Save 1,273 Calories With This Thanksgiving Menu
November 21, 2012 27 Comments
See that beautiful meal up there? You can save 1,273 calories if you just don’t eat any of it.

The Calorie Control Council says that the average American will consume 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day alone. Tara Parker Pope of the New York Times challenges that assumption in her article - What is the average number of calories a person consumes at Thanksgiving dinner? She figures you get nauseous at around 1,500 so most of us stop before that.
The inspiration for today came from Eating Well’s website where they posted a Thanksgiving Recipe Makeover that advertised the 1,273 calorie reduction.
Some of their ideas:
- Substitute miso paste (fermented soybeans) for butter for basting the turkey
- Lemon juice instead of butter in the gravy.
- Creamed onions with low-fat milk instead of cream.
- Egg whites instead of marshmallows for the sweet potato casserole.
Ummm, I hope the miso paste isn’t sold out at my local Stop & Shop!! Or maybe I would rather just say YUCK!
You know what, I love you guys. I am grateful for your readership, comments, and stories. I want you to become healthier and feel great.
BUT, there are limits to what I will promote to help you achieve your goals. Thanksgiving, tomorrow, is a feast. You are to eat and drink sumptuously and enjoy your family and friends.
This is not the time to worry about getting into your skinny jeans or how many sticks of butter are in the stuffing.
Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think. Soak up all love that went into cooking your meal and be grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Do you worry on Thanksgiving about your waistline? Please share.
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First 20 Comments: ( See all 27 )
Eileen park
Jennie McKenna
Nancy norris
Sarah @ Semi-Sweet
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Cathie Tedesco
Jennifer Y
barbara L
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