
Time for Some Changes

December 30, 2018   61 Comments

It is almost New Year’s Eve. Do you know what you really want?

Time for Some Changes

A glass of champagne, a big kiss, a, that isn’t what I mean!

Yes, it is time for that self reflection that comes when we are faced with a shift in the calendar. 2019 starts in two days and many of us are thinking about how we will be different in the new year.

Isn’t it fun to think of starting fresh? I’m guessing that if you read this blog, you are thinking hard about how to be healthier. I’m also thinking that the last couple of weeks have made you feel like a Christmas cookie (okay, maybe it is just me that feels like a Christmas cookie).

What I want you to do is to type in your resolution in the comment section below. Hey, you are already reading this, so you might as well take a minute and tell the world what you REALLY want out of yourself this year.

I will go first:

  • Enjoy my 50th birthday
  • Eat more fruits/vegetables every day.
  • Do a better job taking care of myself.
  • One 10K and THREE sprint triathlons (sounds exhausting)
  • Finally become a little fluent in Spanish

This is what I want to work on for the year. I tried to make them all positive. For example, I could have written “Stop speaking lousy Spanish that no one understands”.

Every year I write down some resolutions and I am always amazed that some of them actually happen. I will leave this post up and then you can look at what you wrote December 30th, 2018.

I can’t wait to see what you guys write. I am sure you will inspire me.

How about you? Please type your New Year’s resolutions in the comment section.

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Deepen my relationship with God.
More fruits and vegetables.
Begin work on organizing pictures.

Exercise everyday

Healthy eating to feel better

Retire from teaching First Grade and take time for myself and family

Find a church family

I am retiring this year so I am wide open!

Eat clean
Exercise regularly
Make myself a priority

Drink more water
Try to be more patient
3 5k's
Finish the grandsons photo albums

Read my bible more.
Eat healthy and exercise.
Try to be kind to others.

I'm not doing resolutions this year. I've chosen a one word theme "Broaden" and hope to apply this to every area of my life except my bottom.

Thank you for your blog. I love the recipes and the reflections.

Eat clean and healthy
No drive-throughs, except for coffee
Strengthen my faith
Drink more water

-exercise at least 3 days a week
-be more kind to myself and others
-enjoy life and appreciate my blessings

1. Stop cursing
2. No texting and driving
3. Be more patient

My mother passed away last Christmas. I spent the better part of the year feeling as though there was a weight sitting on my chest. I want to breathe again.

Stay committed to healthy eating and exercise

Find a less stressful job
Read more
Drink less

Drink more water
Be more grateful
Tuck a shirt in

Lower my cholesterol
Exercise 3 times a week
Socialize more

To finally get serious about my health. To walk at least 8,000 steps per day. To organize my closets and drawers in the whole house (purging all the junk!!)

1.pray and read the Bible more
2 take better care of myself
3 meal plan and prep
4 de-clutter my house and life

Organize and purge "stuff"

Spend time with God and truly listen for his voice

Continue excercise and healthy eating .

The only thing that I am going to try to change in 2019 is to make healthier choices when ever possible. I’ve tried the dieting, it does not work once you stop the “dieting” You regain whatever weight you lost. Also I have a very bad back and bad hips I will also find a way to be more active and not using those excuses not to move more.

Start each day with God
Be intentional
Exercise daily
Reach out to others
No eating after 7 pm
Be grateful

Read Gods word daily
Work on me and get really healthy
No bread...1 cup coffee daily
Drink green teas
Declutter and get organized

Eat better
Lose weight
Reduce alcohol consumption
Be more active
Stress less

My main goal for 2019 is to do more for better health. Being diabetic that means to eat healthier, record what I eat, and exercise more to get my weight down

- Turning 70 in June
- Cut back on sugar
- Silver Sneakers
- Lots of traveling
- Closer relationship with God

To increase my mindfulness in daily life — including my eating. I’ve already gone back to meditating, which I used to do regularly. It makes me calmer and more joyful.

Exercise 3 times a week.
Drink more water.
Purge my house of junk.
Be more patient

Spend more time on creative projects
Become fluent in Russian and Spanish
Drink less wine and eat more protein
Make my 62nd year the best ever

Eat healthy then excerise. Return to church. Continue with 2018's, use fewer plastic bags. Be happy!

1.Take more time to pray and study the bible daily

2.Eat healthy and lose weight
3.Find ways to increase iron levels
4. Read more
5. Be more positive

Like Sylvia, I'm adopting a one-word mantra to focus my efforts in the new year: Health. 2018 was great for me professionally but brought added pounds from too much time at my desk. Each day in 2019, I'll remind myself to focus on healthy activities and choices. And I hear you about feeling like a Christmas cookie! Best of luck with your ventures and adventures in 2019, Snack Girl!

Stop hating myself when I fail.

Exercising, getting off sugar and eating more fruits and vegetables and more clean food

1- Finish art restorations
2- Walk more
3- Stick up for myself and my beliefs
4- Visit neighbor lady more often
5- TV binge more!
6- Help hubby organize better
7- Find a new place to target shoot

8- Throw out stuff I haven't used in years

Lose weight.

Get hair style.( I have lost quite a bit of it & it doesn’t grow.)

Run 2 races.

I am not going to buy clothes or shoes all year...except 1 pair of tennis shoes before school starts in Aug. (I'm a pe teacher)

Do not look at Facebook/social media in morning before work- 1 time a day

Continue WW healthy lifestyle

Take better care of myself. Being mind, body and soul.

Work on controlling my anxiety by:
1. Prioritizing my own health first.
2. Cutting wine consumption in half.

3. Letting go of perfection in caring for others.

My resolutions are to read my Bible more, have a closer relationship with my Savior, and to love and respect myself when others don't!

I have lost hope. I eat a lot of food and don't care anymore. I am sad and don't sleep well due to body pain. I have educated myself regarding healthy eating for years. I know how to eat healthy. I have prayed to God many times to help me to no avail. I have a husband who has diabetes and I do take care of his needs. I don't know why I don't have the will power to take care of myself.

I've spent the day thinking about what I want to accomplish in the new year and am trying to think of "firsts" to do. It seems more positive than the never-changing list of things I want to do to improve my life that usually involve "no" or "stop".

For the first time, I will try self-compassion for my "sweet tooth".....

Eat less meat
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Make myself a priority
Meditate every day

1) Continue Daily devos, prayers, & time w/God

2) Encourage & more Quality Time w/husband

3) more intentional teaching time with son

4) At least 1 outdoor walk a week -this will be tough since I’m a huge homebody!

Drink more water
Do my stretching daily
Exercise at least 3 times a week

I love everyone's comments,

Stop drinking too much wine on weekends and figure out how to relax with out it!

Cut back on sweets

Enjoy every day even mondays

Try being present in the moment as it is suppose to make you happy?

Not hold on to anger

Stop trying so hard to do it all

I usually do not make resolutions, but I have decided to change that. I am going to make my relationship with my Savior priority, go back to eating low carb, and stop spending money.

Continue to eat healthy and walk as much as possible. And keep working on my relationship with mom and dad.

I can crochet, but I have never learned to read a pattern. This is the year that I learn to do that!

Not to live by my emotions but by my spirit.

Not to take offense.

Accept people as they are. Not what I want them to be.

Keep working on eating more and more healthy foods.

Spend an hour each day reading the bible
Get in my 12000 steps
Declutter and get organized

Declutter and try new foods and recipes :)

Continue half marathon each month
Deliberate movement daily
Maintain my weight at PGW

1. Eat clean
2. Get back to church regularly
3. Find a job with dogs

I thoroughly enjoy your blog and recipes.

I turned 68 years old on Christmas Eve and look back on the last few years of my life - diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and in April of this year was diagnosed with A-fib. Take 4 meds in the morning and 4 at night.

I would like for 2019 to be a better year and my goal is the same as many others:

- Exercise at least 2 times per week;

- Eat healthier;

- Take better care of myself overall for myself and my family.

Talk to God more, keep in touch with people I love, Be serious about Diabetes, exercise more, take time to read.

Not judge myself
Listen to my body
get back to Nia dance

Take more day trips( the Rocky Mountains are beautiful any time of the year

Deepen my faith in God

Start working out at the gym I just joined

Reach out to people

Reduce snacking at night

I will retire this year and...
start exercising regularly
cut back on snacks
drink more water

I am going to get to my goal weight. Thanks to WW and my efforts I am down 65 lbs. I have 25 to go until I reach the top of the charts goal weight. I also plan to adopt more Forks Over Knives approach to my food choices.

Fill half my plate with extra veggies & fruit everyday.

Meditate for 10 minutes and listen to my body and its needs.

Be more thoughtful & kind, smile more.

Write in my journal each day even if all I have to say is I made it through another day.

Do a new exercise each day starting with 15 minutes.

Love myself more.

Help my husband to acheive his goals with encouragement and praise.

Lose 10 lbs. during the course of 2019.
Attend Jazzercise 3-4 times per week.
Reduce stress in my job!

I want to reach and maintain WW (Weight Watchers) Lifetime.

I want to walk more.

I want to drink more water consistently.

I plan to:

1) Count God's blessings daily.

2) Love on my two grandchildren and there is yet another one on the way!

3) Enjoy my work as a college instructor as it is VERY rewarding.

4) Do more Zumba--yay!!

5) Work on more conscious healthy cooking for hubby and me.

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