The Truth About Couch to 5K
July 5, 2016 22 Comments
This is my dog, Milo, but it could have been me a year ago – resting on my couch.

I love my couch a wee bit too much and my dog? He is the king of sleeping on the couch. He alternates between sleeping and chasing after squirrels.
A year ago, I decided to do the famous C25K app on my iPhone (it also works on Android) and worked for about 3 months until I could run an entire 5 K – 3.1 miles.
I had never been a runner before because I had decided that I hated running. The decision to do the C25K app came about because I wanted to write about it as so many people (millions!) had used it.
Was I convinced it was going to work for me? Ahhh, no.
I can tell you that it hurt and I hated it when I started but I kept going because I wanted to see if I could do it. Also, it only took 30 minutes three times per week so I found I could fit it in.
Here I am with my best friend in October 2015 after I started training in July at the start of my first 5 K.

Yes, I am looking good!! Since then, I have ran three more and have had some ups and downs. Here are a few ups:
- I have more energy than I have had in years. I can walk for hours and my legs don’t hurt (like when you go on vacation and tour museums). I feel far more AWAKE.
- My legs are toned and I like the way I look in shorts. Yeah, baby.
- I hurt less in my back and shoulders. I believe the running is good for my whole body.
And a few downs:
- The first mile is absolutely terrible EVERY TIME I RUN. I spend the entire 12 minutes (I am very slow) wishing that it was over.
- After my second 5K, I ended up in getting a CT Scan because I had a migraine for 5 days. I jarred the muscles in my head and neck and it was horrible.
- I haven’t gotten progressively better. I have had to go back into C25K and build myself back up to 3.1 miles because life gets so busy.
During the winter, I ran on a treadmill at my local Planet Fitness – the most boring activity I can think of. The good news is that I found some of my friends there so at least that was fun.
The best thing is that I haven’t quit. I just pick it up after things get crazy and keep trying because I love the way it makes me feel AFTER I FINISH the workout.
Running is like a drug of energy, relaxation, and confidence. I play loud, loud music with women singing about power, love, and defiance so when I finish the run – I feel ready to take on the world.
Usually, I walk through the door and take on the socks on the floor but that doesn’t matter. I am ready for the socks.
I want to encourage you to keep trying to find the exercise that gives you a lift. I have spent a year now doing this and it has been a life changer for an entire year!
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