avid reader of labels and continue on a quest to eat less processed food. Last week in my WW meeting someone said regarding self talk, " I am old and I am fat". Putting together something you can't control with something you can control. We are all going the same direction with aging, but I decided to age thin and fit as I hit 65 this year. Hope to limit my Medicare benefit for all you younger folks.

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday! On my mom & dad's refrigerator is a little piece of paper that says "Enjoy growing older, it is a pleasure denied many". So I do!

I'm here too! We share a birthday! 50 for me and you're right; we have arrived! Happy birthday to you and cheers to an awesome year!

Happy Birthday to all who share Sept. 2nd!!! Congratulations!

Have a great Birthday, Lisa! Celebrate your socks off and know how much you inspire us each and every day! : )

"At a certain point, you have to look around and say, “I have arrived” whether or not you made it to where you expected to be."

GREAT ADVICE. Happy Birthday, Lisa.

Here's to Virgos!! Happy BD to you and love the advice - loving what we 'have'!!

Happy Birthday and many many more!!!

What kind of running shoes do you have?? I have problems with my ankles and hip and was just wondering.

@Margaret - I have Asics - 2000 - they are ridiculously expensive - $100 per pair - but they work.


Funny, my birthday is today and I too am 45 also.....enjoy "our" day and keep up with the great post, I really look forward to them.

I forward your emails to my grown sons several times a week because they are full of healthy hints and healthy food. So far they haven't told me to stop, so I think they get as much out of your good words as I do.

Keep up your good words.
Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday!!! I turned 44. Hope you have a great day!!

Happy Birthday!

Thank you for writing this: "At a certain point, you have to look around and say, “I have arrived” whether or not you made it to where you expected to be." It's something I'm getting better at realizing (at 42), but I still sometimes need the reminder.

Lisa, have a wonderful birthday! I hope you get to celebrate and enjoy something yummy ;) Thank you for all you do. God bless you in the coming year.

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Enjoy your day and celebrate!!

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday and thanks for the rolled oats, peanut butter, bananas, nuts, dried fruit recipe. It's very good.

Happy Birthday, and a million thank yous for helping to heal my body and mind!

Happy birthday!! Today is my birthday too :)

Happy Birthday!!!!

Isn't getting older liberating!!!

53 on the 11th and am finally able to welcome the higher number.

Have a great year!!

Happy birthday! Thanks for sharing your awesomeness with us!


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!! I'm 47 and can totally relate to everything you just said! It's a good feeling to feel comfortable and satisfied with where we are in life and what we have become! Have a wonderful day!

Birthday greetings! What is on the celebratory dinner menu?

Happy Birthday, Lisa!

Happy Birthday!! Love reading your posts! Enjoy your day!

Happy Birthday and many more! God bless.


Happy Birthday! At 61,45 seems young to me. :) You're doing great! Thanks for all the helpful information & encouragement.

Happy Birthday, you wonderful inspiring woman!


Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Happy Birthday!!! I'm always excited to have just made it another year!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Happy Birthday, Lisa! I so enjoy reading all the information you share! Here's hoping this is a most excellent year for you!!

Today is special to me also. Celebrating 47th wedding anniversary. I too am healthier and weigh much less than I did on wedding day!

Happy birthday!!!!

Happy, happy Birthday!!!!

Happy B'day! I cracked up when I read about your being able to lift your suitcase into the overhead bin, because that is the main reason I keep up my training!

Ditto about everything at age 58; may your life be blessed as you continue to bless so many. One tip about running shoes: worth it to go to a good running store and get fitted. I found out last fall when I was having toe issues that you should buy them 1/2 to 1 size larger to run in. Did that help! :-)

Happy Birthday! What an awesome feeling, "I have arrived!" Way to go and thanks for the inspiration.

Happy Birthday young lady! I always enjoy"Snack Girl". Great hints, tips, & recipes (with mucho humor)for a wide range of ages including the 19 year old stuck in my 63 year old body!!

Happy Birthday to you! It's always a day to celebrate the person you are!!


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day.

HAppy BiRthDay! Oh to be 45 again!

Sept. 2 is our 42nd wedding anniversary - we got married at 20!

What do you mean, "we don't know you?" You are part of our lives!!! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Lisa! You have brought veggies to our table! You are very much appreciated.

Happy Birthday Lisa! We share the exact same birthday! I am 45 today as well and appreciate your inspiration! I have been a little bummed about this age but you are right! I have arrived!!! 💜

happy birthday to a healthy you.


You have a wonderful positive attitude and it helps others. My new attitude is "Being Old Doesn't Seem So Old Now That I'm old" :-)

happy birthday!!! I am also a September baby. Thanks so much for sharing great info. Virgo the best!!

Happy Birthday Lisa, I think you are a witty and caring person and I am glad I found you on my computer. Thanks for everything!

Happy Birthday! I really enjoy this blog and have gotten a lot of useful info from it!

Happy birthday Snack Girl! Thanks for all you do and your lovely smile :D

Happy birthday! You have truly been an inspiration to me.

Happy Birthday Ms Lisa!!! These years I've spent following your blog have been incredible! You were the 1st food blogger I never followed and still, to date, you're my favorite! I love you and plan on spending many more years on your blog!

Happy Birthday Snack Girl!

Happy Birthday, Lisa! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Happy Birthday! Thank you for your writing!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lisa, it gets even better when you turn 50. All of a sudden, what other people think matters less and what YOU think is driven by your values. Embrace yourself at every age, but enjoy these middle years, cause they ROCK!


Happy birthday. The best is yet to come.

Hey Snack Girl! I always knew I liked you! I'm another one who shares your birthday (49 this year) - as we get older, I think it's more about getting healthy & staying healthy! Enjoy your birthday!

A very Happy Birthday to you Lisa!!! I am so glad to have found your blog…..Have learned lots. I also had come to the "I have arrived" state of mind when I was in my mid 40's. Now at almost 62 I am glad I did!!!!!

Happy Birthday! And Thank you for all of your hard work and investigations. I love reading your blog, it is both inspirational AND informational.

Happy birthday! Mine is in the 10th I'll be 52 not where I want to be fit wise but better than I use to be! Here's to a fit and healthy year and lots of hair dye. LOL.

Happy Birthday. You share it with my son, who turns 32 today.

Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your birthday as well as your wisdom. Great to hear that you are healthier than years ago.

Happy Birthday!! Many, many more to you! Sounds like you have a wonderful appreciation of life and treat each and every day as a gift!

Happy Birthday! I am a firm believer in celebrating birthdays. Sets a good example for our kids.

Glad you're on the planet and sharing what you've been given. May you continue your journey in child-like wonder. Celebrate. Enjoy your day!

Big hug to you, Lisa! Happy birthday!!! :)

Happy Birthday, you are still a young chicke compared to me lololol hope it is a happy one,got your coookbook thanks


Happy Birthday! Sounds like you have your head screwed on right...good job! Enjoy your day!!

Happy Birthday! Thank you for all your work on health that you so generously pass on to us. I am grateful for your commitment and love your humor. Here is to at least 45 more years in which to grow even more fabulous.

Happy Birthday !

Have the Happiest of Birthdays!! Each added year is a reason to celebrate. Thanks for always adding something special to my day!

Happy birthday snack girl

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUU!! Thank you for helping us all be the BEST that we can be! Wishing all the good you do for others is returned to you a zillion times over! xoxo

Happy, Happy Birthday! I really enjoy your blog and appreciate everything you share with us! Thanks for you sharing your birthday story! Congrats and Happiest birthday blessings to you!!

Happy Birthday Lisa. So grateful to you for all of your work - making healthier eating less work for the rest of us. I made your Apple muffins this morning (yummy) for the 1st day of school for the kiddies, and bought the soup from your soup post. Lol. I love your cook book too! I trust snack girl. She's the best at what she does. Much love to you!

Happy Birthday! I am glad you do this, and that you are getting benefits from your lifestyle, because your posts are making my lifestyle more yummy! I use lots of your recipes and ideas, so here's to you!!

Very inspirational! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Lisa. Thank You for all the helpful advice, comments and your blog daily which I so enjoy reading. Enjoy Your Day :)

Happy Happy Birthday! This post was equal parts funny and empowering, and I loved it. So glad we met and hope you have the best year yet!

Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day!

Happy, Happy Birthday!! In your honor I'll splurge on a homemade brownie tonight after dinner ;)

Happy Birthday and wishing you a minimum of 45 more.

Happy birthday and welcome to north of 45 lol - I can relate to almost everything you have written at 52 - we are not just getting older we are getting better and our older years will be better because of our healthiness

Happy Birthday and happy healthier you!!!


Happy Birthday! Age is just a number, never let that number make you feel a certain way. I'm a fairly new reader to your website, and I LOVE IT! Here's to another year, more great blog posts, and another number that we don't need to define us :-)

Happy Birthday!!

A very happy birthday to you
and a happy new Year!
Gloria in Sweden!

Happy Birthday, Lisa! You're not getting older; you're getting younger! It's only a matter of mind. If you don't mind it doesn't matter!

Many happy returns of the day Lisa! Talk about growing old (well not REALLY old) gracefully...someday you're going to be the best senior citizen EVER! Love you!

Happy Birthday from Italy! Thank you for your amazing blog, reading it is my evening "treat", Ciao! ps I was born in 1969, too; I turned 45 one month ago

Happy! Happy! Fellow Virgo!!

You say it's your birthday? Well Happy Birthday to you!

A very Happy Birthday Lisa. You have the right attitude re/ aging and birthdays. I just had another in July making me now 74. Never thought of getting so far along when it seemed to creep up while doing everyday life stuff. Love your postings and tips. Keep up the great work you do. I look forward each day to your emails. Thanks, Barb

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your site and enthusiasm!

Happy Birthday to you and all my other Virgo birthday pals! I enjoy reading about your food finds, recipes and thoughts. I will be 64 on the 19th and am in the best health in years....since retiring! Let's all take good care of ourselves!

Wishing you a birthday filled with everything and everyone you love most! Thanks for inspiring us and providing us healthier options to consider in the world we live in today!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, you cute little giraffe. Wait until you're 70 if you want to know about brown spots! He he! (But, FYI, there are creams that fade them!!) My momma taught me that! I love your website!You rock!

Happy Birthday....good health is a gift! Thank you for you inspiration, humor and health advice.

Happy Birthday! I hope it was a wonderful celebration.

Thank You so much for all of your great tips and recipes.

happy birthday......I stopped dyeing my hair at the age of 43.....and now I will hit 60 in Nov. and gray all over....silver gray, thank goodness!!! I wear good running shoes for walking....I hear the experts say don't, but feet gotta breathe!! so keep on keeping on!!!

My dear brother Bobby shares this day with you. Wonderful Virgos! Have a great day and best wishes, too!

Happy Birthday, Lisa!! May you have many, many more healthy and happy! Thank you for writing your book. It's exactly what I need.

Happy Birthday to you!! THanks for all you do!

Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope this "benign" birthday brings you as much pleasure as your book and columns bring your fans!

(turning 45 wasn't a bit spooky for me; 60 is a different story though:/ )

Happy Birthday to you! It's my birthday too!

Happy Birthday, Snack Girl! You rock!

Hope you have had a wonderful birthday! Wishing you all the best today and for the coming years!!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Lisa. I hope you had a wonderful day and I wish you many more happy and healthy years.

Hope your day was everything you hoped it would be. Thanks for sharing your insight and helping your readers to define a healthier lifestyle with great tasting, healthy food choices. I appreciate that you've shared your own challenges with those of us who continue on the journey. Not always perfect, but we keep on tryin!

Happy Birthday, Lisa...I also have a Sept birthday (14)and I will be 71. I enjoy your tips and easy recipes although I don't cook very much anymore since it's just me but I try to eat healthy and sensibly and you help me do that. Thanks so much!

You are so sensible, down to earth and informative ! I love checking in on you everyday to see what's up. Happy bday !

wish you happy birthday and thank you mam

Happy Birthday! It's nice to hear that your health is actually better than it was 20 years ago. I'm hoping that at 45 I can be as healthy as you! And thanks for all the great advice & inspiration that you have given myself and many others! :)

Happy Birthday (one day late) Lisa! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog, I look forward to it everyday. It is my favorite by FAR. You always inspire me!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy amazing 45th Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was great! Love your book and LOVE your website- have introduced lots of people to it!! :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am late in my birthday wishes for you & I am sorry.

Sorry I missed your birthday. Happy Belated birthday.Hope it was a great day for you. Happy to hear how well you're doing. I love the "I have Arrived" I feel the same. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

i am so bad, how i didn't wished you. i am so sorry. Wish you belated happy birthday. And i also wish you stay fit, fine and young as you are today. You always stay 25. . . You are very sweet

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